
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Some people are happy while others are sad

"Rods! Rhodes! Rhodes! Rhodes!"

The entire Brussels airport was filled with such shouts, which made Degan a little at a loss. Although he tried his best to behave mature, stable, and like a team leader on the court and in the locker room, in fact he His character is not like that.

This even made him a little worried. In the game against Serbia and Montenegro, all the players in the team tried their best. The victory belongs to everyone, not him alone. The fans just shouting his name will obviously make other players feel in their hearts. uncomfortable.

The Belgian team managed to get rid of racial prejudice, and Degan didn't want new conflicts to erupt because of this incident.

At this time, a hand stretched out and patted Digan on the shoulder. When Digan turned his head, he saw Gul standing behind him, and of course other teammates.

"You are the first to go out, you deserve such cheers!"

Gul was smiling, and the other players were also laughing. They didn't feel that they were ignored by the fans, and they didn't feel jealous of Degan. In fact, Degan did deserve any praise. Degan was the biggest contributor to the victory of the game. .

If it weren't for the fact that in the second half of the game, Degan retreated to the midfield to organize the attack, shouted hoarsely, commanded them to move, respond, and pass the ball, this victory might not have existed at all, not to mention that Degan scored two goals. Vital goal.

"Go! Rhodes, accept the fans' cheers and make them happy!"


Let the fans be happy. It has been a long time for the Belgian fans. They have not had such a happy time like today. If the previous 15:0 victory over San Marino is just an appetizer before the feast begins, then the victory over Serbia is to let them participate in the feast. It's the finale of the book, and other book lovers are watching:.

Digan was almost pushed out by his teammates. Seeing Digan appearing in front of them, the fans suddenly became even more crazy. Everyone was shouting his name loudly. At this moment, Deegan really felt like he was a national hero.

"Next year, let's go to Germany and participate in the World Cup! Let's conquer the whole world!"

The words Degan said at the airport became the headlines of the major sports newspapers in Europe the next day. There were those who praised them and those who ridiculed them. Of course, there were also criticisms. It was still the same old way. Degan was overconfident , making them feel arrogant.

Europeans don't like excessive modesty, and they can't accept such arrogance, and they still come from a player from the third world.

However, these voices were quickly drowned out. More and more people saw the value of Degan on the field. If the team is at the forefront of attacking the city, then after this contest with Serbia, Degan began to show his talent in organization.

When the team faced a difficult situation in the first half, Degan took the initiative to seek changes in the second half, retreated to the midfield, and shouldered the heavy responsibility of organizing offense. Everyone knew that the Belgians could not play small ball tactics, but with Degan, They were able to execute this dazzlingly complicated tactic smoothly.

This is naturally all due to Degan. Degan has brought brand-new changes to Belgium, giving this team in adversity a new vitality.

Such a great player deserves praise, not criticism.

Even in Brazil, a country that previously described Degan as a cancer, voices favorable to Degan have begun to appear.

"Maybe it's not Digan who should leave the national team at all, but someone else!"

In the just-concluded World Cup, in the South American qualifiers, the Brazil team defeated Uruguay 2:1 at home. This is a good result. Feel worried.

Adriano is still the starting center of the Brazilian team, but his performance in the game is really unsatisfactory. He played 65 minutes and only had three shots, zero goals and zero assists. Nothing was done on the pitch.

In the end, even Pereira couldn't bear it with Adriano and replaced him with Fred. It was Fred who received a cross from Ronaldinho at the last moment of the game and scored a header. The ball, lore Uruguay, otherwise, the five-star Brazil can only accept a draw at their home court helplessly.

Adriano's poor performance can easily remind people of Degan, who has become popular in Europe recently. He scored ten goals in two games. Absolutely fantastic too.

Expelling such an excellent Degan from the national team, but leaving the poor Adriano to himself, not only Adriano, but even Pereira has been criticized.

"Both Pereira and Adriano should leave the national team. Because of them, Brazil lost the best talent. We should have had the Wright Brothers. They will definitely lead Brazil to defend the World Cup in Germany. , but now we have to put all the responsibility on Kaka alone, because Pereira gave Digan to the Belgian!"

"This is simply the worst national team I have ever seen. Our stars are obviously not as capable on the pitch as they are in **. Look at Degan who was kicked out by Brazil. He has now become the most eye-catching player in Europe. Super player, we are here to endure Adriano's poor performance!"

Regarding people's criticisms, Adriano seemed aggrieved: "People always like to compare me with Digan, which is not fair to me. If I met an opponent like San Marino, I would definitely be able to make it to the top 20." A ball!"

San Marino, who was licking his wounds at home, exploded immediately when he heard this. Weakness means weak strength, but it was not up to a big Brazilian buffalo to point fingers, and other book friends were reading: .

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

This is the collective voice of more than 30,000 San Marino citizens.

Adriano has never been to San Marino, but he is already smelly in San Marino.

Degan doesn't bother to care about these things. What happens to Brazil has nothing to do with him. He is now looking forward to meeting Brazil in the World Cup. At that time, he will have a good contest.

Of course not with Brazil, but with Kaka!

After the national team match day, the Continental League will be rekindled. After bidding farewell to his teammates and coach, Degan will also return to Bergamo, Italy. Go all out to win the league championship.

It has not been long since the end of Serie A, and the closer it is to the end, the more complicated the mood of one person is Galliani.

He was the one who gave Degan to the people of Atlanta. Fortunately, he didn't have a cramp at the time. He still remembered that Degan could be used to appease Kaka, and he didn't sell Degan directly to the people of Atlanta. Otherwise, Galliani would The only way to thank the world is to die.

Galliani's biggest headache now is how to bring Degan back to San Siro, where he should have been home, instead of nestling in that small place in Bergamo.

To achieve this goal, the first thing is to let Degan eliminate his hatred for AC Milan. This may be easy to do, and Kaka can come forward to play the emotional card. It is impossible for the two brothers to fight side by side in the national team now. Why not Another battlefield, how about fighting together in the club?

At the same time, Galliani must let Degan down on Atlanta. No one wants to stay in a team without ambitions, and Deegan must be the same.

Degan refused to return to Milan before, saying that he was very happy in Atlanta, but it was because the miser Riodo spent money during the winter transfer.

But once Atlanta can really win the league championship this season, Atlanta will definitely open a player supermarket by then, and everyone will appear within the range that can be sold.

Riodo's short-sighted guy, it's hard to guarantee that he won't do such stupid things, as long as he really does, then the fate between Atlanta and Degan will come to an end, and Degan will return to play for AC Milan. , there is no other way out.

Galliani is an extremely smart person, otherwise Berlusconi would not have given him the club chairman's seat during his tenure as Italian prime minister.

After figuring out what to do, Galliani will start planning next.

In addition to Galliani, there is another person who has a very complicated mood now, and that is Riodo. The better Degan's performance is now, the higher his worth will be in the future. The player's worth is high. As the club chairman, Riodo should have been happy at first, but he couldn't be happy now.

The reason is very simple, Degan does not belong to him at all, the ownership of Degan is in the hands of AC Milan, and he has nothing to do with him. Seeing that the teams that are crazy about Degan are almost breaking the offer of 100 million euros , This is almost half of his net worth, but it has nothing to do with him.

How could Riodo be reconciled? He can't wait to kidnap Degan, force him to sign a contract, and then throw Degan to Chelsea, who is waving a checkbook. .

Must find a way, must find a way!

What makes Riodo happy is that Digan is a sentimental person, and he has expressed his liking for life in Bergamo more than once, which may be exploitable.

Riodo should thank the club's head coach, Mandolini, for he insisted on adding a right of first refusal to the loan contract, otherwise, Riodo would really have nothing to do.