
Chapter 44

Paul shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to ward off the sudden chill, and jerked his chin toward the fading sun. "They're here." And thank damn God, because he was going nuts conjuring up all the things Cain and Kerry could've been discussing. Alone. In the hotel room.

It was stupid, being jealous of Cain for wanting to help, or for Paul not being the one to figure out what lay at the root of Kerry's troubles, causing the doppelganger in the first place. But damn, he was her best friend, the one who loved her beyond reason, and...yeah.

Flat out, he wanted to be the one she needed.

Sammy turned in the direction of their second van as it bobbed through the ruts in the desert, headlights piercing the dusk. "Good. You ready for this?"

In the absence of the rest of the crew, he and Sammy had discussed the need to provoke the spirits, using Kerry as a tool. Any other time, on any other case, he wouldn't have given a rat's ass. But this was different.