
Pink Petals, Red Blood

"We were always taught to appreciate our short lives before they flee from our hands, oh how I wish I had listened. Now under the Scarlet Moon, am I even me anymore?" In a world where monsters threaten the lives of humans daily, Sakura lives a carefree life within the city. Everything changed one late night after classes, her life was taken there on the streets by a predator of the night. She still lived, however, as one of the monsters she once believed would never reach her. Her life has been turned upside down, every day presents a new challenge that could be her last. Side by side she stands with her best friend, but will their friendship last in wake of her new power?

Death220 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


Sakura awoke with a start to the sound of crashing pots and pans. She slowly sat up, bathed in the red light that peered through her window.

"Mother, Father...? No, they shouldn't be home for a few weeks at the least."

Sakura tried to check the time, but her alarm clock displayed nothing but an inky black, empty screen. She slowly slipped out of bed and searched quietly through her nightstand for anything she could use just in case.

Her hands soon grasped onto a small ornamental knife. It was a keepsake, given to her for her 15th birthday, but it would have to do.

Slowly she made her way to the bedroom door, pressing her ear against it softly. The sounds had stopped, so she slowly pushed the door open. Gazing out into the dark hall, Sakura didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Making her way down the hall now with a knife held close, Sakura eventually made her way to the kitchen. She expected to see an intruder, or if she was lucky, her parents. What she didn't expect to see, however, was herself.

Standing there in the kitchen, with its back turned to her, a perfect copy of herself.

Unsure if she was seeing things, Sakura took a small step back. Slowly she backed away until her own voice interrupted her.

"Hello...'Me'" The copy spoke as it turned to Sakura.

Staring at her with crimson red eyes, and a devilish grin, the copy approached.

No matter how hard Sakura tried to move, to run away, she couldn't. Her body was completely paralyzed in fear. Soon, she was face to face with 'herself.'

"It's so nice for us to finally meet," The copy said in a malicious tone, "after all, you've been blocking me out for an entire day."

Sakura tried to part her lips to speak a word, yet still, her body refused to move.

"Who am I? Can't you tell? I'm you, or at least, the monster that you foolishly try to keep control of."

The copy traced its finger along her jawline as it slowly walked past her. Staring out at the Scarlet Moon, it spoke again.

"That girl you're so fond of...Ruby was it? She looks so delicious. We're so hungry, won't you let me feast on her?"

Upon hearing the mention of her friend's name, Sakura started having flashbacks. So many times had Ruby looked out for her. So many times had Ruby been the one sole shoulder she could cry on. She was the one person who couldn't know about this, the one person Sakura had to protect.

With all of her might, Sakura tried to break free from the shackles of fear. Slowly her body began to give way and move.

"Don't you dare touch Ruby!" Sakura yelled out, as she charged at the copy and plunged her knife deep into its stomach. She had won.

"You innocent child...If only it was that easy." The copy spoke with a giggle.

Feeling a searing pain in her stomach, Sakura looked down in fear. Right in the spot she had stabbed the copy of herself, blood-soaked her shirt.

The copy grinned once more, and spoke its final words, "Goodbye...Sakura."


Sakura awoke once more in her bed, her alarm clock beeping loudly. Sitting up and gasping for air, her hands quickly patted down her stomach. Nothing...no blood, no wound, nothing. Was it all a nightmare?

Her attention immediately turned to the beeping alarm clock beside her, 6:30. She shakily rose from her bed to get changed into her uniform.

Warily she made her way through the hall into the kitchen. She checked for anything that would point to what had happened not being a dream, but there was nothing.

Following a soft sigh of relief, Sakura started to notice the pains of her hunger. It made sense, she ended up skipping dinner last night. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out her leftovers from the night before, popping them in the microwave. With hungry eyes, she watched as it spun around on the glass plate until a beep signaled it was done.

She sat at the counter and began to eat quickly. As she scarfed down she noticed something. Her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant didn't taste the same. It was almost repulsive now, bland, tasteless, and gutwrenching.

Sakura slammed her fist down against the counter in anguish. The idea that she may have to feast on a human sunk deeper and deeper into her heart.

"Why," she cried out, "Why does it have to be this way!"

Her cries of sorrow were soon cut short by a knocking at the door.

Sakura made her way to the door and opened it. On the other side, the friendly smile of her friend greeted her.

"Oh, Ruby, You're early today."

"I heard you yelling from across the street, are you alright?"

"Oh yeah, I just ended up hitting my elbow on the counter," Sakura said, rubbing her elbow to fake pain.

Ruby tilted her head a little, before breaking out into a fit of laughter. "You must have hit it REALLY hard!"

"It's not that funny Ruby!"

"Sorry...Sorry. Well, since I'm early, can I come in?"

Sakura nodded and stepped aside to let ruby in, sitting at the counter with her.

The two chatted over music from their phones until 7:30.

"Well," Ruby said as she got up and grabbed her things, "It's time we get going to school."

Sakura responded with a smile and a nod, trying to hide her ravenous hunger. She grabbed her bag and joined Ruby on their daily walk to school.

As they walked, her hunger became more and more apparent. She felt her control slipping once more, holding onto it with a weak grasp. She had to think of something fast before she ended up accidentally hurting Ruby.

"I just remembered something I forgot at home, I have to go run back and grab it. Go on without me, there's no need for two of us to be late."

Sakura turned around to run home while ruby turned to watch, knowing something was up.

She barely made it inside before she collapsed to her knees. She was so hungry, she couldn't hold this monster back anymore. She cried out and bit down into her hand, trying anything to satiate her hunger. This time, it wasn't enough, her blood wouldn't cure this as it had done before.

Right before her control slipped away, Sakura remembered. She quickly rushed to her parent's room and dug around. There she found it, in their first aid kit, an artificial blood supplement. She wasn't sure if it would work, but she didn't care, it was worth a shot. Quickly she tore the cap off of one of the bags and gulped it down. It didn't have the sweet taste like before, but she felt her hunger start to subside.

After drinking 3 bags, Sakura laid in tears on the ground. How was she supposed to live like this? Her emergency supply here would soon run dry. She didn't want to have to hurt someone, even the thought of doing so sickened her. She had to find some way around this.

So occupied in her own thoughts, Sakura didn't even notice the figure looking at her through the window.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 2! The story will start to pick up over the next few chapters so look forward to that.

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