
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs


Arrown the home of Eternal Halloween the rule of 13 Animals associated with Darkness. Bat, Spider,Wolf,Cat,Frog,Scorpion,Horse, Raven,Moth, Vulture, Owl, Snake,Jackal. These 13 beings are the kingpins of The underworld known as Arrown, the home world of all things that live and crawl in darkness and are of darkness. Here werewolves and vampires roam free. And battle for dominance. The Wolf is leader of the Lycanthrope Collective while the Bat is leader of the Vampiric Combine. The werewolves rule the daytime while the vampires are usually undisputed at night. Cities are mostly built underground for this reason. Underground tunnels and even homes and subterranean malls are common as the sunlight heat kills vampires. The sun itself is not the reason why a vampire distinegrates it's the heat. Therefore a vampire could theoretically walk in daytime. Provided there is shade and or cloudiness in the sky. But for the most part they keep to their underground fortresses. The werewolves in turn keep to their human forms. Rarely do they pick fights deep below ground, but when they do they use garlic infused bullets as that is one of the main weaknesses of a vampire, garlic.

The Vampires have a magic consisting of dealing with the flesh and blood as well as mind. The flesh is either reanimated or destroyed. The blood has the ability to make more vampires or half-breeds. It can even destroy cells of a blood causing death in a person. Or even healing. The mind is controlled. And can even cause death by commanding it. Other vampires may have other powers such as ice magic or fire. A few have relations with people who revere nature but don't revere it themselves. The zodiac of darkness as they are called have had an uneasy peace. Most intended violence is perpetrated by the Bat who is envious of other lands occupied by his hated rival the Wolf. The other members of the zodiac tend to want to stay out of it keeping to their own lands. The Bat owns the plains and mountainous regions while the Wolf owns the Forests. Cat controls the roads and streets. Frog owns the swamps. Horse has control over a small amount of grasslands not controlled by the Bat, as well as a bit of the river- ways and ocean inlets. Scorpion, Snake and Jackal are in the deserts. Raven, Vulture and Owl live together by a combination of grasslands forests and mountains. And the Moth lives in the ocean where he pirates.

It is where dark magic born of hell is practiced. It is separate from magic of Falstaff as magic from Falstaff comes from either the spirit realm or the realm of dreams. Magic from Arrown comes from the realm of the heavens, albeit in the hellish parts. Occasionally though there are a few virtuous rebels who manage to make contact with the Heavens and not the Hells. But those are rare and far and in between. Magic in Kain comes from the elements that make up the universe. They don't necessarily draw from the realms so much as draw from the fabrics of reality itself. The realms themselves aren't necessarily part of reality as it can be shaped by the most powerful of people. Much like the instrument magic of Hiligree and weapon magic of Kain. Both magic is in demand among the normal people of Arrown for the Zodiac is widely feared and therefore hated. Reports of adventurers coming to these Gothic Victorian lands have widely been sought. Mostly they are sought for goods and supplies if the travelers are merchants or power if they are artisans of war or spell craft. Leaving isn't an option ,for Bat controls all the ways out both physically and magically. People are therefore shackled to their squalid homes in thorps and villages. Bat and his vampires have been seeking mercenaries from their neighbor Abel. Abel who are known for producing the best monster hunters. A counter to Wolf's samurai from Hikaru whom the Wolf considers to be cousins from across the world.

Meanwhile Cat,Horse and Toad have set up a clandestine meeting at Toad's misbegotten temple fortress. Cat has been offering Horse more land in a trust against Bat which Horse is reluctant to do so for obvious reasons. Toad has been offered the same deal and is much the same way as Horse. Toad and Horse are seen as Bat's main buffer state between Wolf and the Bat himself. Without the resources it gives Bat would destroy those two states. However because their so lucrative he lets both Horse and Toad live. In exchange for the lion's share. Both minor lords resent this but know they can't do anything lest they be assassinated in the night by vampires. Cat though rich ,due to her control of all roads is still under the mercy of most other Zodiac rulers. At any moment a assassin could come to kill her. Many are concerned for her appetite for power as of late. And it won't be long till night comes and Bat grows suspicious of his surroundings and does his nightly hunts. It is on these nights where anyone out and about are never heard from again. Cat needs an answer.

Cat:"We cannot sit here all night, Bat is coming and I need an answer now"

Horse:"What about if we fail in this plot,what then"

Toad:" I suggest we sit and wait for Wolf to come before we reveal ourselves"

Cat:"We don't have time for that I must leave then at first light, I will get our help from abroad. For years I have been developing contacts outside Arrown. I will support Wolf in his quest to kill Bat."

And from out of the shadows evil laughter can be heard. It is Bat. Who has come to kill Cat for betraying him.

Bat is monster clad in iron head to toe. With a cape made in appearance of a giant bat's wings covered in black feathers. He has a goatee and blood red eyes. He is tall and a image of a bat is engraved on his chest plate its almost as if it's trying to escape the armor itself. But it doesn't move.

Bat: "I have come to visit my "loyal" friend Toad and instead I find a vixen?"

Bat:"How troubling."

Toad: "I swear to you I have no reasoning as to why she is here"

Horse:"Um uhh"

With that Bat pulls out a wicked sword a curved bat wing more scythe than sword and decapitates Horse. So powerful was the swing that his head flies in a shower of blood as it tumbled to the ground beneath Toad's feet.. He looks to Cat in a menacing psychotic glare and with a beastial snarl slices Cat in two. Or at least it was going to be Cat as it turns out Cat replaces himself with a paper doll. Bat howls in rage. And in his rage kills Toad as well with a mouth full of sharp vampiric canines. He roars and with a swish and flourish of his cape becomes a swarm of bats who spread to look for their quarry.

Far away from the carnage, Cat looks upon the scene. He turns and slinks away. He must leave Arrown tonight. Bat is a monster he must be stopped and the evil he had bargained with turning Arrown into a nightmarish place. It must all end if their is to be a remote chance of peace. His slink turns into a run as yowls of bloodlust permeate the night. Cat will mourn his companions later for now he must run and recuperate.

No matter how far Lichenstein ran, people always wanted to confront him for some crime he doesn't recall or remember. He thought if he learned spell casting his troubles would be over. It only got worse. He was now labeled a witch as well as a criminal for some misdemeanor he can't remember. All people every knew was that he was wanted and that's all that mattered. Even his children that he gave birth to from dalliances with women from all corners of the multiverse, didn't trust him. Except for two who he remembered most fondly. Lichenstein would visit them as often as he could when not being chased by people who wanted to lynch him. He would come via magic to their side and play with them. It wasn't until recently he knew that he would be found with them putting them in danger. So for their sake he stopped coming. The only bounty hunter able to put down Lichenstein knew about his sons and used them to convince him to let down his guard. In which the hunter killed Lichenstein. With a gun. However Lichenstein in anger rose again as the Lich. And as he rose he left many a destruction in his wake. Before regaining his composure and fled in grief and guilt the remains of his son and wife to much for him to bear. He fled all the way to Hikaru where he awaits to plan his revenge against the whole world.

The robotic gynoid walked her way to the front door of the mansion. The yard was dusty and unkempt, where their was once flowers now is choked with weeds. And even then they are still dead. The fountain however is still spouting water, however it's coming from out of the mouth of a stone demonic griffin, it's fiendish visage seemingly watching in silent vigil. The robot goes to the door and rings the door bell. The tune it plays is very melodic and heartwarming which seems to offset the grim mood and atmosphere of this place. The gynoid pauses straining to hear and understand the music. It sounded familiar. But where? And with that the door creaks open. But no one is their to open it. The gynoid enters what appears to be a hallway,everything is covered in dust and white sheets. Spiderwebs cover the area. Ominous organ music can be heard in one of the rooms far across the hallway from down under. She goes toward it. The music is playing what appears to be a basement. And she finally opens the basement door. She sees it, it's a white haired girl playing for an audience of skeletons and ghosts. They dance a macabre dance, partying like savages. And finally as the gynoid enters the room the place goes dark as if someone turned off the lights. And they lights reappear and everyone is gone. However the landscape has changed. She's in a place of light. The realm of Law. But she does not know that. She does however know it's a place of order. Because standing before her is a marvelous goddess of mechanical engineering. She sits on a throne of gears. Her face painted and sigiled like that of an angel. She carries a scepter with the likeness of a wizard staff with a hook at the end and a jewel at the top. The throne room the gynoid notices is actually a flying floating disc. Powered by the Realm of Law. Clouds could be seen in the distance.

"I have been waiting for you child welcome"

"Who am I"

"You are my child sent to fight your brother the Underlord"

"How do I fight my brother"

"Only you know how and you will know"

"How could I fight him I'm only myself"

"That's why I have granted you an army that rivals even his"

And with that she points with her staff toward the clouds in the distance who give way to show an group of large flouting platforms which standing on them are an army of metallic beings. They all have an angelic visage molded on their face. Each one unique. Some even have metallic wings. Despite being made of metal they flew to greet her.

"Welcome to Realm of Law, our queen we have been waiting for you"