
Lee and Jin Sunny

This was good. The average stats that the scanner gave were Strength at 4.6, Stamina at 3.4, and Dexterity at a interesting 5.2. These three stats were taken mostly from comparing people's muscles and joints. I had a stat called intelligence, it was actually a renamed stat. As the stat, Memetic neuron activity and Grey Matter. Was a bit long to explain, the average of this stat was a solid 4. The last stat that could be simplified was Potential. It compared how much potential a person had with external help. 

The potential stat was a low 1.7. Though that was to be expect as no one had super powers yet. So what it was currently grabbing that data from was genetics. Basically it categorized how likely genetic mutation happens within people. This was the unique genes some people had, to be honest it was mostly just stuff like hyperflexible-ness. This is what likely gave such a high average Dexterity. 

I inputted this data for Larry, despite being a sub AI it was running the whole company process perfect. It had already completed all the foot work and now I just need to recruit people. Like Hazel, who as per my plans seemingly is already on board. Despite her personality quirks she liked the idea of super powers. I think she knew that even if she made it into a sports team and so on. She wouldn't be very well known. 

So the promise of getting her into a superpowered sport, was golden to her. Even if it meant forsaking her standards. I got a laugh out of her face when she apologized to me about talking bad about 'smart people'. I rubbed my chin, it might be as good as the look of excitement when she shook that Patello guy's hand. 

Ugh, I think I am starved of attention. I mean I was a streamer in the past! I almost always had some form of attention. Even physical attention... I bit my lower lip and thought for a moment.

I sighed and decided upon the stupid option. If my guess was correct I new how to get in touch with a different person that would be good for my agency. Though it was much of as guess as can be. I'd either have to go to a concert, or find them online.

Besides Hazel I had a few option. The first and most prominent one was a girl named Jin Suno. Later she would be known as the Kidnapped Sunny. This was because, simply put she was the sister of one of the romantic interests I wrote for Stella. Lee Suno a very creative name, was also a talented individual I could recruit. However I'd much prefer to actually just get Jin Suno. 

Jin Suno, worked as a stage hand despite having amazing singing ability and such. Eventually when she makes her debut as Sunny. She gets kidnapped, and thus she enters the story. If she was still working as a Stage hand I'd either have to find her in person. If she wasn't I'd find her where people didn't want to start their entertainment career.

To be honest this girl had a lot of bad stuff happen to her in the novel. I mean I wrote it that way, which would likely explain why I felt the need help her. It was certainly my fault in a way, so I'll help her. Lee Suno though, I might have to ruin or even kill. In the story he was the snobbish narcist who decides to change after falling in love with the main character. 

He wasn't well liked by readers, and I killed him off anyway. However the reason why he even gets to know Stella is because of his sister. How do I approach these two. I think I actually find the brother first, he will be easier to find.

I found him instantly, he was as expected in the region. To my surprise he didn't have a concert scheduled with his band. I guess I am gonna go grab him. He would be at a meet and greet for fans. Along with his band mates.

I could meet him there, and either grab him or if I have to kill him there. I rubbed my chin in thought. So much I could do, and yet I struggled to actually decide on. This was certainly a problem.

"URGH! Trying to be a mastermind is so hard. I need to organize my thoughts for this one."

I changed my focus to the nanites. Stella was currently getting awards for her break through. Actually I should check in on that one. She wanted to be the one who breaks into the furthest reaches of space. However discovering her skills might not lead her there could be detrimental. After all, no big bad threat that puts things in perspective. She could be also having second thoughts on the nanites.

After all humans were, not the brightest creatures. So the misuse of superpowers is entirely possible. That would be solved by a third romantic interest. Since things didn't go the same way as the novel I had doubts.

"Ah screw it, I'm leaving the house."

I took everything I needed and walked out the door. To go get a drink.