
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Big news

"Rock and Roll Diva Italian Secret Meeting Football Rising Star"

"Brazilian genius empathizes with Canadian female star"

The tabloids in Italy couldn't make up any creative headlines, but the news under the headlines was exciting enough, coupled with some photos that were obviously taken secretly, aroused everyone's curiosity.

Who is Avril Lavigne, maybe the elderly Italians don't know, but those young people are definitely familiar with it. Avril Lavigne has not been debuted for a long time, but her popularity is definitely top-notch.

As for Digan, it goes without saying, is there anyone more popular than him in Serie A football now? Absolutely not. In half a season, Degan kicked out almost all the Italian teams and was suspended for three games. Besides, Sampdoria and Udinese were finally spared.

Digan is not only brilliant on the court, but the most enviable thing is that he is still proud of himself in love. Apart from football and art that no one can understand, Italians' biggest hobby is lace news, let alone Digan. For such a famous person as Gan, the Argentine supermodel Beren took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, and I don't know how many Italian men screamed with jealousy.

Being with Belen already brought countless hatreds to Degan. How many Italian men can't wait to eat their flesh and sleep their skins, and now it's even more excessive.


Digan moved on and fell in love with the Canadian rock queen, which is even more sinful.

Avril Lavigne belongs to everyone, not just you Brazilian elephant.

asshole! Put down your whip!

For a while, the Italian media reported on this matter like they were about to explode, especially the media under Berlusconi, which was running around the clock. When the TV was turned on, there were the faces of Digan and Avril Lavigne.

It's still in the winter break, I didn't watch football at first, and the Italians are so bored, such a good material is just the best thing to talk about after dinner or at the wine table, if you don't take it out and stir it up, Isn't it sorry for the curiosity of the Italians.

Digan didn't expect that this incident would turn out to be such a big deal. He immediately thought of the man who was beaten up by him. He must have stabbed this incident. The most convincing photos in the newspaper , is the scene of him giving Avril artificial respiration at the seaside, and the scene of Avril Lavigne, the female pervert, counterattacking afterwards, but it seems that the two of them are indeed ambiguous and ruthless. No matter from which angle you look at them, they are like young couples flirting at the beach.

"Damn it!"

It wasn't Degan who cursed, but Avril Lavigne. After filming the commercial, she didn't return to the United States immediately to prepare her new album. Despite Karina's repeated urging, Avril Lavigne gave the old French woman a middle finger. , made her angry and went back first.

"I said that bastard should have been thrown into the sea at that time, a scum like him should die!"

When Digan listened, the muscles on his face twitched suddenly, and he thought: Big sister! Do you dare to be more violent?

Avril not only stayed in Italy by herself, but also "detained" Degan in Sicily, and she was not allowed to leave. The two of them are still unable to show their faces openly, so they simply stayed in the hotel and lived a honeymoon life in advance.

It's just strange that the two of them are still not sure whether they want to date or not, they are just mixed up like this, Digan doesn't mention it, and Avril Lavigne doesn't mention it either, they seem to enjoy the current feeling.

They enjoyed it, but the people outside were in a hurry, especially the two major sufferers in this incident. With their fame, they caused a scandal. Of course, it is impossible to spread it in a small Italy. That was too inappropriate for the worth of the two of them, and soon almost the whole world knew about the incident.

Avril Lavigne's current boyfriend, Canadian rock star Derek, heard that his girlfriend went to Italy to shoot an advertisement, but was stolen by others, so of course he quit.

"Avril better give me an explanation. I really can't believe that this kind of thing will happen to me. We were planning a week ago, where to go on vacation. How could she treat me like this? If she wants If you break up with me, you'd better say it, I don't like being kept in the dark, it makes me feel like I'm being played by someone!"

The reporter who interviewed Derek listened patiently, and couldn't help cursing in his heart. With your hard work, you are really embarrassing to Canadian men. If you were a man, you should go to Digan with a kitchen knife right now. , took Avril back, and dared to brazenly yell at the camera. With your virtue, you are only worthy of a consolation prize. Bring a bucket of red paint home, brush your head well, and block that shiny green color, Don't come out to be ugly, thank God.

Derek's mournful voice couldn't reach Avril's ears at all. She felt that she had completely fallen into Degan's charm now. She knew that Degan was not the kind of pleasing gentleman, but Degan had something in him. The masculine charm that ordinary men can't match, it is this kind of charm that makes Avril Lavigne fall into it.

Unlike Derek, Belem was originally on vacation in the Maldives, and many men approached him during the period. Of course, well-known stars were also indispensable among them, such as the Portuguese Jin Maoluo who always thinks about life with three points below the navel.

Of course, Beren was also very tempted, but her reason told her that her best boyfriend should be Digan, not anyone else. When Beren and Digan were together at first, they really wanted to borrow Digan's name. She succeeded in taking the position, but after being together for a long time, she gradually fell in love with Digan.

But at this time, a group of reporters found her. Originally, Belen was quite happy. After all, her popularity has attracted reporters to follow her to the Maldives, which is indeed a great thing.

But after hearing the whole story, Belen immediately became unhappy, and Digan went to find another woman behind her back.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be more normal in Italian football. For so many years, who hasn't spread the lace news, only a few people like Robert Baggio and Demi Albertini, and the rest are not Stealing cat.

At first, Beren didn't feel that the end of the world was coming. Although she was angry, it was still within the acceptable range. She had enough confidence to let Digan return to her side, but when she heard the news of the scandal with Digan After that woman's name, there was no way to remain calm.

"That bitch!"

Belen threw away these words, threw off the reporter's stalking, and left in a hurry. She was going to call Digan and ask about this matter. If it was really Avril, she had no confidence that she could win. Canadian rock queen.

When Belen called, Degan had just gone through a big battle with Avril, and saw the phone rang. These days, many people called, including her mother Simone.

It's Beren!

Digan frowned, and Avril saw it, and beautifully blew a smoke ring, and said with a smile: "Go ahead! I don't mind!"

Degan snatched Avril's cigarette with some annoyance, extinguished it vigorously, and said, "I said, don't smoke in front of me!"

Avril shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and turned her face to the other side. In her eyes, Degan is simply a freak. The big man doesn't smoke, and even rarely drinks alcohol. If it was true, she would have thought Digan was a transsexual.

As soon as the phone was connected, Belen's angry voice came: "Damn Rhodes! I need an explanation, an explanation!"

Digan frowned and said, "Explain! What explanation do you want!"

Belen was taken aback by Degan's question, and almost forgot what was going on today: "You don't want to go on vacation with me, but fuck that Canadian whore, don't forget that I am your girlfriend!"

Before Digan could speak, Avril next to her snatched the phone. Just now, Beren's voice was loud. Although she couldn't understand Italian, Digan had already given her the word "bitch" before. The explanation was so detailed that she still didn't know what it meant.

What happened next left Degan stunned, and Avril yelled at Beren on the other side of the phone in English: "Get out of here, you Argentine bull, you are a bitch, a complete bitch Bitch, a bitch who only sticks to men!"

Digan couldn't help but blush when he heard it. Is this still the little rock queen? It is said that she quarreled with the peddler in the street market for three and five cents, and the aunt who scolded the street was believed.

So tough!

elder sister! What a man you are!

Belen was stunned by the scolding, and soon she realized that Digan was really with Avril, and her big chest was filled with huge anger: "Rod! You bastard, and you, damn it Canadian whore, don't you just steal other people's men?"

This time Beren directly used English, she is very talented, much better than Avril.

Avril Lavigne is not to be outdone, she just scolds whatever is unpleasant, and sprays out all the scolding words that have been accumulated in her heart since she became famous, what a pleasure!

Belen now knows everything. Taking advantage of her anger to leave, Digan actually hooked up with another woman. Although she longed to use a man to gain power, she couldn't tolerate everything.

"Rod! We're screwed, get on with your Canadian chick! Listen, I dumped you!"


When Degan heard this word, he frowned slightly. He still had feelings for Beren, but when he heard that Beren had finished speaking, he didn't feel sorry.

After hanging up the phone, Digan got up and got dressed, and looked back at Avril Lavigne: "I'm going back to Bergamo, how about it? Do you want to go with me?"