

After the coronation ceremony and it's after party, Alicia was finally alone with just her mom, Tang An. "Mother, can I ask why you sent me to a whole different universe?" 

Tang An froze… The way Alicia addressed Tang An as 'Mother' instead of 'mom'already made Tang An know that Alicia knew she was in a different universe altogether and that she could say anything against this fact. "It's a long story and I need to pack, so can we talk about this later?" 

By later, she meant after she toured all the planets. Hoping in a few tens of years Alicia would forget the whole thing. But unfortunately her brush off was not going to work on Alicia. "Oh? I guess I need to have your visa flagged upon entry to send you back to Phantasia, since you plan to run away."

"Akari! That is an abuse of power!" Tang An couldn't believe Alicia would go that far just to hear the truth!