
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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What damned Kenn was the fact that they had found several incriminating documents regarding the governor working with pirates and them planning his assassination. It hurt him now when he saw the soldiers saluting him. It hurt him even more when the Primarch, the leader if the Turians had saluted him and told him that both of them were going to be promoted.

He just wanted to get fired and just disappear now.

You know change his name and then run away from it all. The Turians as well as the Quarians as well.

For now, he was standing infront of the council. Solana at his side.. He looked at his new exo-suit made by the orders of the Primarch. He looked at the insignia at his shoulder, he had been heavily promoted due to his supposed actions of exposing an entire network of corrupt officials among the higher ups.

He was sulking at the moment. No one could see his face but his body language spoke plenty.

The councilors finally entered. The cameras turned on and this event was being live broad casted at the moment.

"We did not expect that one Quarian would distinguish himself enough to stand in front of us for a second time like this." Valern had spoken.

"These qualities are seldom present in individuals. The ability to bravely lead people, the forethought to predict enemy movements. And to lay a perfect trap all in order to the colluders working with pirates, smugglers and other entities that prey upon our systems. The council owes you a debt of gratitude." Tevos had spoken.

And then at last, Councilor Spartacus spoke. "When the idea regarding a Quarian being administered within the fleet had been purposed. I was against it. I am happy to say that you proved me wrong about a lot of things. You are a credit to the uniform that you are wearing. It is with extreme pleasure where I will announce the decision that we the council have come to with the support of each of our respective governments."

Spartacus had taken a deep breath as he said. "General Valkarian and Colonel Kenn please step forward. Through your own actions, you have proven your right to lead General. Through your cunning and quick thinking, you have hunted down the entire quadrant eliminating the major bases for slavers and smugglers. Colonel Kenn. Hence, it is my great honor to confer a new position on you both. You will both become part of a new elite unit called Overwatch. The powers that you will have are similar to specters but you may take command of any fleet within space to safe guard our borders and safety in case of a battle. You will have a few companions that would join you."

Tevos stood up. "This honor is not given lightly or easily. But you both have proved yourself in the field of battle. Hence, you would be under the greatest amount of scrutiny possible."

Valern turned to Ken. "And I hope that you would be able to prove yourself capable of even greater accomplishments moving forward."

Each of them had been given a new rank and a new uniform.

Spartacus had taken them both to speak quietly in his own office. "You both are relieved from duty from the Palaven fleet force from this moment forward."

Well in a twisted way, Ken did get his own wish granted but now he was under even greater pressure. While, he was wondering what he did wrong. He came to an epiphany, maybe the problem was the fact that he was trying too hard. If he went with the flow, maybe he would be fired pretty soon. That could work. He decided to just always go along with what anyone says from now on.

"Councilor, I find this unacceptable. I served in the military for my entire life." Solana had interfered.

"General, you don't have a choice in this matter." Spartacus had gotten up and moved to the window that was overlooking the Presidium. "Dark times are coming. And we need every abled person out there making a difference. General Valkarian, you are the youngest person to reach your own rank. It had been a great pleasure following your career. You are one of the smartest and brightest officers to have graced our mighty fleet. And that is precisely why you are perfect for your current position. Your training will begin soon, it would be led by Jondan Bau and Nihlus. They will both be your mentors."

And then he had turned towards Kenn. "You have become a mythand legend within our own high command. The Primarch wanted to bring you to Palaven in order to induct you within the forces there. You would have entered the line of succession to become a Primarch someday as well. I had supported that decision but I was overruled. Your ability to oversee and correctly predict the future has earned you the title of Seer among the Citadel. You are a credit to your race and to our forces. I hope to see the day when Quarians can join the citadel once more."

He had ended the conversation with that. "Both of your mentors are waiting for you outside." He had waved them out.


On that day, news had exploded regarding the performance of Kenn. the first Quarian to become part of Project Overwatch. It was a transition of specters to the new roles. And so his military exploits started to spread. His performance and quick thinking. His military achievements were exaggerated and it became a theme for him to be thinking tens of steps ahead of any enemy.

It began to turn from a Quarian from humble beginning who fought and won against slavers. Captained the ship into the council space. Worked along side the last remnant of the Protheans. Became the first individual from another race to join the Turian fleet on his own merits. And then had masterfully proceeded to clear out an entire sector from pirate influence and exposed a dangerous plot all at the same time. He was being endlessly praised. And due to his effort a lot of the Quarians began to get much better working conditions. He became a legend within the heart of the young Quarians. But when they found out about his mother and her beliefs. A seed of doubt was planted within their hearts. As they began to wonder if reconciliation is possible and if they could take back their home world without any bloodshed. Maybe just with talking. The admiralty board was divided on this fact. With some of the admiral agreeing and other calling his mother a heretic. Yet, they did not speak against him as he had never expressed such view.

And so this would lead to the creation of a new faction, the diplomatic faction which intended to talk with the Geth before any action could be taken.

He had also caught the attention of the Geth. Who had looked at his mother and his own history. The collective had debated and a decision was reached. They would keep on observing, and if possible, send a diplomatic envoy to him. Maybe they could finally make peace with the creators. The Geth had made a monument to Kenn's mother. Another one of the creator dead, all in order to protect them. They did not forget the morning war, where a few creators had risen up to tey and protect them. The first Geth had picked up a weapon all in order to protect its own masters. But still they had failed. They will not fail again. They would keep an eye on Creator Kenn, and make sure that he was not snuffed out.

To them, it was a pity that the heretics had already left with the false machine gods. Not when they began to feel hope once more. Several Geth programs had already infiltrated within the Extra net, all in order to observe Creator Kenn. Who would one day become one of the greatest generals to ever live.

Kenn was now under a predicament. His hands were being held behind his head by general Valkarian who was speaking to him. "Kenn, I am tired of waiting, was I not obvious. Am I not beautiful, why do you not answer my advances."

Kenn was scared shitless right now. "Answering your advances would mean my death. I can get an infection simply from an exchange of bodily fluid. No that's not even necessary. Remove my mask and I will get an infection. So, how do you think, I can answer any of your advances."

She had pouted at that and began to make circles on his chest after letting go of his hands. Garrus was face palming as he was looking at his elder sister. For god's sake, that was common knowledge.

The Geth who were on serving them had sent the data packet back to the Geth collective so that appropriate measures could be taken.

And so began the life of the Geth watching the rom-com between Solana and Kenn. And as time passed, they became even more addicted to it. Several Geth programs had demanded a change of scouts so that everyone can get a chance to see them both. They were already making a new suit and injection to boost Quarians immune system. Little by Little, as Geth watch them, they grew more sentient and so their own evolution had begun. They began to understand organic life more and more as they saw what their purpose was. The Geth themselves began to move away from a focus on efficiency, as they began to incorporate more artistic designs. They started to slowly develop their own culture. But this would take place months in the future. Not right now.

For now, they only observed.

It had become customary for the geths to now take a pilgrimage into the citadel to watch this rom-com.