
Chapter 47

They had no more than stepped inside the hotel suite when Terrance held up his cell phone. "Elise, they're back."

Kerry rolled her shoulders, waiting for the yelling their producer was sure to do.

"Good," Elise said through the speaker. "How are you, Cain?"

He limped over to the couch and sat with minimal assistance from Paul. "I'm good. Nothing tragic."

"I want the ER report."

Kerry held up his discharge papers as if Elise could see them. "I'll scan and send them over in a couple minutes."

"Fine. The techies can clue you in on what you missed. If I get one more call about a hospital visit, I'll be on a plane to Arizona myself and you'll need more than an ER when I'm done with you." She sighed. "Glad you're not mortally wounded, Cain. Anything else? No? Okay, bye."

Cain dropped his head back on the couch and groaned. "She took that rather well."

Amir grunted. "You weren't on the phone with her the past hour."