
Chapter 56

Sammy laid in bed, except subconsciously she knew it wasn't the bed in the hotel, but the one from her childhood on the farm. Which made no sense, because she'd fallen asleep in the hotel room.

Pink curtains ruffled in the early fall night breeze and the chirp of crickets was like a song. The lingering scent from the pork chops for dinner was still clinging in the air, but it was fading now.

Despite the peaceful somberness, her gut churned with guilt and she couldn't sleep. Mama was out scouring the next county over for a new pair of shoes for her to wear to the homecoming dance tomorrow. Sammy had been so nervous about going to the dance that she'd flipped out on poor Mama and obsessed about not having any dress shoes. It was stupid. So stupid.

And Mama had been gone for hours. She should've been back by now.

The clock on her nightstand ticked away the seconds, driving her to madness.