
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

The Devils Riddle

Somewhere in Japan, a car was navigating through the streets of Tokyo. Weaving past cars and pedestrians. It was night and it was pouring with rain. The gutters were clean and the air was still fresh. This limo had a personal chauffeur but it had only one passenger. A man in a red dinner jacket and spats. He had sunglasses on even though it's night. He fiddles away with a game on his phone. A rhythm game. Strangely the music is... mystifying and strangely alluring. Around him outside the car however. The only sound that can be heard besides the music,outside, is fire and screams. In the seat next to him there's a carrying case with a fiddle. And a plain white envelope with satin filigree. With a white heart sealing it on the back. A love letter. A love letter to the Devil and from his son. A son mystified by the melody of the Devil.

Meanwhile in Abel, a being of covert justice shows up to a house in the Abel desert. A being that exorcises the demons of vice. And also a being that's cynical. He knocks and a being on the other side answers the door. He bades him enter. And the agent does.

" I want the treasure, people are dying because of you freaks and terrorists."

"It can't be taken or stolen, only given up. You need to be sleeping to see it"

"Where is it!"

"I'm not here right now"

The lawman rushes through each room looking wildly.

He turns around and heads back in the living room. Standing there in the center is a creature. A creature with the fiendish head of an elephant, the body of a demonic ogre and the tusks of a razor sword. It glares at him.

"You can't see it when your awake you can only have it if you dream of it"

With that it attacks the lawman.