
Ray Sullan

It was not long before an older man around fifty years old walked into the meeting room. He had a slight limp in his left leg as he walked and two scars over his left eye that seemed to be permanently closed. "Sorry for the wait ladies. This old injury of mine has been acting up the past few days. My name is Ray Sullan, the guild master here. Which one of you is Alicia?" 

 Alicia stood up and said: "My name is Alicia..." 

"Mmm good. That old bastard really knows how to pick a disciple. I looked over your guild test results and I have to say little girl for your age you can outclass many of those old men out there. Hell even in my prime I do not think I would be able to be your match. Haha! Listen to me ramble. Let me get to the point. The mission you ladies took on before was originally and F rank correct?" Ray asked.