
Thousand-Eyed Worm

Leprosy, smallpox, black plague, cholera and legionella pneumonia. The pentagonal lobby was an altar. The stench that rose from the pus asphyxiated Gu Jun's team. 

"That body that died from black plague, doesn't it remind you of the little girl that we saw earlier…" Lou Xiaoning pointed out. Her fingers covered her mouth. 

"Looks like it…" The Zoog rambled in panic. "I can sense a familiar smell from it." Gu Jun studied their environments. Endless eyes appeared to be staring at them through the five walls and the raised ceiling. The gaze was unfeeling. He then turned to the five children's bodies. Was it really the body of that little girl? How long had Afterlife Cult been in existence that it was already active during the black plague?