
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 110 Stamford Bridge

Chapter 110 Stamford Bridge

Stamford Bridge!

It was the first time in the history of Fiorentina to patronize this stadium. From the Bates era to the Abramovich era, Stamford Bridge also witnessed the Chelsea team's journey from struggling to brilliant.

In the Betts era, it was a blessing for Chelsea to get a place in a European competition, but in the Abramovich era, the league champions could no longer satisfy the appetite of Chelsea fans.

Abramovich also went from being ecstatic when he won the league championship trophy for the first time to being dissatisfied now. Why did Mourinho leave? It hurt the Russian oligarchs, but what Abramovich couldn't tolerate was that the club had an empty lineup, but it was still unable to make a breakthrough in European competitions.

Abramovich has had enough of the team's small troubles in England. He hopes that his team can go out and dominate the European arena, so Mourinho, who has never been able to do this, can only Can leave class sadly.

After driving away Mourinho, Abramovich invited Mr. Grant, a football theory expert he admired very much. Chelsea did indeed improve under the leadership of this Jewish old man.

So, when Abramovich learned that Degan actually made a sarcastic statement, no! When Zhuge Liang, who was supposed to be yelling at him, the Russian was not calm: "He is not qualified to comment on our head coach, because he doesn't understand anything, and before insulting others, he'd better do his job well first!"

According to past experience, Digan will pretend to be deaf and dumb after scolding someone, no matter how angry the other party is, he will ignore him. This is the highest level of annoying people. , and then ignore your existence, let your squeezed fist swing on the cotton, as cool as you want.

But this time, Degan really planned to fight Chelsea. As soon as Abramovich finished his pretentious fart, Degan immediately responded: "I don't think it's Abramovich who doesn't understand anything. Mr. Ramovich, look at the stupid things he did, I think there is no one in the world who is more suitable to be the head coach of Chelsea than Jose Mourinho, who brought Chelsea from a nouveau riche to where it is now , huh?, but look at the treatment that coach Jose Mourinho is getting now, he has been ruthlessly betrayed, that's what it is, Mr Abramovich drove away the most important people in Chelsea, and then brought in a theorist , I don't see any difference between Chelsea now and before, of course, from the opponent's point of view, we should all thank Mr Abramovich, he drove away the biggest enemy of Florence."?? Stadium Maniac 110

Degan's remarks sound like a die-hard bird protectionist to others, and the reporters can't help but wonder, since Degan admires Uncle Bird so much, why did he refuse when Chelsea asked for him several times before? He even said that he never wanted to go to Chelsea for the rest of his life.

Of course Digan was not that kind, and he didn't appreciate Mourinho much. Even in his opinion, Prandelli was much more reliable than Mourinho.

The reason why Digan stood up and said these words is purely because of idleness and discomfort. By the way, it makes Chelsea disgusted. Deagan wouldn't be touched either.

Game day!

The air froze. Before the game, Digan sparred with all the heroes, making the atmosphere of the two teams, which were originally at odds, a lot more tense.

When they walked into the stadium, tens of thousands of Chelsea fans booed the occasion, and all of them were given to Degan, but Degan's neck seemed to be poured with cement, and he stood stubbornly, with a The look of enjoying it made the handsome blond guy Frey who followed behind him pucker for a while.

"He must have been frightened stupid!" Malouda from Chelsea whispered.

Frey looked at his fellow Frenchman and shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Man! Rhodes has always been like this. Do you know a saying in our team? Let Digan go to hell! Anyway, to him, heaven and hell are the same !"

"Sebastian! Be quiet!" Degan looked at all directions and listened to all directions. Frey muttered in a low voice. Please hear him clearly. "Before the game starts, don't talk to the enemy. Our tactics But it's a secret!"

When Frey heard this, his nose was crooked in anger, and he almost spit out a fart. The secret of bullshit, even a fool now knows what Florence's tactics are, or he will punch his opponent with a "random" punch. If you admit it, it's either a large formation of tortoise shells, grinding the opponent to death, and there is still a shitty secret to speak of.

"Okay! You are the boss, listen to you!" Frey slandered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. Everyone in the Fiorentina team knew that Degan was a little narrow-minded, to be precise, a little childish. He won't really do anything, but those pranks are enough. After speaking, Frey gestured to Malouda helplessly.

look! Our boss is such an unreliable person.

The two teams entered the arena, bared their teeth and grinned and took pictures, and then Digan, Terry and the three referees held a meeting.

You are a human, I am a word!

very good! It's a word! ?? Stadium Maniac 110

The ball went to Fiorentina.

As the host, Terry stretched out his hand, and the iron man had a gentlemanly smile on his face: "Welcome to Stamford Bridge, but please be careful, unfriendly people are not welcome here!"

Digan lowered his head and frowned, glanced at Terry's outstretched hand, with a mocking smile on his face: "I think it's your teammates who should be careful, especially those teammates with beautiful girlfriends!"

After Degan finished speaking, he ignored Terry at all, turned around and left.

Terry stretched out his hand in mid-air, with an embarrassed expression on his face. There is no doubt that this scene will definitely be on the front pages of major European media tomorrow. What happened between the two people will definitely be pursued by people. Obsession is the common hobby of all human beings.

"Mr. Wright! You haven't shaken hands with the opposing captain yet!" The referee stopped Digan!

Digan turned his head in surprise: "Is there an explicit regulation for this?"

The referee was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "No! But this is the most basic etiquette!"

Digan smiled when he heard the words: "Then just treat me as an impolite person!"

This scene was seen by the Chelsea fans at the scene, and there was a burst of violent boos. Terry is their captain and their hero, and he was belittled by that bastard Digan. It is tolerable. intolerable.

Of course, what they don't know is that Terry is still a super idiot who will embarrass them in the future.

Terry stood there in a daze, and was about to explode with anger at the moment, but when he thought of what Digan said just now, Terry couldn't help but look back and was filled with righteous indignation, and regarded him as a good brother Bridge, clenched his fists, turned and left.

Digan also noticed Bridge, the poor cuckold still doesn't know anything, and the pillow he loves so much has been borrowed by the eldest Gottley long ago.

In fact, refusing to shake hands was Bridge's signature move in his previous life. In his previous life, Digan watched the live broadcast of that game. He even thought that Bridge was too sissy, and Terry was so lucky, because Bridge was wearing a cuckold. Strange, he didn't give the former captain Terry a big ear, and he didn't chase black feet all over the field, and refused to shake hands, which is already the limit of what he can do.

That's right, Bridge is the unlucky guy who will be honest and handy in the future. Even if he announced his withdrawal from the England national team, it was not out of revenge against Terry. The British media expressed sympathy that it was an embarrassing scene that he felt he could not handle.

In his previous life, Degan had always despised Terry because of this incident. Compared with Bridge's uselessness, what is even more incomprehensible is why Terry looks so righteous and straight.

** After the exposure, Terry did not apologize to the victim. Even the captain of the national team did not resign on his own initiative, but was unwilling to be dismissed by the head coach Capello. At that time, Degan suspected , is it not only the moon that is particularly round in foreign countries, but also the thick skin?

The reason why Terry is "strong" probably has something to do with the difference in values ​​between China and foreign countries. Western countries believe in religion and emphasize the word "crime". Since it is not illegal to have sex with other people's girlfriends, it is estimated that God will not bother to take care of everything, so naturally it feels much more at ease.

China, on the other hand, believes in morality, and especially values ​​the word shame. When people get caught in similar things, the first reaction is mostly "it's over, it's over, I'll have no face to see people in the future". Even if he wasn't expelled from Guozihao immediately, he had to hide himself to avoid the limelight. In this regard, Mr. Chen Guanxi and the model Beast are all qualified to speak out.

Before the Friends of the Wives, Terry was still a hero in the minds of the British. After the incident was exposed, he immediately became synonymous with an idiot.

Terry, as England captain, is more embarrassing than his predecessor Beckham, after all, he never steals his friends' wives. When Terry stretched out his hand, the hand that had grabbed any piece of flesh on Bridge's girlfriend, the Manchester City defender's eyes drifted blankly. Only dirty hands.

Know what men in England hate most?

Your friend lays on your ass, watching the dvd of England's 1966 championship, and then "touching" your girlfriend's body, talking about your kung fu.

Well done Terry, did it all, and Deagan wondered why Bridge didn't kill him.

Watching that game in his previous life, when the camera lens followed Bridge towards Terry, he could clearly see the trace of fear in Terry's eyes. He might be thinking in his heart whether Bridge would go crazy and punch him. But Bridge's turning a blind eye made Terry even more embarrassed.

After the friendship broke out, Terry's reputation was not even as good as the famous villain Bellamy. The Welshman was not famous for scoring goals, but for beating women everywhere, and thus felt that he had a kind.

Therefore, when Terry did this kind of thing of stealing his friend's wife, people who knew him said that it was not surprising, and even Bellamy said: "Everyone who knows Terry knows what he is. goods"."

The question that Degan wondered the most was why Terry wanted to fuck his friend's girlfriend?

Is there such a shortage of free "**" women in this country?

Let Terry starve for food?

You can see what happened, Bridge got a new Ferrari, Terry got one; Bridge got a new t-shirt, Terry got one; Bridge found A beautiful girlfriend, Terry borrowed and used it for a while. Having a friend like Terry is really a miracle in life. That's why Degan has to worry about Chelsea players, because Terry is everywhere.

In fact, this fart is not a big deal, but about picking up girls and stealing sisters-in-law, they are not the same concept, nor do they belong to the same nature. As far as the adrenal glands of men are concerned, Tiger Woods's picking up girls is very bad. , but it must be recognized or even praised in the circle, because a tiger is a tiger, and the tiger's life is thriving, which is also a skill.

But Terry is different. Terry's "nature" is obviously shamed by others. The internal reason is that he played with his best friend's wife, and continued to appear at Stamford Bridge with a big face, pretending I don't seem to do anything, lest I won't be ridiculed by the world.

For this reason, people can forgive Woods, and even have a little secret admiration from the spiritual level. Of course, from the moral level, they are only severely condemned. It's just a nod to kill people, not only that, but Woods' attitude of admitting his mistakes must also come from the heart. At one time, it was rumored that the tiger would not hunt this year, and had the right to practice health and sex, mainly to treat his sex addiction.

Woods' problem is solved on this wall, and Terry on that wall is next. Presumably Terry's behavior can be regarded as a special case, and it is even more shameless in the circle.

As the saying goes, a rabbit will bite when it is anxious, but no matter how anxious or crazy a rabbit is, it will not eat grass by the side of the nest.

Regarding this point, I can only say that Terry is a special case. His character is not authentic. At that time, Degan didn't know how the gentlemen in England thought of Terry's Terry, even though he was once indispensable among the England internationals. The main force, but Digan personally thinks that Terry's actions completely violated the wrath of the sky. Drinking other people's champagne and playing with other people's wives in someone else's bed, this is not self-inflicted or anything.

Degan even suspected that Bridge's not shaking hands was just a signal, and even in Bridge's heart there was an urge to kill Terry. Being able to stand on the court and play football, this face is probably thicker than Abramovich's ruble, which is the so-called shamelessness.

Just after the starting station of Pirates, Terry's behavior is very similar to that of a dude. If he can't bear to retire forever, he should at least have a gesture, even if the world is gone, even if he doesn't say whether he is in Chelsea or not. If you are confused, you should stand up like a tiger, and even choose to live in a house like a tiger.

It is a pity that Terry missed at least three good opportunities to quell the incident. One was to resign as the captain of the England team, and the other was to think behind closed doors at Chelsea, and even chose to apologize and cry bitterly instead of continuing his legend on the court. And then spurned by people all over the world, whether male or female.

The reason why friend wives became a sensation in the world in the future, the biggest selling point was that Terry had sex with his teammate's girlfriend. These days, sports stars cheating is no longer news, but they "plug" their legs next to their friends' beds and let their teammates show their green hats in front of the whole world. Such an approach, I am afraid that the most open sports circle and the media cannot accept it.

After Digan released his spiritual magic move, he floated away gently, leaving only Terry in a trance. This guy looks very domineering, but he is actually a fake tough guy.

For a long time, whether in the Blues or England, Terry has always liked to play the role of a "tough guy". In terms of physical fitness and personal characteristics, after 2006, there are very few central defenders on the planet who have reached Terry's level.

His technique is not as good as Nesta, once the world's number one defender, but his strength and arrogance are worse than the former. He has thus become the core of Chelsea and England's defense.

But under the strong appearance, Terry has a fragile heart that cannot bear the weight. McLaren sent England out of the European Cup finals in a heavy rain. Terry stood on the field crying and farting, making the world I saw his true "disposition" and also saw his weakness.

Just because he knew that Terry had a glassy heart, and knew that Terry couldn't control the "messy" things in the three-pointer below the navel, Digan put Terry on it very unkindly before the start of the game. Spiritual shackles.

Of course, by the way, he also took revenge on Bridge, the poor man who still regarded Terry as a good brother and a good buddy without knowing it.

"John! What did that bastard say to you?" Drogba, who had a real temperament, frowned when he saw Terry's distraught look.

Terry was taken aback, and quickly shook his head: "No! Nothing! That guy is just very unfriendly!"

After finishing speaking, he greeted his teammates to go back and take a good position, but something embarrassing for Terry happened. Bridge probably felt that his friend was hurt, so he ran over to give Terry a hug.

This scene made Degan's face crooked, he is really a kind person!

Shaking his head, he saw Prandelli waving at him. Before the game started, Degan ran over quickly.

"During the game later, hit Terry more!" Prandelli is indeed a master of on-the-spot command. Although he didn't know what Digan said to Terry, he still noticed that Terry was not normal.

"no problem!"

After Degan finished speaking, he was about to run to the field, but he heard Grant yelled from the coach on the other side: "Boy! Today I will show you how good Chelsea is!"

Deegan glanced at Grant: "Get out of the way, pawn!"