
Pillars Between Us

It started with the dent left by the Forest Sprite; A small crack in the ice that encased his memories. Curtis knew that something was off, realizing that he wasn’t who he thought he was and— perhaps Ellis wasn’t the one meant for him. Author: Basically speaking... it's a fantasy novel set in a world where people inhabit on pillars-- (think of m*necaft sky block, you'll get what I mean) -- then give it a hint of action, mystery and (twisted) romance-- and I guess it's influenced by Japanese fantasy light novels (cuz I read a lot of em'). But I'm sure it's a weird one cuz the style of writing isn't the Japanese to English translated kind of style but rather the orthodox English novel kind of writing (which includes a bunch of errors and broken English thanks to me!). In any case, if you're up for it, just beware the story starts out pretty slow.. I mean-- back then, I was still inexperienced ok! I'm gettin' better along the way, Hmmph!

dotturndot · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

The winner is~

"Your defeat?" Louise gazed at Curtis from a distance with glory. She was waiting for him to admit it.

"Right. I was hit," Curtis mumbled as he steadied himself.

He shook the wrist which the purple compound gyrostone bracelet was attached to. And from the looks of it, the light hadn't diminished one bit.

"The gryostone hasn't lost it's shine yet," Curtis announced nonchalantly.

Louise looked at Curtis incredulously. He had been hit point blank by that attack just now, and he's saying the gryostone hasn't—

'No, it's possible. Because he's a special existence.'

Curtis raised his wrist up in the air, clearly showing faint violet shine of the bracelet under the light of the sun.

"The rules said that the duel ends after the crystals loses it's shine right?" A ball of flames coalesced in his hands.

"Hahaha. I must admit, you've exceeded my expectations," Louise crackled a laugh, she didn't expect Curtis to actually come out of that without losing. What did he use to fend off against that anyways? Louise wondered. This was interesting indeed.

"What was that?" Dean had never personal seen Curtis fight before. Under normal circumstances, magic served as a kind of art form. It wasn't something used in battle, unless they were playing an auxiliary role or a medic. Being undefeated after that hit baffled him.

"Coat O' Arms," Ellis nodded her head. She had seen Curtis' abilities so many times now. She believed that he would win.

"What's that?"

"Erm... that's his custom magic. It's a barrier that nullifies attacks. You know how knives cut not because a lot of force is required but because they are sharp right? This really just turns a sharp attack into a blunt one."

"What element of magic is it?" Dean had a little knowledge about magic although he himself cannot utilize it. He read books about it before. Magic was classified into different elements: Fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark. Each one had their own set of spell types. Upon reaching a certain understanding, one could use two or more elements to be combined to form a compound spell.

"It's veritable magic."

A class of magic Dean has never heard of before.

"Third times the charm!" Louise growled before shooting forth.

The moment Curtis saw her figure flicker, the ball of flames dissolved, revealing an orb of light inside. The flames were, in fact, a feign.

Curtis closed his eyes; Louise had already covered half the distance.

{Flash orb}

The light flickered in an undiluted brightness, excessive light blew up the battlefield. The crowd instinctively shut their eyes, feeling the burn behind their corneas. It didn't end there. The reason behind the flickering light wasn't just for show. When one shut their eyes lids, light can still penetrate into the pupils, taking advantage of this, the random flickers disoriented their minds.

There was a flaw to this, which was that it's effects could be negated by covering your eyes with your hands. Ellis did just that.

The light settled down, the crowd left in a daze. Some nauseated to the point of falling to the ground. Others clutching their heads due to a temporary migraine. Ellis opened her eyes.

Dean himself felt totally out of it. His vision became blurry, with some black spots present, stars swimming about.

Louise was on the ground, seemingly in the midst of climbing onto her two feet. Rubbing her eyes she squinted. Curtis was no longer there.

She knew she had misjudged him, she should have activated {Gale steps}. Curtis was a tad slower when compared to people with physically enhanced talent, that was for sure. But, that didn't mean he couldn't train to reach something of similar aptitude. He was faking his reaction speed earlier!

"You lose," Curtis made a slight tap on her shoulders from behind.

"Not yet!"

She arched an elbow strike to the back, striking Curtis' chin and sending him flying.

Ellis saw the whole thing take place and stiffened in shock. Curtis was knocked 3 meters into the sky before landing outside the training grounds.

Another point Louise failed to mention: if you were knocked out of the boundary, it counted as a loss. Oh, so this was what she forgot.

With everyone in the pretense of pulling themselves together, Ellis rushed over to Curtis who landed like a mini meteor.

Curtis didn't want to actually physically hurt the princess. That was why he didn't attempt any shrewd acts and attack her when she was still vulnerable. He thought this princess would at least understand how to stand down and accept defeat. Who knew she was this sort of iron-willed lady who didn't want to admit defeat.

Wait, the rules said the duel ends when the crystal stops shining didn't it?

Curtis rubbed his head a few times as he slowly regained his consciousness. Ellis knelt down beside him and let out a sigh of relief. A crowd gathered where Curtis landed.

"Winner of the duel, Princess of Rozel Kingdom, Louise," Dean announced, seeing that Curtis was fine.

Curtis sighed in disappointment. Maybe he should have just blasted the princess into shreds. Then again, there was also the obstruction of the flickering light orb. If Dean could have seen what happened properly, he would have called the duel his.

The princess walked over. A path was opened up by the crowd.

"That was a good fight," Louise praised.

If only he didn't act lenient.

"Thanks," Curtis replied before taking off the bracelet and gave it to Louise; Ellis helped him up from his sitting posture.

Louise was satisfied.

'I've finally found another one.'

"Open way! Open way! Open way!" A yell could be heard from afar accompanied by the sound of a rumbling march. "Princess! Get back here this instant!"

Louise turned her head over to see the royal knights. She had to crane her neck like a giraffe of course.

"Oops. I better get going now. My sincerest gratitude for the wonderful fight," she hopped over to the shouting knights.

Curtis and Ellis looked dumbfoundedly as the one of the guards that didn't seem to be from Haital reprimanded her with a stern tone. Ellis couldn't quite make out what the two were saying with the deafening commotion from the crowd. Then in astonishment, Louise stuck her tougue out playfully in responding to the lecture.

The knights shook his head and dragged Louise back to the castle. Louise didn't resist, merely following their lead. The other guards walked beside her as if she was a delicate flower in need of protection.

"Truly, that spell could have made me blind." Louise rubbed her eyes as if saying that to someone. She could still see some dark spots floating around not recovered. She would probably need the assistance of a healer after this.

She then took notice of two faint purple glows. Bring the brackets up to her face, she noticed that both crystal still had about 90% of it capacity still present. Did the crystal not nullify her elbow slam?

"I'll ask Will about this," Louise felt a slight shiver up her neck. In fact, the elbow strike was unleashed with her full might, any normal person would have had his jaw shattered. She could've really injured Curtis then.

Seeing the princess walking away, the crowd soon dissipated. Some of them gave Curtis a thumbs up. They didn't doubt Curtis' ability, the princess was in fact too much of a cheat. Having both physical enhancing and magic abilities.

"Thank you Curtis. That fight was amazing. Utilizing compound magic to create an advance spell," Dean walked together with Curtis and Ellis as they head for the main Croquel building. Dean probably still didn't quite understand the concept of veritable magic.

"I'm surprised she could use magic. How is that possible?"

"Yeah, I've never seen it before."

"If my information isn't wrong, the princess is only limited to wind magic. She's not able to use any other elemental magic,"

"So there is a limitation?"

"I don't think you could call that a limitation..."


Scuttling past the adventurers, they entered a store built just across the Croquel guild building. Seeing the metal signboard with the iconography on an anvil which ingrained the insignia of the Croquel guild, Ellis couldn't help but feel pumped up in excitement.

The result of the previous duel no longer mattered.

Pushing open the wooden door with peeking glass window, the pleasant ring of a bell sounded the moment they step foot inside.

The person behind the counter who was carving a statue halfway looked towards the three, he showed a thrift smile.

"What bring you here Sir Dean?" He said in an amiable tone.

"George Smith, may I request the finest sword for this young woman here?"

Ellis wriggled her eyebrow a little when she heard that. Young woman? That sounded a little, funky. He could have at least introduced their names first.

George smiled. "A pleasure to do so."

"And the set of seven Maverick spellbooks. It's still in the storage right?"

This time, George acted a little awkward.

"I'm afraid you have misjudged the order Sir Dean. Only 2 Maverick spell books are present in my hands. The 5 others are of a different kind."

Hearing that Dean looked at the sky—the ceiling. He snapped to realization and acted as if a cold shower had just poured down on him, before letting out a sigh.

"Looks like even I forgot what I order," feeling apologetic, "I'm sorry Curtis, looks like the colour choices would be limited."

"That's alright. I should be thanking for even giving me such an item instead. The most important I think is Ellis' sword."

George ushered them deeper into the weapon store.

One rack held a variety of daggers, ranging in colour, design and size. One looked like it was crafted out of a tooth of a Megaledon. On the other side, small crystalline swords glistened with a transparent shine. A workbench with a sword left unfinished was placed under the force of a tight clamp, which had something to do with straightening the sword, if Curtis recalled.

The place was well lit, incredibly dainty. Having the impressive esthetic of a high end restaurant, but serving out killer weapons instead of food.

Then passing-by the armor section, Curtis noticed an oddly shaped piece of chain mail armor. Could it be like a swimming suit, capable of stretching flexibly? The metal strands were woven in a tight manner and looked rather compact and firm. From the shape of it—quite ambiguous as to how it functions.

George stopped in front of a large weapon rack at the very end of the path. Turning to look at Ellis, "Which want would you like little miss?"

Ellis didn't say anything. First she was called a young woman, now, little miss? Perhaps she was too particular about it. If she were him, she wouldn't know how to address herself either. Young lady? That's too creepy!

George stood aside, face brimming with a smile, letting Ellis walk forward to pick out one.

These swords were all of superb quality. Each one of them felt as if emitting an aura capable of smiting a zillion Giant Morays in a swarm. Individually, all of them had a different feeling to it. One sword made with a golden alloy radiated a powerful, glorious gleam. Another one, having a long skinny blade, felt sharp and menacing.

George then told her to take her time, then, disappearing into the apparent storage room at the corner.

"George Smith wouldn't mind if you have a few swings around with them," Dean and George, although there was a large gap in their statuses, were very fond of one another. Dean understood tacitly that George was the easy going kind.

Ellis made a nod before reaching forward to grab the sword that caught her eye. It had a circular plated guard, around it had three vacant notches built into it to hold gryostones. One of the only five swords present that could hold a gyrostone. Most people found it troublesome to use utilize the magic functions of a fusion crystal, or rather, it was difficult to master. Besides, it would ruin the sword's appearance if gryostones weren't etched into it.

The grip was wrapped around with matte black spongy soft material that fit her hands perfectly. A silver, thin two inch cross-sectional titanium alloy blade having a slight shade of oxidized purple. The whole blade stretched to approximately a meter long, the tip sharpened to a scary fine point. There was a hard to describe beauty to it.

Ellis swung the sword around, making a few loops in the air, her wrist acting as the pivot. The weight of it was heavier when compared to her jade sword. The dense alloy was probably the reason, but the weight wasn't much of a concern for her. The weight could be a trade-off for a better and stronger slashing power. It should help create a stronger blow from the larger momentum. In fact, Ellis felt the extra weight made it pleasant to hold.

George came back, holding two bulky books. He glanced at Ellis and nodded.

"Which one?" George asked Dean. Maverick Spellbooks were super high grade magic equipment. Since Haital didn't have many people that would want to buy something so expensive when the lower version would suffice, those Maverick Spellbooks were like gold bars—to Curtis at least.

"Red or blue?" Curtis was nudged by Dean.

"Blue," Curtis thought that would suit his temperament better.

The book had a hard cover in a dusky blue leather gloss. The edges were flowered with real gold plates. In the centre was a pentagonal symbol which connected into a Star, each point of the star could hold a single gryostone. In the center of the symbol was another slot, the core, able to fit a larger gryostone compared to the other five. This meant that there were six slots in total.

Curtis thought about the superior red crystal he acquired before. It should be big enough to fit the center piece.

The choices were made. A wisteria coloured Sword and Blue Maverick Spellbook.

By the way, if you're interested to see the designs of the characters (since I'm an artist too), you could go check out my Instagram: @doturndot

Thank you!

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