
Chapter Eight - Hormones

The third-year students were anxious for the visit to Hogsmeade. The teachers took care of the students and were attentive to the second-year students who tried to escape.

The wizarding world was small and you could count on your fingers the public places: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, the Ministry of Magic, and Diagon Alley. Practically everyone knew each other and Aster sometimes complained about this. He couldn't just be one more student. He couldn't do anything out of the ordinary without them judging him. It was no wonder he wanted to leave England for a while.

It was the beginning of autumn so it wasn't that cold, Petunia was wearing a grayish blue coat with navy blue details that went down to her knees, she enchanted a boot with thermal insulation charms and changed the brown color of the boots to black in the end she thought something was missing so she took a long blue ribbon and made a headband with a bow and put it on her black hat.

The four friends walked around the village they walked and went into almost all the shops except the Hog's Head since it didn't seem like the most suitable place for thirteen-year-old girls no matter how much Gwen wanted to go in there, and they also didn't go into Madame Puddifoot's Tea House because the place was full of cheesy couples.

- "Geez I would never go on a date in a place like that and it's so tacky." - Said Gwen.

- "I wouldn't mind," - Said Pandora.

- "I don't even know why Lovegood hasn't asked you out yet."

 - "We're just friends . . . . . For now, who knows what will happen in the future." - The girls laughed at Pandora's speech.

She herself had been invited to a date with a boy and refused because even if she didn't have Aster, it would be very strange and wrong to have a date with a thirteen-year-old boy. They stood in a long line to buy candy and Petunia made a list of what to buy for Lily and Severus before Christmas. 

Aster was excited because his older brother Arthur was a father, the child had been born in November.

She was a little anxious to meet the Weasley family, even though she knew the meeting would take a while. Aster was the youngest brother, the closest to her age. Arthur had already graduated when she started school, so she had never met any member of his family. Which was good since he couldn't hide the way he looked at her. If his brothers saw her, they would realize right away. There was a reason for the couple to avoid being seen together as much as possible.

Petunia was entering puberty. She was the tallest in her year and had lost her baby fat (she looked almost fifteen). Her hormones were getting to her. She felt like kissing Asterion and knew he wanted the same, but they had already had this conversation. The minimum age to date was fourteen and he wanted to do things the right way, even though he knew she was over fifty. Mentally, this irritated her a little, but she would have his kisses after the Christmas holidays.

Lily had a calendar where she was counting down the days until she went to Hogwarts. Severus didn't show it, but he was also excited. Margaret seemed sad to see that her daughter would be away from her. There were still eight months to go, but the days passed quickly. It seemed like yesterday that she received her letter.

Lily would be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, maybe Ravenclaw, but it was unlikely. Lily was bold, lively, adventurous, and brave. She seemed to admire Gryffindor and she would look good in red and gold.

Severus seemed very interested in Ravenclaw. He seemed interested in the fact that they had their own library. However, as a precaution, she told them both about the meaning of Mudblood, an insult used by some Slytherins. He already knew it, but Lily didn't. Seeing her reaction further cemented his choice not to go to Slytherin.


After returning from vacation, the couple met the next day. The castle was old and had many hidden passages. The two met, both wanted the same thing and their looks gave it away.

Aster transfigured a sofa since he was 1.89m tall and she was 1.69m tall. They both sat down and the redhead hesitated as if he was afraid. But Petunia waited four months for this kiss, and she wasn't going to put it off any longer. She approached him and kissed him. It was short, but it was enough for Aster to lose his fear.

At first, it was just pecks and then tongue kisses, the two of them were exploring since their bodies were different, they were both in teenage bodies but with decades of experience and remembering hormones, what was supposed to be a simple kiss evolved into a heated make-out session.

And there came a time when Petunia was underneath him with her legs crossed on top of his back, Aster had his member very hard on her thigh, both of them didn't mind kissing at Hogwarts but sex was different since there were ghosts that could interrupt and in the worst case scenario, the tantrum itself, Petunia wanted her first time in a bed in a place other than the Evans' house (she would avoid doing nefarious things under the same roof as her little sister).

The two parted ways and without looking back Petunia fixed her hair and clothes. They had kiss marks but Aster cured them. He transfigured a pillow that sat on top of her legs.

The two said goodbye and Petunia let him deal with his "problem alone." Did he want help? Yes, but they both knew it would be hard to stop and for the rest of the year, they both limited their kisses and always stopped when things got heated.

Poor Aster had to deal with his problem manually, but neither of them wanted to risk falling into temptation since they both knew each other well and knew they could have a relapse.

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Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).