
Chapter 1

People at this academy is so stupid! They all believe that whomever possess magic is blessed and have received a great gift ,however I completely disagree,

magic is a curse given to us to begin war against one another and to create chaos, and I am sadly one of those who possess magic and I hate it !

I was enrolled at this academy 3 days ago after the death of my brother Elrich. He was known for his incredible strength and his magic was extraordinary,he was kind and was caring, however everyone feared him because of his powers ,except me .I was never afraid of him, not because he was my brother, but because of the fact that my magic is 1000× stronger than his and he knew that ,he was actually the only person who knew that .He was my hero not because of his magic or his strength ,only because he restrained himself of using his magic when I was near .He became my guardian when both of my parents passed away .I was only 5 years old but I remember everything that happened that night when they died and I also know who is to blame , and that person is me . I was alone in my room playing with my dolls when suddenly fire ignited from my hands and in a instant my entire house was in flames. My brother came to my rescue and we made it out alive , however my mother and father did not .Sometimes I still hear my parents screaming and trying to break free from the room witch they where trapped in ,in my dreams but luckily those dreams dont come around as often as they used to .my brother and I never spoken about that night but he knew that my hatred towards magic began on that night .He desperately tried to help me control my magic but I didn't listen to him , he soon discovered Phantom academy and he enrolled himself into the academy to study magic .He also enrolled me into the school but I just refused to go ,however after my brother's death I had no choice but to come live and study at this place.