
Phoenix University

Meant to be despite the detours they made.

Kent_Kenshin · Thành thị
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84 Chs

Chapter 50 The Truth Revealed

All the visitors went home already except for Andrew. "Andrew, it's late already. You better sleep here." Mrs. Bess Smith said. "But Aunt." "No buts, Andrew! Your Mom already knows you're staying here for the night." Mrs. Bess Smith said, smiling. "Thanks, Aunt Bess. I have something to tell you this time, Uncle Jerry." Andrew suddenly said. They were in the porch. "What is it, Andrew?" Mr. Jerry Smith asked. "I love Elle more than a best friend, Uncle. And I want to ask for your permission if she can be my girlfriend, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Bess. I really, really love Elle." Andrew said with a hopeful smile. He turned to Elle. "At last you said it, Andrew! Mr. Jerry Smith said as he clapped his hands with a smile. "I don't see any problem on that, Andrew, as long as you genuinely love my only daughter, as long as you take care of her and be responsible of your actions towards her. And don't forget to focus on your studies. What can you say, love?" Mr. Jerry asked as he turned to his wife. "Never ever hurt Elle. I don't want to see her crying, Andrew. I know you two are best friends for so many years. I feel comfortable because you choose Elle to be your girlfriend now that she is eighteen. You have our consent and blessing, Andrew." Mrs. Bess Smith said as she hugged him. "Elle!" Mrs. Bess Smith smiled as she turned to her daughter. "Don't worry, Mom, Dad. I will not forget to focus on my studies. Right, Drew?" Elle said, smiling at him. "Definitely, Elle." He replied as he squeezed her hand. "Thank you so much, Uncle, Aunt! I will always take care of Elle." Andrew said seriously. "Yes Dad, Mom, Andrew is like 24/7 protective of me." Elle laughed. "That's good to hear, Andrew. Now you are officially in a relationship but don't forget the studies." Mr. Jerry Smith announced. "Yes, Uncle, thank you!" Andrew said happily. Elle just smiled at them, yawning. "Okay, okay we'll leave you here. Time to rest, love." Mr Jerry Smith said. He smiled at them and together with his wife, they entered the mansion. "Rest well, sweetie." Mrs. Bess Smith turned around and smiled at them. Andrew and Elle remained alone in the porch. The field was already fixed and cleaned. Elle's gifts were placed already inside her room. After the party, Nanny Ann brought them all inside.

"Now you're eighteen, Elle and we are officially in a relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, I'm so much happier this time. And I want us to call each other as Babe." Andrew said in a serious tone. "You are really brave, Babe. You really told Dad about this. I'm proud of you." Elle said, smiling at him. "Because I told you before that I love you so much, Babe. And I'll do everything to make our relationship official. And this is it, hon, I'm so happy!" Andrew stood up and took her hand. He embraced her so tight. Then, he looked at her deeply into her eyes. Elle felt the urge inside her. To her surprise, Andrew kissed her very passionately on her lips. They both closed their eyes as they kissed together. "Let's go inside now. I'm sleepy, Babe." Elle said as soon as they smiled together after the kiss. Elle locked the entrance door. They both went upstairs. Andrew walked her to her room before he went to the guest room beside her. As Elle entered her room, Andrew followed her. The mansion was quiet. Everyone's asleep except them. Andrew kissed her again. That time was torrid. He kissed her neck. She allowed him. They were still wearing their party clothes. But Andrew was so romantic and fast that he knew how to undress her. She did not allow him to remove everything but only on top. As he kissed her lips, he took her bra and cupped her breasts with his full hands and he sucked them as she laid down her bed. She wrapped her hands on his neck as he kept on sucking. Then he suddenly said as he was on top of her, "Thank you for allowing me to do this, Babe. Don't worry, we will not do sex unless you are ready. We will just make love together this time. I love you so much, Babe!" Andrew said seriously. He was so in love with Elle even before. But he just controlled his emotions. "Because I love you too, Babe." Elle replied. "I told myself to control my feelings for you because I have so many goals to reach but you love me so deeply and tenderly even starvingly delicious too that I allowed myself to unleash my emotions. And I don't regret that, Babe." Elle said. She pulled him so close and kissed him torridly. He responded to her kiss as he cupped again her breasts. As he sucked each of them, he said, "You are only mine, Miss Elle Smith. No one will touch you except me. No one will kiss you except me. No one will make love to you except me. Only me! And I don't wanna see you around boys." Andrew said with a serious look on his handsome face. "I'm only yours, Mr. Andrew Jones. Hahahahahaha you are always with me ever since so no worries." She replied. Andrew sucked her breasts so deep that she moaned in a low voice and she grasped his hair. "You are so romantic, Babe, I love it!" Elle said with a moan. "Just for you, Babe, I'll do everything." Andrew responded as he stood up, he took her hand and returned her gown then he hugged her so tight. "Sweet dreams, Babe. Sleep well." He kissed her with passion on her lips before he went to his designated room.