
Chapter 1 Chao Wendao

Mount Tai, the first of the Five Sacred Mountains in China, is known as the number one mountain in the world. It is majestic and majestic.

In the hot summer, the heat is unbearable, but it can't stop the tourists' desire to climb and play.

Among the tourists coming and going, a group of young people came to Mount Tai and began to climb the most famous mountain in China.

These young people are students of the Department of Literature of Shanghai Metropolitan University. They took advantage of the May Day holiday to come to Mount Tai for a group building tour, hoping to experience the charm of China's famous mountains.

They stopped and walked along the way, photographed the unique beauty of Mount Tai, and visited the places of interest, inscriptions on steles and ancient temples and Taoist temples left by literati and inkmen of all dynasties and generations along the way.

At dusk, they finally reached the top of Mount Tai – Yuhuangding.

At this time, the evening glow and sunset, one of the four wonders of Mount Tai, appeared.

There are clouds and mists churning between Mount Tai and the surrounding mountains. At the end of the sky, the sun sets and the golden light pierces through the clouds and fog, covering the world like a graceful tulle. The beauty is intoxicating.

"What a beauty!"

Looking at the extraordinary spectacle in front of her, a girl exclaimed in admiration, and immediately picked up the camera to record it.

Seeing this, the students from the Department of Literature at the side quickly asked the girls to help them take some photos.

Ka Ka Ka!

Suddenly, the girl who was filming noticed a figure whose behavior was completely different from that of the tourists next to her.

It was a boy about twenty years old, his appearance was extremely handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a crown jade, and his facial features were almost perfect.

A line of poetry flashed in the girl's mind.

"People on Moshang are like jade, a gentleman is unparalleled in the world!"

Although the boy is wearing modern casual clothes, his demeanor is calm and elegant, just like a handsome young man walking out of an ancient painting.

Especially under the golden brilliance of the setting sun, it looks like a man descended from heaven, so handsome and inhuman.

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Seeing this, the girl whose heart was pounding couldn't help but pick up the camera in her hand, wanting to take this scene into a photo.

The boy seemed to be aware of it, turned his head and glanced at the girl, nodded slightly, and then walked to other areas.

The girl's cheeks turned red all of a sudden, she didn't expect her snapping action to be discovered by him.

But in fact, the extremely handsome man didn't care at all, and walked alone on the top of the Jade Emperor.

I heard that it has been twenty years since I came to this parallel world called Zu Xing.

This world is the same as the previous earth, it is an ordinary world of science and technology, the level of science and technology is in the 21st century, and there is no trace of any extraordinary power.

As a time traveler, except for the fact that both parents died at birth, I heard that the experience of the past twenty years is not bad.

In the first fifteen years, Wen Dao won the title of a genius by virtue of his memory far beyond ordinary people and the knowledge of his previous life. At a young age, he directly entered the junior class of the highest school in Zhuxia Kingdom.

In the next five years, with the "golden finger" that had been silent for a long time in his mind, he regained a little power.

Wen Dao even made a lot of money quickly, and now his net worth has reached several "small goals".

As for why Wen Dao came to Mount Tai, there is naturally a reason.

"I hope my inference is not wrong, and it can be completely revived today."

Arriving at a certain place on the Jade Emperor Peak, Wen Dao stopped and stood on the spot with his eyes closed, as if he was realizing something.

"The land of Zen in China…"

Hearing that the 'golden finger' in his soul trembled, he quickly fell into a state of emptiness and enlightenment, and all the noise around him disappeared without a trace.

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He carefully felt the cultural heritage left by China on Mount Tai for five thousand years, as well as the historical traces of countless outstanding people.

For a moment, Wen Dao's consciousness seemed to have entered the long river of history.

He "saw" the first emperor and other ancient emperors consecrating Zen and offering sacrifices on the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai;

"I saw" countless literati wrote poems on Mount Tai, praising the magnificence of Mount Tai;

He also "saw" that Wanmin worshiped Mount Tai as the abode of gods.

Wisps of invisible and intangible breaths of Zhuxia civilization flew from all over Mount Tai, entered Wendao's body, and gathered into an emerald green seed in his soul.

Chaos Spiritual Root, World Tree Seed!

This is Wendao's golden finger!

It is a pity that this parallel world is a purely physical universe, a non-magic world, without any supernatural powers.

It is said that before the age of fifteen, the World Tree Seed, who was an "outsider" and "smuggler", was firmly suppressed by the physical rules of this world and could not move an inch.

So he couldn't feel the existence of a World Tree seed in his soul at all.

When Wen Dao was fifteen years old, the World Tree seed was completely fused with its soul, regardless of each other, and completely changed into the shape of Wen Dao.

So far, the World Tree Seed has obtained a "temporary residence permit" in this world through Wendao's relationship, so that the suppression of the physical rules of this world can be relaxed a little.

As a result, the seeds of the World Tree showed signs of germination, and a faint power was awakened, allowing Wen Dao to control it.

But the identity obtained by the World Tree seed can only allow it to do this.

If you want the World Tree seeds to germinate smoothly and liberate all your power, you need a better "identity certificate".

For example, the "permanent resident certificate" in this world allows the seeds of the world tree to be completely recognized by the rules of the universe.

And this is also the reason why Wen Dao came to Mount Tai.

After continuous deduction, Wen Dao tried countless methods, but failed to further release the power of the World Tree seed.

In the end, Wen Dao suddenly remembered that if World Tree wants to grow, there are two paths.

One is to constantly open up the world, let the world grow and upgrade, which is the way to create a world.

The more worlds the World Tree opens up and the higher the level, the more energy it can feed back;

One is to create life and cultivate civilization in the opened world, which is the way of civilization.

Similarly, the more prosperous and prosperous the civilization cultivated, the higher the civilization level, and the more energy the World Tree can get back.

But now the world tree seed has not even germinated, so naturally it is impossible to open up the world and cultivate civilization.

But Wen Dao found another way and came up with another way.

Although it is said that this world in this world is a world without demons, civilization still exists.

With the existence of civilization, it can naturally be used by Wen Dao.

As long as it is heard that the awakened power of the World Tree is used as a rocker to refine the wisdom crystallization of the civilization of the ancestral star Zhuxia Kingdom for five thousand years, and condense the seeds of Zhuxia civilization.

Then use it as a key to open a crack in the suppression and blockade of the rules of this world, so that the seeds of the world tree can take the opportunity to germinate and become seedlings of the world tree!

This is what Wen Dao deduced, the most likely way to make the seeds of the world tree germinate completely.

And as long as the seeds become seedlings, the road behind Wen Dao will naturally be smooth.

Whether it is creating the world or cultivating new civilizations, it has become easier.