
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Quetzal vs Acalan 1

Nearly two weeks have passed since my mother challenged Acalan. After she has become a vampire she is very confident about her success.

My mom convinced the members of the tribe to have the battle at night. Since it was not an unreasonable request they have agreed.

Soon, I arrived at the battlefield. My mother had already left to prepare for the fight. The fight was happening on a ground that was well lit with the light from torches.

I soon met with Atzi, my half-sister on my way.

Since the death of my father, she has been working very hard to become a priestess as it was a wish of my father.

"Is your mother going to be okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry she will be alright"

Third-person Pov

The important members of the tribe were seated in the front, they wore expensive clothes and had grand jewels In them. Clothing in the Aztec empire symbolised status. The guards were surrounding them.

All the other members were surrounding the ground cheering, dancing and thanking the gods.

Soon, Acalan entered the arena. He was a boorish man who had a stocky build, a messy beard. He had a tattoo of the feathered serpent on his hand and some words in Nahuatl on various parts of his body.

He wore a loincloth and a cape draped around him. He was carrying a spear. The crowd cheered for him as he entered the arena. He soon sacrificed to Quetzalcoatl and prayed for his victory.

Next, Quetzal entered the arena. She was wearing a long skirt and a blouse. She also had a tattoo of a symbol on her hand. It's Nahuatl for jaguar. She also had a moon tattoo on her chest area but it was partially covered by the blouse.

Her silver hair was braided to not allow any discomfort. She didn't carry any weapons and only had an iron gauntlet. The women of Aztecs mostly took care of the house and some became priestesses so it was pretty rare for a female warrior.

So, many females admired Quetzal as she accomplished something that they can only dream of. Many men admire her for her beauty.

"Do you remember the conditions Quetzal?" Acalan asked with a smirk.

"Don't worry Acalan, I remember it. Let's not waste time by talking and get into the fight" Quetzal answered annoyed.

"Oh, but why is your weapon only a gauntlet. Are you sure you want to fight me with just that?" Acalan laughed as he asked it.

"I don't need it. But does it matter how I defeat you? Either by a sword, spear, macuahuitl. It's all the same"

"Oh, quite feisty are you. I think I am gonna enjoy it" Acalan said while licking his lips.

Quetzal, disgusted by his antics took the initiative to attack. She had lost the battle of provocation as she lost her cool and rushed to attack.

"I will humour you by fighting you unarmed" Acalan announced as he inserted the spear into the ground and raised his guard to defend.

But Quetzal closed the distance quickly and threw a punch. Even if Acalan didn't expect the speed he reacted quickly and dodged in time. At the same time, he punched Quetzal's stomach.

As her punch was too soon and too heavy she had a hard time pulling back her arm but she quickly twisted her hips and dodged the attack.

Acalan utilised this chance as he threw a flurry of punches. Quetzal was struggling at first but she quickly adapted to his punches and was responding accordingly.

The spectators were awed by this as they were fully immersed in the battle. To them, Acalan had the advantage. But Huitzilin knew that was not the truth.

Acalan was clearly struggling against Quetzal's superior strength and was barely keeping up with his experience and superior combat sense.

'Why is she so strong? What sort of sorcery is this. It is unbelievable' during his moment of lapse, Quetzal immediately found a gap in his guard as she kicked his waist.

Acalan was sent flying across the arena as he coughed blood. After some struggle, he got back up with an enraged expression on his face.

"How the hell did you become so strong? What did you do? Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore as I am done playing around" Acalan barked as he swiftly picked up his spear.

His bearing instantly changed as he was like an eagle intensively watching his prey, so he could catch with even if it moved.

Quetzal unconscious tensed up seeing Acalan. He was the most powerful foe she faced after childbirth. But she soon remembered her powers and slightly lowered her guard.

Acalan unexpectedly threw the spear aiming straight at Quetzal's abdomen. Quetzal didn't expect this as the spear was so close to piercing her.

But unknown to everyone's knowledge Quetzal immediately manipulated her abdomen and made it shrink. So the spear only grazed her skin taking with it a chunk of her flesh. Blood flowed from the injury and all over her clothes.

To others, it looked like Quetzal abnormally twist her waist to avoid the spear directly piercing her body. But Acalan quickly noticed her abnormality.

'Like I thought she isn't normal. But it doesn't matter now. When I defeat her I will definitely ask her what magic she did' Acalan thought as he quickly took out the two daggers he had hidden.

'This old fox is good. I lack the technique and battle sense to defeat him. But fortunately, I have my vampire powers. But becoming a vampire does not mean instantly becoming powerful that no one could beat you'

Quetzal soon focused and stopped underestimating Acalan. She wanted to know how far would she go without her vampire powers.

Acalan quickly attacked her with his twin daggers. One aimed for her neck and the other at her abdomen. Both of his hand's timing were the same and near perfect.

It was obvious to anyone he was a very skilled warrior and a genius adept at combat. He was also the teacher of the deceased tribe leader Tupoc.

Seeing Acalan's twin dagger head towards her she quickly jumped back and retreated without hesitation. She didn't attack impulsively and chose to retreat.

Watching Quetzal retreat Acalan quickly threw one of his daggers at Quetzal without hesitation. The crowd was dumbfounded as Acalan seems to have a fetish to throw his weapons.

"The same trick won't work twice old man" Quetzal scoffed as he punched the dagger and the dagger went off course.

Acalan smirked at this.


First time writing a fighting sequence. What do you guys think of it? Give your thoughts and opinions in the comments. Also, do you guys prefer 1st person pov or 3rd person pov.