
Chapter 50

Kerry's throat was raw, the chair underneath her unyielding, and her legs were completely numb because she'd drawn them up to her chest after they'd made her sit down. Hours ago. What felt like hours ago.

The nurses had offered her a sedative, or rather, had given her friends the offer when she couldn't calm down. That had been enough to stop the hysterics.

There was nothing left of her. She'd been gutted and left to sit there, a hollow mass of tissue and limbs. She couldn't even feel her heart beating. She had no idea what time it was or even what day it was. All she knew was that Paul had been taken away, and no one would tell her if he was alive.

The floral print wallpaper and mauve vinyl chairs of the waiting room predated Madonna's rise to fame. A TV in the corner was tuned on an entertainment news program, showing a continuous video loop of their mishaps since investigating Black Canyon. It seemed to hold Cain's attention.