
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

The Spirit of Salvation

Meanwhile in China. A man is riding a motorcycle on a freeway. In the darkness at night he sees the full moon. And underneath it he sees a boat in the far off distance. In the gloom it explodes in flame. A closer look of him is that he has a ball and chain. A flail. And on his back a shotgun. He presses the clutch even harder. And vrooms off.

Meanwhile in the Plane of Dreams, there is a being that is giving a sermon to animals that aren't animals we can identify. It's as if some madman drew them up out of his mind. It seems the Ancients have a part to play with Nature itself.

Meanwhile far away in Arrown. The Moth clan and Dog clan are seen chanting and praying. To a tree. As well as dogs and moths in cages. The moth clan,beetle clan,bear and dog clan have joined forces after being ousted by the demon and dinosaur tribes. The Bear clan is nearly exterminated. Only 10 remain out of 500. The exiles settled in Arrown. Here they worship nature as the heads received a vision. That they will find salvation in Arrown. A god will appear. And as they chant. A flash of bright light emanates from the tree. Through the light they could see a dog and bear come into view. Then they scamper off but not before giving a growl that can only be described as a friendly one. They back away and a third figure appears. A wolf. The moth and beetle tribes see a ladybug bursting out of a cocoon. It appears that they must band together. To save themselves from annhilation.