
Philippines: The Chosen Land

Ferdinand Salazar, a distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines Diliman, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable scenario when a bomb blast obliterates the classroom where he was teaching, only to awaken moments later in the body of another man—Ferdinand Marcos Sr. As Salazar grapples with the shock of his new reality, he realizes the immense potential his newfound position holds. Armed with insights from the future, he sees an opportunity to reshape the course of Philippine history and elevate his country to unprecedented heights of wealth and power. But altering the course of history is no easy task, and Salazar faces formidable challenges as he navigates the treacherous political landscape of his time. He must tread carefully, leveraging his knowledge of future events to outmaneuver adversaries and implement transformative policies that will secure the prosperity and influence of the Philippines. Yet, as Salazar delves deeper into the complexities of his altered reality, he grapples with moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries. How far is he willing to go to achieve his vision of a prosperous Philippines? And can he truly reconcile his identity as Ferdinand Salazar with the persona of Ferdinand Marcos Sr.?

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15 Chs

Chapter 6

As Ferdinand Salazar leaned back in his chair, a heavy sigh escaping his lips, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his newfound responsibilities pressing down on him. "This is much harder than being a teacher," he remarked to himself, his mind swirling with the myriad challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Indeed, the task of governing a nation was fraught with complexities and uncertainties, far beyond anything he had encountered in the classroom. As a professor at the University of the Philippines, Salazar had been accustomed to dissecting theories and analyzing historical trends. But now, as President of the Philippines, he found himself thrust into the midst of real-world politics, grappling with the intricacies of governance and diplomacy on a scale he had never imagined.

Despite the daunting nature of his new role, Salazar remained undaunted. Armed with the knowledge and insights gleaned from his experiences in the future, he was determined to make a difference and steer the Philippines towards a brighter future.

One of the pressing issues on Salazar's mind was the need to secure the country's standing in the West Philippine Sea, particularly in the face of China's assertive territorial claims. Drawing upon his knowledge of future events, Salazar was acutely aware of the importance of safeguarding the Philippines' maritime rights and resources in the disputed waters.

One strategy that Salazar had been contemplating was the establishment of resources rigs in the West Philippine Sea. These rigs would enable the Philippines to tap into the vast natural resources lying beneath the seabed, including oil and natural gas reserves. By asserting its sovereignty and economic rights through the development of these resources, Salazar believed that the Philippines could strengthen its position in the region and bolster its claim to the disputed territories.

However, Salazar knew that pursuing such a course of action would not be without its challenges. The West Philippine Sea was a hotbed of geopolitical tensions, with competing claims from multiple countries vying for control over its strategic waters. Any move to assert the Philippines' rights in the region would undoubtedly provoke strong reactions from neighboring states, particularly China.

Nevertheless, Salazar remained resolute in his determination to protect the Philippines' interests and assert its sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea. He understood that the stakes were high, but he also recognized the immense potential benefits that could be derived from the prudent and strategic development of the country's maritime resources.

As he pondered his next steps, Salazar knew that he would need to tread carefully and thoughtfully navigate the complexities of regional geopolitics. But with his vision for a stronger, more prosperous Philippines guiding him, he was ready to confront the challenges head-on and lead the country towards a future of stability, security, and prosperity in the West Philippine Sea and beyond.


In the days following Ferdinand Salazar's cabinet appointments, the corridors of power in Manila buzzed with anticipation and speculation. As appointment letters were dispatched to various government agencies, news outlets, and the Commission on Appointments, the country waited with bated breath to see who would be chosen to lead the nation forward.

Amidst the flurry of activity, news media outlets wasted no time in reporting on the backgrounds and expertise of the newly appointed cabinet members. Headlines blared across newspapers and radio broadcasts, highlighting the qualifications and accomplishments of each individual selected to serve in key government positions. From the halls of Malacañang Palace to the bustling streets of Manila, the news spread like wildfire, igniting a sense of optimism and excitement among the Filipino people.

One such news report, published in the Manila Bulletin, provided a detailed overview of the incoming cabinet members and their respective credentials. The headline read: "New Cabinet Lineup Unveiled: A Closer Look at the Faces of Change." The article went on to profile each appointee, highlighting their educational backgrounds, professional achievements, and areas of expertise.

"For the position of Secretary of Finance, President Marcos has chosen Cesar Virata, a seasoned economist with a distinguished career in both the public and private sectors," the report stated. "With a Bachelor of Science in Commerce from the University of the Philippines and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School, Virata brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table."

The article continued to detail the qualifications of other cabinet members, including Jaime Laya as Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management, Gregorio Licaros as Central Bank Governor, Gerardo Sicat as head of the National Economic and Development Authority, and Carlos P. Romulo as Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Each appointee was praised for their expertise and track record of success in their respective fields, with the media expressing optimism about the potential impact of their leadership on the country's future.

As the news of the appointments spread, the Filipino people received the news with cautious optimism. While there were undoubtedly challenges ahead, there was also a sense of hope and confidence that the new cabinet members possessed the background and skills necessary to address the pressing issues facing the nation. From economic development to foreign affairs, the incoming administration promised to usher in a new era of progress and prosperity for the Philippines.

In the halls of government offices and around dinner tables across the country, conversations buzzed with excitement as Filipinos eagerly awaited the next chapter in their nation's history. With a team of capable and dedicated leaders at the helm, the future looked brighter and with their expertise and dedication, they inspired confidence and hope for a brighter future for the Philippines.

As Ferdinand Salazar observed the unfolding events with satisfaction, he knew that the journey ahead would be challenging, but he was confident that with the support of his newly appointed cabinet, the Philippines would overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. And as he prepared to embark on this new chapter in the nation's history, he did so with a sense of optimism and determination, knowing that together, they would build a better tomorrow for all Filipinos.