
Unicorns try to eat us

A/N: If you reach 400 powerstones in 24 hours I'll upload another chapter. Also, if you want to support me and read up to 10 chapters in advance and secondary novels go to my patreon.

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{Long Island, 12th of June 2006}

Percy POV

So there we were, standing outside a crashed bus on some random bridge, facing off against thirty monoceros. And let me tell you, these weren't your friendly neighborhood unicorns. These guys were the size of vans, with bodies like horses, elephant feet, boar tails, and deer heads sporting a single massive black horn. Talk about identity crisis.

"Uh, nice horsies?" I said, because apparently facing certain death turns me into a four-year-old.

The lead monoceros snorted, pawing at the ground with its elephant foot. Its eyes gleamed with an intelligence that made me seriously uncomfortable.

"We are not horses, son of Poseidon," a voice echoed in my head. Great. Telepathic murderous unicorns. Just what my day needed.

"Look," I tried again, "maybe we can talk about this? I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement that doesn't involve you guys trampling us into demigod pancakes."

"Not even a son of Poseidon would stop us from having a meal," the voice replied. "It has been decades since we last feasted on hero flesh."

Okay, so negotiation was off the table. I uncapped Riptide, my trusty ballpoint pen that transforms into a celestial bronze sword. "Guys," I called to my friends, "I don't think these unicorns are the 'friendship is magic' type."

That's when all Hades broke loose.

The monoceros charged as one, their horns glowing with an eerie light. Beams of energy shot from their horns, scorching the pavement where we stood moments before. We scattered, diving for cover behind the wreckage of the bus.

"Kelp Head!" Thalia yelled at me, her electric blue eyes flashing with annoyance. "Get your head in the fight!"

Easy for her to say. She was already in full battle mode, her shield Aegis expanded, the bronze head of Medusa so terrifying that even some of the monoceros hesitated. Lightning crackled around her spear as she jabbed at any monster that got too close.

Annabeth materialized next to Thalia, her Yankees cap clutched in one hand, her celestial bronze dagger in the other. They moved together like they'd been fighting side by side for years, which, I guess, they had.

"Percy!" Annabeth shouted. "Just like we trained come on, we were born for this!"

Right, I was a demigod this was basically my job, so with a final sigh I steeled myself.

I rolled out from behind the bus, narrowly avoiding a hoof the size of a trash can lid. Riptide hummed in my hand as I slashed at the nearest monoceros. The celestial bronze blade struck the horn of the man eating unicorns.

I slashed once more but the horse just counterattacked again with it's own horn, seriously did they have classes on how to swordfight with their horns how was this one so good. I continued hacking away, trying to impale the horse, but it wasn't really effective then I saw an opening it's horn began to brighten and for a single moment it allowed to get close thrusting Riptide into it's torso and turning into yellow dust, I huffed some sweat drifting from my brow.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Grover still hiding behind the bus checking on the passengers, and Lailaps and Swiper were holding their own, believe it or not. The giant dog had clamped his jaws around one monoceros's neck, while Swiper now the same size of the bus thrashing around the monoceros that got too close to him. For a moment, I felt a twinge of envy. Even the animals were doing better than me.

"Percy!" Thalia's voice snapped me back to attention. "A little help here!"

She was surrounded by three monoceros, their horns glowing ominously. Without thinking, I reached out with my mind, feeling for any source of water. The river below us responded, a massive column of water rising up and crashing onto the bridge. The monoceros stumbled, momentarily blinded.

Thalia seized the opportunity, her spear arcing through the air and connecting with one of the monoceros' gut. A squelching sound ringing out before it turned into a puff of yellow smoke.

The monoceros let out a psychic wail of pain that made my head feel like it was splitting open. But now we knew they could be hurt.

Annabeth appeared out of nowhere (seriously, that invisibility cap was getting annoying), leaping onto the back of a monoceros. She stabbed at the base of its horn with her dagger.

I charged forward, ducking under a beam of energy that singed my hair. Note to self: avoid getting hit by those. I slashed at another monoceros, this time aiming for its neck. Riptide connected with a resounding clang, and I felt it cleaving straight through.

The battle raged on, a chaos of flying hooves, flashing horns, and the occasional bolt of lightning (thanks, Thalia). Lailaps and Swiper were a blur of fur and fangs, keeping most of the monoceros from grouping up an ramming us, like a wrecking ball.

Slowly but surely, we were making progress. One by one, each monoceros dissolving into a pile of yellow dust. But there were still too many, and we were getting tired.

In a slip up, I saw a light directed at me, then I felt a scorch on my chest and then the pain came. I was thrown from the edge of the bridge into the river below.

I felt as I was submerged, my hair drenching slightly, water crawling over me, healing me, empowering me. I didn't know how much time had passed, when the pain vanished but a second later I willed the water to solidify and rise bringing me up to the bridge, riptide in hand.

"Where are they? I'm gonna make horse barbecue."

Thalia, Annabeth, Grover, Swiper and Lailaps just stood there looking at me, then I noticed it there were no unicorns left but Annabeth's blonde hair was weirdly more yellow than usual, along with other yellow dust sprawled around.

"A little late for that, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said shaking her head at me.

I felt my face burn up which should have been impossible as I had been in the cold water not even 10 seconds ago, but it still did anyway, I twirled my blade in my hand a little embarrassed.

"See Grover I told you he'd be fine."

Thalia's voice, then a rushing satyr embraced me his little horns slightly pinching my cheek. Then it dawned on me, if they had had the time to deal with the horses did that mean that no one came up to check if I was okay.

"Oh don't look at us, Annabeth said you would be fine, and she's almost never wrong," Thalia said a dumb grin on her face, I turned to look at Annabeth who was scratching her cheek while still being embraced by Grover.

"Well, you fell into the river and since water heals you, you were most likely going to be fine and we didn't have a lot of time to waste considering we were being attacked."

"So you just left me there!"

Ok it was official this were definitely the worst people to go on a trip with.

Let’s get to 400 stones, you can do this guys

Joanjudocreators' thoughts