
Pillars Between Us

It started with the dent left by the Forest Sprite; A small crack in the ice that encased his memories. Curtis knew that something was off, realizing that he wasn’t who he thought he was and— perhaps Ellis wasn’t the one meant for him. Author: Basically speaking... it's a fantasy novel set in a world where people inhabit on pillars-- (think of m*necaft sky block, you'll get what I mean) -- then give it a hint of action, mystery and (twisted) romance-- and I guess it's influenced by Japanese fantasy light novels (cuz I read a lot of em'). But I'm sure it's a weird one cuz the style of writing isn't the Japanese to English translated kind of style but rather the orthodox English novel kind of writing (which includes a bunch of errors and broken English thanks to me!). In any case, if you're up for it, just beware the story starts out pretty slow.. I mean-- back then, I was still inexperienced ok! I'm gettin' better along the way, Hmmph!

dotturndot · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Croquel Guild

The sun was at peak 90 degrees in the sky. The giant standing clock bell similar to Big Ben rang. Reverberating throughout the whole kingdom in perfect resonance. One chime, two chime, three chime—ending with an unorthodox fourth chime. Many people looked up to the main bell tower. Some wondered why the oddity, others already knew the reason.

Ellis could here those magnificent bells ringing inside her ear.

"What do the bells signify again?"

On the flip side, Curtis only heard a muffled high pitch bang.

"The bells? That was the bell? Then that means we've arrived just in time then."

"Um. I think I heard it ring four times? That's unusual."

"Four times... there must be some special event happening?"

They finally reached the docking zone. Curtis helped Ellis down big Whaley from the makeshift rope ladder at it's side. Together with wind magic, Curtis took down their baggage from the storage bags.

Across the many other platforms, one could see people rushing up and down, carrying immense loads, fitting them on rather somnolent whales. Strewn across each platform were orange crystals fused into a conduction compartment where mana crystals would be placed. Each one had the size of a fist, transcribed with vector wind magic to keep the many platforms floating upright. Weather-beaten dark cedar wood; some mossy sponges, sea anemones and tiny barnacles growing in between the cracks, having each plank balanced by the sulpher-tinted sliced stone edges fixed in with bolts and rope.

Powerful gusts of winds would brush against their face every time a whale departed. One could only wonder the amount of force generated from each tail beat. Getting hit by it wasn't a joke, it was a nightmare.

Although Haital's capital wasn't as large as the one in Rozel Kingdom, nobody could undermine the sheer size of the single pillar it was built on. The whale dock, being only one part of it, could house a crazy 200 whales at least.

"Please take care of him.", Curtis tipped the guard in charge of the mini hanger for Whaley. The guard gave him a sincere nod.

Ellis gave Whaley a good by hug; at least that what it seemed like. Nearing the edge of the platform when she did that, she nearly lost her balance and fell.

With both of them carrying their respective items and baggages, they headed off towards the entrance of the kingdom. Curtis was the one carrying the most. Wind magic sure was helpful.

Each hanger was built with an open concept to it. Utilizing the space bellow the surface of pillar, this spiral structure, like many needles stuck to a potato, maximized the limited space of the kingdom without obstructing the other economical activities above. The extra space was beneficial to the whales as they were very sensitive to tight narrow spaces. Clusterphobia could drive a whale nuts.

Since there were many other pillar clusters close to the main pillar, the whale dock waws built in the way where it would overlap with the docking of other pillars. Forming a winding square maze of sorts, without walls.

Walking up the ascending path built into the circumference of the pillars, Curtis held a very bleak expression. Having to carry so many things, and having to start close to the very bottom of the dock, a long arduous journey was ahead. Looking at it in another way, this could be considered training as using wind magic to levitate objects require a stringent control over the positioning of wind direction and propulsion strength. To this, instead of using the mana crystals tied to his neck, his own mana was in effect. 20 kilograms.

Ellis too was not too happy about this. Maybe they should have taken a lighter on-the-fly quest. Still, the curiosity she held still lingered, giving her the motivation to climb the long stretch up to the gate as soon as possible. Just what did the fourth bell mean?

They could have called on a few guards to assist. But why not do it themselves and reap the benefits? It's good workout.

Many other traders, merchants, guards and adventurer that walked by couldn't help but feel astounded by the amount being carried by the two. More impressive was how Curtis was using levitation to such a degree. Shifting the position of the baggage in the air ever so often to avoid collisions, Curtis almost lost control of one medium sized crate when he saw a person charging over in a rush, unaware of the 'floating' package.

It wasn't anything unusual though as some mages who work at the port use wind magic to push carts or lift barrels. Just that Curtis' deftness was unmatched.

After much hardships, they finally reach main hub of the whale docking port. Close to it was the ship docking zone. Being separated by a huge hall, both of them shared a quest post similar to the on-the-fly-if-you-can-do-extra quest post at their previous stop, though it was larger and more lively.

An attended at the counter saw Curtis and Ellis and gave a nod, beckoning them over. They walked towards the attendee who was busy attending another adventurer. The client he was dealing with noticed his focus had shifted for a split moment. Curious, he turned around. Now, Curtis and Ellis were right behind him.

Fortunately, although it was lively around, it was around lunch time. At this sort of time, there would be less people in queue as most would be busy eating.

The man blinked a few times, sizing up the two who was in front of him. His brilliant ochre eyes sparkled with a surprised look on his face.

Curtis and Ellis didn't really take a good look at him. Only knowing that the colour of his eyes matched his dark brown hair.

Moving to the side and saying something to the attendant, he turned and said.

"You first."

"Really? Thanks?" snapping out of a daze Ellis was the one to reply first.

Curtis then looked at him and gave him a smile. "Thank you".

There wasn't much going on in their minds. In regards to the man who gave up his turn, the surrounding people, the sea of voices around the hall, and the new decorations placed at the main-stage, all these were disregarded. They didn't even notice that there was a special parade happening at the hall. With all the items passed to the attendant, a certificate was presented to them.

A few words spoken by the attendant that passed right through Curtis' ear with him only nodding. Taking the certificate, Curtis walked pass the imigration counter, to the exit and with a light head, pulling Ellis along.

The man was left there standing there with the attendent.

"Do you know that person?"

"You mean the boy? I'm not too familiar but I've seen him a few times before. If my memory isn't wrong, he should be a member of the Croquel Guild."

Croquel Guild, one of the three large established builds in Haital. Lion's Keep Guild and Gleamlock Guild were the other two major divisions established.

Lion's Keep Guild originated from Trinity Kingdom, with many many other branches in all kingdoms throughout the Empire. It's success came from the royal influences at the beginning stages of it's expansion. This influence attracted many strong and powerful members, leading to the rise of of the guild with a strong foundation.

Gleamlock was inferior to Lion's Keep in terms of the number of branches and members. However so, it still remains a strong guild. With community members participating in private raids, originating from Crowfer kingdom, it was said to be the only guild which had successfully bought over a 'gate' to the abyss. Allowing it's registered members to experience first hand how it feels like to face against 'abyss' monsters. No other guild known had such a benefit.

Croquel was the worst of the three. Having only branches in 2 kingdoms currently. One in Haital and the other one in the capital of the empire, Trinity Kingdom. It was a locally established guild, first established in Haital 5 years ago. Already having broken into Trinity kingdom, it could be said that the growth rate of the guild was rather exponential.

"Thanks for the information," moving closer to the counter, together with the quest request written on paper, he placed down an item. It looked like a mini gunnysack with gold coins filled inside. But the item, wasn't gold. "Here's the item for the quest,"

"Thank you, wait what?!", The attendant's jaw dropped in shock. The man only replied with a faint smile.



The magnificent sight of medieval buildings, one's that could be found only in fantasies, and towering castle walls—were drowned by utter chaos.

The busy roads packed full of people, clamoring noises rang with the indecipherable gossip; merchants shouting at the top of their lungs, trying to make a sale; the air of food wafting all around, tickling the noses of those in the surrounding.

Down this coarse gravel path was the widely-know Haital's popular— bazaar. Linking up all the entrances into Haital's outer sect, stretching across a long distance like a messy spider web before slowly dissipating into the calm domestic district. It could be said that this was due to the strategic locations as most people could enter and exit from those few gates. This made for a high movement density around those areas. With more people around, the merchants could appeal to more customers without the need to worry about the lack of people.

This although very effective, it had created many issues. First was human congestion. Second, the merchants were akin to beggers begging people to buy from them; annoying the travelers and adventurers that passed by. The merchants were also know to have a really shameless reputation. To them, making a sale was everything.

The bazaar in fact didn't start out as it is. It expanded in size the more people came to realization of such a 'thing'.

Years ago, the only place where merchants could sell their items freely were at the central plaza. This matter was governed strictly until a glibly merchant managed to break loose from the norm; setting up his stall at the entrance. Initially, no one took noticed as he only sold unattractive petty items on a tiny wheelbarrow. Picking up pace with increasing popularity, the other merchants who didn't give two cents before took noticed and made complaints. From the rumors, it was said the king had good ties with this lofty merchant. So instead of punishing him for breaking the regulations, he tried to covered it up by allowing merchants to set up stalls wherever they wished. With the exception of the inner housing estates and castle grounds.

Merchants topple the king as they say eh?

This was, or had to be the biggest mistake and fortune ever made. Since the craze has gotten to the point of being uncontrollable, the king could only sigh in disdain.

Well, at least the bazaar was well received as was now a part of Haital's culture.

Curtis held Ellis' hands tight as they snake by the bazaar grounds. The density of people slowly diminished. With the normalcy of peace returning, Ellis made an exhale. It was obnoxiously stuffy when number of people squeezing around were akin to a school of salmon. Speaking of salmon, Ellis heard a noise rumbling from her stomach.

Now standing before a larger building that towered above the rest, they proceeded to walked up the steps and pass the open brass double door. In the middle of the room was a guild crest resting on a podium. Encase in glass, this golden emblem had the shape of a shield surrounded by winding flower tendrils. Two sword shot upwards, with the blade tips reflecting a powerful resolve.

The master guild hall had fine cut stone brick walls, lanterns jabbed into it lit with a white and orange light in alteration. Mahogany overhang beams supported the ceiling while having incised a swirly pattern. Interwoven red and grey carpet lined the floor from one end to the other exuding a lavish feel.

One side of hall lead to the eatery. This was where Curtis and Ellis would usually head to. The food there was affordable and delicious. Although it wasn't on par with the fancier restaurants in the kingdom, the food quality could have been much, much worse.

The other side was the accommodation lobby. Coupled with separated bath houses and decent room fairs, most adventurer would find this lodging service something within their cost boundaries. A fairly comfortable and relaxing place to rest. Moreover, the whole lodging was just adjacent the main guild hall. Built in such a beneficial location, which adventurer wouldn't want to stay for a few nights?

On the wall same as the entrance was a wide quest board on opposite sides with the brass door in the middle. Having made of hard-wood and iron, it had a sturdy built. The durable cork board allowed quest requests to be repeated pinned and removed multiple times over without wearing out. Oddly enough, from gossips being heard around town, Croquel was the only guild that had such a durable cork board. In the Lion's Keep guild and Gleamlock guild, their quest boards had already been changed several times over. But in Croquel? Not even once! This mysterious phenomenon stupefied guild officials from the two other guilds. If only they could have one of those! Rumors says that the quest board possesses a life of its own, like a soul or will. Everything asides, only the Croquel guild head knew what was going on.

Maybe they didn't. It could be some black magic behind the scenes. Or that the workers there were quick enough to replace the board without people noticing. Whatever it was, the tale still haunts the minds of adventurers and visitors alike.

Curtis and Ellis walked up to the row of counters stationed a distance in front of the entrance.

Ellis plopped a box on the counter.

A wooden box with artificially colored gold rims and calligraphic patterns around it. A hinge on the front attached a lock. The padlock has weird notes ingrained in it, although not large, Curtis could guess the high defensive property it had.

If one couldn't break the lock, one could just break the box, right?

No, that wasn't the real issue. The bigger question to ask would be: Where did she get this box?

"This? The guy back at the dock told me to help bring this here, since we're heading to Croquel after all?"


Curtis could only remember being all dazed. Everything behaved in a wavy motion, including his thoughts. Which guy? All he knew was, it definitely wasn't the attendant.

Before anything, a receptionist came over with an all too familiar face.

"Ellis! big brother! welcome back!" Her tone brimming with joy. Wearing a specially designed red blouse coat together with a white coat accented by black lines and buttons. A long bubble red skirt with the middle cut by white; going across were gold criss-cross lines, weaving into multiple 'X's'. Long black pristine hair reaching her lower back. A medieval waiter X modern school blazer fusion. All she needed to complete her look was a book held in one hand, while making a comical pose.

"Ruth. Great to see you again."

"Come here!"

Ellis rushed forward and gave her a big bear hug. Unable to react in time Ruth fell properly into her grasp.

"Ellis... Ellis... there are people here."

"Oh, sorry," Well, they had been separated for almost three weeks now, so it's gotta be alright with this much right?

Like two suctions cups, they pulled away from each other.

Ruth is Curtis' sister, and also one of Ellis' closes friend asides from Tia.

"Here's a box. I'm not sure what it is but I think he said it's something the guild head will know?"

A box.

"Right. I'll take it to the higher-ups, thank you. Anything else?" Raising the side bar on the right, she slid behind the counter.

Curtis had no recollection of needing to transport this item here.

"Here, the confirmation slip for the pick-up quest," Handing over a piece of yellow-amber paper. The edges being burnt with fire, creating an uneven edge on all sides. This seal of Croquel was on it, together with the trade-off price of return.

Tapping away behind the counter, Ruth then began to hand over a mix of gold, silver and bronze coins, to which Curtis took up and divided it with Ellis. Then again, the gold coin was given to Ruth for keepsake.

Coins were the currency in the entire Monarch Empire. With the help of magic, they were able to create coins that were close to impossible to counterfeit. Though, the method to do so was unknown to normal people. Nevertheless, information like this wouldn't incline Curtis towards to finding out.

"There's also that thing you need to say right Curtis?" Ellis looked towards Curtis.

"That thing to which you mean— pillar?" Curtis said the last word inaudibly.

Ellis nodded.

Ruth tilted her head in confusion. Seeing as a clump of her hair fell in front of her face, she ran it back up behind her ear.

Curtis waved his hands, signaling Ruth to come closer. He needed to keep this under the covers. If news got out, there would be huge fights amongst not only other adventures, but also the other guilds or worse, the entire nation. Nobody would want history to repeat itself right?

Whispering a few words, Ruth raised an eyebrow.

"I'll call the guild master," she turned around. Curtis expected her to go straight towards office, but instead, she stopped in her tracks halfway and asked, "Do you even have proof?"

Curtis nodded. He understood how important this matter was. If it was a lie, she'd get herself in quite a mess. If it wasn't— their only hope was it wouldn't turn into a national crisis.

"Ok then," slipping away into the back door.

Chapter lengths are super long.... I'm thinking of shrink the size of the chapter and increase the frequency of chapter posts instead.

dotturndotcreators' thoughts