
Pitch Black

Imagine a world where the protagonists start with every single thing anyone can ever dream of. Zero and his gang start as big shots, with a powerful background, an enormous amount of resources, dashing looks and god-like potentials... Everything seems perfect until they meet people at the same level.

Riviz · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
165 Chs

Chapter 2: A new start

"Ouch… It feels like someone used a sledgehammer on my head" Zero groaned while rubbing his temples with his hands.

His eyelids slowly opened and a ray of light from a nearby window immediately snuck in through the opened window, attacking his sensitive purple eyes.

"Damn!" Zero screamed and abruptly pushed himself to the side, falling off the bed with a bang.

At this point, he noticed the floor was filled with white breakable tiles! Seeing this, his heart skipped a beat and numerous memories of the events that took place that night began flooding in. His gaze instantly turned frosty and he remembered the last words of the man who he always looked up to, the man who he called father!

Remembering the man's voice broke Zero's heart, that was the first time his father has been put in such a condition. Even though he was barely conscious at that moment, he could still tell the man had suffered numerous fatal injuries for him to speak with such a weak voice.

"Whoever did this to him will definitely pay!" Zero gritted his teeth together with a clenched fist. The flames of vengeance burnt fiercely in his eyes as he slowly got on his feet.

"Yea… They did a number on us… It will be disgraceful if we let them walk away so easily without throwing a punch or two" Kira said with a bitter smile on his face. His eyelids looked heavy and wet, he was desperately trying to hold back his tears and act strong.

The room was fairly big, painted completely white and it had this disturbing disinfectant smell which was quite disturbing. Each one-meter long bed was placed about five meters away from the other, with a total of four beds in the room. On the other side of the room, close to the entrance were four sofas with a center table and cards lying on it. A television was attached to the wall on the right a few meters away from the air conditioner. Kira, Dan, and Akila were seated there, with every single one of them wearing sober expressions but none dared to let his tears escape his eyes.

"My dad, I heard his voice… I think he mentioned the god sect… I believe he's the one who saved us from the waves…" Zero walked up to the others while he spoke. Sitting on the empty sofa

"Yea… My dad said the same too…" Akila said

"We all heard our parent's last words because my dad used his telepathic ability to aid them… According to him, the god sect is from the sovereign federation… the group housing the most powerful S class guardians there… they are the ones responsible!" Dan said coldly…

"With our current strength, we can't harm a hair on their head… we will have to take it slow and build ourselves first… Our chance to get back at them will come…" Kira seemed to have calmed down already.

"For the god sect to act that means the whole sovereign federation is involved in this conspiracy to weaken the liberation union… When we act against them, the god sect will not be the only ones paying for their crimes… the whole federation will feel our wrath!" Akila slammed his fists together and roared. His eyes released a murderous flash.

"Yea… I guess so…" Zero agreed. Shifting his gaze to a camera well hidden at the left corner of the room. His purple energy slowly escaped from his body and it swarmed towards the general direction of the camera. As the only member of the little team, he possessed the best supportive abilities like enhance senses and reasonable strong barriers. He could tell they were been observed.

"I hate it when I'm being watched!" Zero said coldly, looking at the camera before crushing it with his aura.



The screen went blank and those in the observation room felt uncomfortable by the way these kids reacted after being attacked by assassins. Like, how did that kid even notice the camera?

"Truly, these kids ain't as simple as other kids their age and they possess some abilities… Their parents must have trained them to be ruthless as well… do you still want to proceed with your plans? Seizing all the properties of this charismatic family will definitely cause an uproar and the civilians will turn against us… these four deceased S rated guardians are considered as war heroes in the eyes of the people… Taking advantage of their kids after they are gone will definitely pit us against the people of the Liberation union!" A youth in black and white striped suit speculated after listening to Zero and the other three speak on their parent's death calmly… Too calm for people their age.

An aged man, in his late sixties, frowned slightly after hearing his subordinate's words. It is true that these kids are not simple, for them to survive such an assassination attempt from a yellow belt martial artist is something no child their age can accomplish easily, especially since they are yet to enroll in an academy which is meant to provide the necessary training required.

"Don't worry… we already have steps in place to cover up our activities, that way we will play safe… if these kids showcase enough talent we will immediately halt our actions against them and nurture them…" The old man said with a slight frown while staring at the blank screen.


After the bloody war half a century ago which lasted for close to a decade, four S rated guardians stood out amongst the rest, singlehandedly held back the troops of the sovereign federation accompanied with numerous S rated guardians of their own for close to ten days. They wreaked havoc in the military camps of the enemies, pushing the invading parties out of the Liberation Union's territories. The presence of these four powerful men is the sole reason why the sovereign federation called for a truce and ultimately ended the war.

After the war, the four S rated guardians were named the Four wings of the Liberation union and they were rewarded with tons of resources and wealth which were later used by them to create the Oscuro group. An organization which basically deals with gadgets and weapons. Due to their popularity, the company was patronized by numerous important figures within the Liberation Union and outside as well. It didn't take long for these people to build their empire out of these.

Since the war to the day of their death, the four S rated guardians maintained their close relationship and even went as far as bringing their kids together, helping them create a bond similar to theirs. As the heirs of the Oscuro group, it's beneficial if they can work together.

Two weeks later, Zero and the other members of their small group were discharged from the hospital., returning to the damaged villa that has already been rebuilt. Even though this place belonged to Zero, as it was his father's private property before his death, the four decided to live together for the meantime.



Akila punched the wall in anger as he watched the news with an enraged expression. The other three were a bit less violent, sitting quietly as they watched but it was obvious they were not pleased with what they were seeing.

"In summary, the government takes over the Oscuro group and sends us to a crappy institution to learn…" Dan said with a frosty expression on his face while he tapped his laps continuously with his fingers, lost in his thoughts.

"They are practically stealing from us… even though they claimed they would return ownership of the oscuro to us once we hit eighteen… They should be done looting by then" Kira was quite calm, laughing lightly while he spoke.

"They used the death of the yellow belt martial art disciple as leverage, claiming we possess immense potential as the reason why we must enroll in Liberation Union academy on scholarships… we will be focused on our studies while they steal from us… great…" Zero was dispirited as usual.

"We don't have a choice… in the eyes of the public, the government is doing us a favor… if we reject, our approval in the eyes of the people may actually drop… We will most likely be seen as kids trying to play CEO…" Akila let out a bitter chuckle as he spoke.

"We have no option but to join… We have little choice and little to lose… with our parents gone, we have no one to teach us and its necessary we improve our strength if we wish to avenge our parents… As long as we prove our worth and don't lag behind, the government won't dare steal our family's company from us… Power is everything, even the government will give us the respect we deserve if we turn out to be potential S rated guardian candidates… By the way, I heard the Liberation union academy is the best in the country… we might as well take advantage of this opportunity to learn and improve ourselves… when we return, we will make sure our enemies pay… The government just made it to the list" Dan said. The others quickly nodded in approval, instantly agreeing with the plan.

Anderson, a fair-skinned man, bald and aged stood at the entrance of the room respectfully. This man single-handedly served the Oscuro group for decades and could be considered the most loyal and trustworthy man Zero and the other three knew.

Even though Anderson served as an assistant/butler to the four S rated guardians and have been in contact with these kids a couple of times, he really didn't know much about their personalities.

Initially, when they watched the news, he didn't expect twelve-year-olds to quickly discern the hidden agenda's of the government towards their lives and the Oscuro group but to his greatest surprise, not only did the properly analyze the situation, the also came up with numerous plans on how to deal with it on their own. He could swear on his life at this very moment that the government wouldn't have made such a move on these kids if they understood the kind of people they are!

They are no different from their parents! Ruthless and smart!

He readjusted his mindset and slowly approached Zero and the others immediately after they were done plotting.

"I believe the young masters have come to a decision… My intervention is not required here" Anderson spoke respectfully

"Yea… Accept the government's offer and have someone prepare our luggage… we will be leaving as soon as the session begins…" Kira was the first to reply.

"When is that though?" Zero asked lazily, while he played with his hair.

"In three weeks, young master" Anderson quickly responded.

"I see… Thanks" Zero answered and carefully descended from the sofa he was sitting on.

"I am going to bed… no one should bother me" Zero added as he walked up the stairs, looking sleepy.