
Phoenix's crescent love

Her Lineage was cursed and a mission was given throughout the generations. Feng Hui Lan was the chosen candidate, heaven’s pick, but heaven’s pick that was against all odds. It shouldn’t have been her, but the mission fell on her shoulders. She was heaven’s pick that was sent into the body of a powerless empress with the exact same name and very similar face like hers. There she became ‘Empress Hui Lan’ who had been driven into a fiery pit of fire by her beloved emperor which had caused her unjust death. Before all of this, modern-day Hui Lan was an Eastern Historian Professor in England, but she would have never thought that she would be sent travelling back in time, even worse, into an unrecorded time period. Since young, she had been gifted a special gift to be able to talk to animals. There would always be small voices in her head, however, when she grew up, the voices slowly faded away. Until she came to the past where these voices reappeared once more. In the unfamiliar world, Hui Lan must strive among the plots and schemes aimed at her. Along the way, she has two majestic assistants to guide her, Yue and Hun that had come from an even more ancient time period. No longer the well-behaved empress like before, Empress Hui Lan seeks to find justice in this messy palace and end the mission forced in her hands. Beneath the surface, an underground power seeks to pull her down like how they had driven Empress Hui Lin to the pit of fire. However, if her enemies kept secretly hidden in the dark, then she would build an entire empire of hers to bring them down. The subtle change in his consort’s temperament had not escaped his incisive eyes. Emperor Shen Yang Long was well known for his iciness among his subjects, the surrounding kingdoms and his wives that were all arranged for different purposes. However, only one marriage that he was more than ever willing to marry was his favourite concubine, Concubine Li, Li Mei Fang. Nevertheless, after that night, he faces this indifference side of his consort who he had always been ignoring; it became like a thorn to his heart. Struggling with these new emotions in his heart, he finds out his true feelings in the end, but will it be too late? It was a fight for power within the palace walls, but moreover, the old roots that were also seeking to destroy the entire kingdom and the other kingdoms. Hui Lan was the next one in the next mission that was not supposed to happen, but would she be the last?” ... Upload Schedule: Mon-Fri at 11 pm (GMT+7) ... Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/aT5FqUC ... Hope you enjoy this novel!

cha_cha · Lịch sử
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293 Chs

Rising (XIII)

Hui Lan could see her bright future up ahead of her.

As she approached her last few steps, it was not as hard as when she started. Her arms were spread out like wings as she approached her last few steps lightheartedly.

The corners of her lips were also slightly raised up when she stretched her legs to step onto the last pillar.

However, just as she was about to put her foot down onto the last platform, a figure in white appeared in front of her in a flash, followed by another figure.

Hui Lan could remember the white robe that was blocking her way without having to look up to who it belonged to. It was the very same robe that had been guiding her all this way here. She did not have to think much and retrieved her foot emotionlessly from the last pillar and stood back on the one before it.

She slowly crossed her arms and looked up lazily at the other person.

Seeing such an attitude coming from the young lady, he was rendered speechless. Never in his life had he been treated this way by a junior.

Feng Furen, who had been standing beside her senior brother, too crossed her arms as she glanced at the person standing beside her.

...Served him right.

"Ahem…" Elder Yi cleared his throat as he stood among two seemingly scary people beside him. Nevertheless, he soon relayed what he and Teacher Zhang needed to do next. The elder looked up at Hui Lan with his usual shrewd eyes before speaking, "Since you have passed your first test...it is time for you to receive my test."

Hearing what Elder Yi had just spoken, Hui Lan was not surprised. She saw it coming when she saw him blocking her way.

...These people were fairly predictable in a sense that they might not know it themselves, tut tut.

"What test is it?" Hui Lan threw out her question like the bigger person.

"You?" Elder Yi frowned with upset feelings. This girl was too much ah! In his entire 49 years in life, he had never seen someone this bold. Too bold ah!

"Senior Brother, what test? You should tell your student that…" Feng Furen joined in with her daughter with amusement in her eyes as she watched her senior brother look at her with a speechless face.

"Not you too?" Elder Yi slightly pouted.

Feng Furen shrugged, "Just saying…"

Hui Lan could not help but giggle after hearing Feng Furen's light words. Hearing Hui Lan laughing, a surge of warmth began rushing in Feng Furen's heart. She looked at the young lady standing tall and mighty on the pillar.

Even without any fighting skills, she could look this heroic. Once Hui Lan became equipped with them, how much more formidable would she become? Feng Furen could not help but look at Hui Lan with praise in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Elder Yi could feel his face burning, "Fine!" That was it, he needed to tell her before it would escalate even more, "Take those piles of books and put them in order in the bookshelves, once you're done, come and have a round of chess with me. If you lose the game, you'll have to sort that other pile of books and then duel with me in the chess game." After speaking Elder Yi slightly lifted his chin in his own self-esteem.

"Ah? You must be kidding me?" Hui Lan could not believe her eyes. Sorting out books wasn't that hard if there weren't too many books waiting to be sorted out, but this, since when was there a hill of books on the ground? Moreover, there wasn't just one but 1, 2, 3, 4...5!? This could take more than ten years to finish reading.

Elder Yi felt content at the girl's reaction and crossed his arms, "Hmph! I'll be waiting for you. Don't take too long or I'll leave to my own chambers soon." Then, with a swift of his sleeves, Elder Yi made his way back to his seat in a happy mood. This felt much better, hm.

Hui Lan could not help but release a long sigh before releasing her arms hanging beside.

...Fine...fine, she'll just do it as if she was lifting weights!

Feng Furen and Hui Lan met eyes and a sense of reassurance was sent silently between one another. Hui Lan gave a promising nod to Feng Furen to reassure the elder in front of her.

Seeing that look coming from Hui Lan, Feng Furen then made her way over to where her senior was.

She gave another silent warning look at her senior brother before sitting down gracefully on her seat.

Elder Yi simply lifted his chin to the other side.

Tch, completely forgetting the times they had spent together as senior brother and senior sister. Tch!

On the other hand, Hui Lan could finally come down from the formation and to the soft grass. However, even that, her legs could not help but sway slightly as she stepped down. Moreover, she could feel her muscles shake restlessly.

Nevertheless, she made her way steadily towards the pile of books that had been assigned to her.

Upon reaching closer, the pile looked much bigger than what she saw from afar. Hui Lan then looked at the enormous bookshelves that were behind the piles of books and as if being drawn to them, she made her way closer to it.

Her eyes were slightly sparkling as she gazed upon the bookshelves that almost reached to the ceiling of this big room. There were also two long ladders that were attached to the bookshelves.

In her heart, she could not help but admire it as if seeing her favourite thing.

...If others saw Hui Lan, they would completely think that she was a bookworm.

Books were what she loved since she was young and they had been with her for her entire lifetime. Even when she was a professor, her office would be wrecked with piles of books. Furthermore, whenever she had to run her mother's organization which mastered in finding old goods and selling them, she would be particularly interested in the ancient books found and would take advantage of her heir apparent position and read them first before they were sold.

...Seeing these books made her think of the good old days. Oh, how she missed them and how she missed her Xuan Group…

Without going too far in her own thoughts, Hui Lan brought herself back to the present and began planning what to do.

Also, since she got the chance, she would also take her time to explore around as well. That elder would most likely wait for her to finish and wouldn't leave so soon, Feng Furen would be her guarantee.

Hui Lan then went ahead and explored how the books were all organized and even picked out a few books to read the title.

It was as if she had returned to her own personal space like a fish returning into water.

Nevertheless, it did not take long before she could see that all of the books were just simply arranged by the order of their names.

Hence, Hui Lan then set out to the pile of books and began searching through and ordering the books in another pile, following their names.

The whole time of organizing, her mind also became much more relaxed and instead of finding it as hard work, she was slowly enjoying herself in the things she loved.

However, it was just that, with Hui Lan looking so happy sorting out those books, someone felt as if his face had been cracked so many times.

He looked at her with a face full of disappointment.

Feng Furen raised up her teacup with an eased heart. It was good that Hui Lan seemed to be enjoying it, but the other person sitting in front of her seemed to be thinking otherwise ah, "Senior Brother...from what I see, it seemed my daughter is enjoying your task very much." She then took a small sip from her hot tea.

Everyone knew that this senior brother of hers hated sorting out the books in the bookshelves. However, it was not the case for Hui Lan.

Elder Yi's eyes became grim.

...Who would have thought that his burden would become what someone else liked ah?

It was as if they were taking turns eating each other's loses ah. However, there was still a chance for him in the chess game.

...Now, that was his expertise!

From above, in the dark shadows of the arena, another figure in white robes was sipping his tea leisurely.

He blew his tea softly before taking a sip.

...Aiyoo, even his student had lost to the new girl. It seemed the Grand Master would be receiving a new student soon. Would this be the rise of the Rui Ren?

...Hm, how long has it been since the Rui Ren have not received any direct students?

22 years it seemed…

...The last direct students were those four kids that have all now grown into adults.

...Then there were those 2 generation kids that were his students with an exception of one.

...Nevertheless, it would be a long time before this new Rui student would get to meet the Grand Master Rui.

...Even when she does meet him, would she even have a clue that that was her true master...haha.

When the time was right, hopefully, Grand Master Rui would finally come out.

Elder Zhang placed his cup down on his table before getting up nobly.

...Ah, it's time to prepare a place for her to stay and some new clothes.

...I wondered if Su Rong had given her the right historical books that I had instructed? If so, then in no time she would find out about where she was.

Here's today's upload~~~

I dropped some bomb here and let's see what will be our fm's reaction haha.

Hope everyone is taking care and stay safe! Thank you for reading~~~


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