
Petals in the Wind (Naruto Fanfiction)

Mikura Shimizu is a girl which encountered a lot of obstacles in her path. The good thing is that she wants to be strong and to get over whatever it's gonna come in her way. It doesn't matter that she lost her family, or her lover, or even her freedom. She will stay strong. That's what a good kunoichi does. As a Shimizu Clan member and as a Sound ninja, she will show only strength. Or that's what she shows to the merciless enemies. Being a war orphan, she finds her salvation under Orochimaru's protection. Becoming his apprentice, and a Sound ninja, she managed to have a life, to have friends, and even to fall in love. But this happiness won't last, because the Akatsuki will interfere with her path and will change everything she knows.

Denisa_Laura · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Sparring and Weird Situations

Everything was so soft and comfy. I tried to change my position, but a sharp pain hit me all of a sudden. I slowly open my eyes, trying to accommodate with the dim light. I tried to blink away the sleepiness and looked around confused. I almost froze when I saw Kimimaro-kun sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You're awake. How do you feel?" He asked with something that felt like concern.

"I think I'm good," I muttered, trying to avoid his eyes.

"You are such a bad liar," He sighed. "Mikura, can you please explain why did you hurt yourself like that?"

"Because I wanted to win," I simply said a bit taken aback by his soft tone.

"This isn't a good enough reason to do this to yourself. What you did was foolish."

"OK, you know what? I wanted to be strong enough to be acknowledged by you because you never seem to be pleased with anything I do. You called me weak and I had to prove the opposite. Satisfied?" I explained with a louder tone than I intended to, forgetting again that I should treat and think about him only as my Sensei.

He sighed, closing his eyes.

"I know that I've been treating you badly, even though I promised that you'll be treated well. Don't take it personally, I believe that you became strong enough and I'm truly satisfied with your accomplishment. To be honest, not many of my opponents managed to stupefy me like that. But you must think about the consequences because the situation has two edges. This may work with an enemy because no one would expect it, but you might as well get killed. So better don't try something like that, only if you are really out of options."

"OK, got it. I'm sorry, I overreacted," I said still not looking in his eyes.

"Everything's fine. I'm sorry too, I let personal things interfere and I should have been able to control myself. But unfortunately, we can't be feelingless shinobi 24/7. We must indeed respect the Shinobi code to be efficient, but no one can be that way all the time, only if it's a brainwashed puppet or a killing machine," He said with a blank stare.

I was amazed. I have never heard so many sentences from him in a single day. The way he thought surprised me. I mean, he seemed very friendly and kind in the beginning, but even so, his power, composure, sobriety, and wisdom were very obvious in his emerald eyes. Even though our age was pretty close, he was way more mature than me or anyone close to our age that I met. And stronger. But what were those personal things? I was afraid to ask him because I didn't want to stick my nose in his business and make him upset, but he seemed pretty sad when he talked about that. Or maybe it was just my imagination. Why was I so worried about it anyway?

"Well, enough with spacing out. I will bring you something to eat," He suddenly said, getting me out of my reverie.

The next second he was out the door, and I started to wonder since when have I been sleeping. I tried to sit with my back leaned against the bed frame, but I had a hard time using my right hand. I noticed that it was wrapped in bandages. Well, I did it to myself, so I should not complain. But I was happy that I proved my point and I was really satisfied with my accomplishments. Everything was in order now that I found out the truth, and we may manage to be like before. I felt the need to have friends by my side, but with them was more. They were replacements for my family, so we had to get along well for this to work.

The door opened, and he entered with a tray full of food. Behind him, I could see Riki-kun coming in with a bit of hesitation. Kimimaro-kun approached me and put the tray on my lap. He sat on the same spot as before, looking at me.

"I will not leave until you eat everything," He assured me with seriousness.

"Mikura-san! How do you feel?" Riki-kun asked loudly.

I saw Kimimaro-kun subtly glaring at him, but he didn't seem to notice or to care. He just sat on the bed close to me, his smile reaching his eyes.

"I'm good, thank you," I replied, smiling too.

His smile was contagious, and his good mood too. He was the opposite of Kimimaro-kun. He was always cheery, energetic, and friendly. They made such a good balanced environment.

"I'm glad to hear that. But next time, try not to exhaust yourself so much. And don't you ever hurt yourself like that. I can only use basic medical Ninjutsu so I couldn't heal you 100%. You need to recover by yourself from this point."

"Yes, lesson learned."

"Riki, let her eat, it's going to get cold," Kimimaro-kun scolded him.

"Sorry, enjoy your meal."

I smiled and took the chopsticks, or tried to take them. It was a bit painful, and my fingers were moving the wrong way. My mobility decreased, I cut some of my nerves and tendons for sure. I managed to eat some rice, but the chopsticks fell often from my hand.

"Oh, let me help!" Riki-kun demanded, taking the chopsticks from my shaking hand.

I looked at him with widened eyes, while he took some food and brought it to my mouth. That gave me such a warm feeling in my chest. He truly cared about me. I hesitantly opened my mouth and ate. This happened for five or six times, till the chopsticks suddenly disappeared from Riki's hand. We both moved our eyes to Kimimaro-kun, who had them. Anger was written all over his face.

"Riki, if I remember well, you have some work to do. Now don't dawdle, and do what you were assigned to do. I can handle it from here," He demanded grumpily.

"Um, sorry. I forgot. I'm out. Later," He said in a hurry.

"Tch, so irresponsible," He sighed.

He sat down to my right and started to feed me. Well, now that was something else. Besides that warm feeling that I had in my chest when Riki-kun fed me, I felt my heart beating at a fast pace and my cheeks getting warm. I didn't have the guts to look in his eyes while he fed me, but I ate everything he brought. I wasn't that hungry, I was more than full, but I liked to be fed by him.

"Mikura, I don't want to stress you out, but we'll leave soon."

"These are good news. I can't wait to see Orochimaru-sama again!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, I feel the same way. But you must be ready. Soon after we arrive, you will be tested again, and it's not going to be an easy test."

"I can bet on that, but I'll do my best," I laughed.

"I think you're ready, you'll do just fine," He said with a subtle smile.

"Thank you, Kimimaro-kun," I said happily that he was finally smiling.

"There is no reason for thanking me."

"I didn't thank you only for this. I said it for everything that you've done for me."

"You are welcome, Mikura. We'll stay one more week here. You need to recover before we leave. We won't train anymore, but you can train on your own if you want. If you want to spar or anything else, I am at your disposal anytime. You can use your time how you want. Now have a good rest, it's late."

I nodded and lay on my back. I wasn't sleepy at all, but my body felt weak and exhausted. The moment he left, I sighed loudly. I'll never get rid of the feelings I had around him, will I? Every time I was with him, it was stronger. But what was it?


The next days I stayed mostly in bed. I started to feel better, especially because Kimimaro-kun fed me three times a day. He spent some time with me, even though he wasn't obligated to. He accompanied me outside to get some fresh air or for short walks, and came to my room for small talks. Well, I couldn't be upset about something like that.

Riki-kun visited me too, changing my bandage and healing what could be healed. It was nice to use my hand normally again, but I didn't need to be fed anymore. Huh, it wasn't like I couldn't find other excuses to be close to him. I used his offer and asked him to spar with me since my hand was good now. Not perfect, but useable. I noticed that he was softer with me, but it was his problem if he wanted to go easy on me. I fought him with everything I had. His eyes were full of pride and that engaging smile never left his lips. Well, that was everything I needed.

"Oi, Mikura-san. You seem to do well," I heard a familiar voice shouting.

"Riki-kun." I greeted, waving my hand.

"Don't let your guard down, Mikura," I heard Kimimaro-kun ridiculously close to me, making me startle.

He was almost glued to my back. I could feel his breath on my neck and that gave me a strong thrill in my belly. The tip of his bone-sword was in front of my chest. Well, if he wanted to play, then so be it. I gripped his wrist and elbowed his stomach. Being free, I started to throw hit after hit with all my speed, which took him by surprise. We had a nice change of hits, counters, and tricky moves. I thought I saw him losing his attention for a second, but when I saw Riki-kun next to him in his fighting stance, it was clear that he made a sign for Riki-kun to join.

"Let's see how you handle two opponents," Kimimaro-kun said with a look of superiority.

"Two against one? Such gentlemen, aren't you?" I asked, laughing.

"Afraid, Mikura-san?"

"Not at all, Riki-kun. Any rules?"

"Nope. Just do your best."

So be it. I knew that in a real battle I may encounter more than one opponent, so it was a good idea. I didn't know if I could handle both of them, but it worth a try. The fact that I didn't know their full power and the techniques that they were using, excepting a few ones, was pretty nasty. But in a real battle, I will need to figure out myself.

I didn't wait for them to attack, I jumped as high as I could by infusing chakra, using Kimimaro's shoulders as a springboard, and landed close enough to slam Riki-kun on the ground. By the look on his face, he didn't expect it, but I had no time for a victory dance. Kimimaro-kun was already heading my way and I had to dodge his attack. Riki-kun got up and they were both in for an attack. And then it clicked. They said no rules, right? So that means... I quickly gathered my chakra and weaved the right signs - Dog → Horse → Bird.

"Wind Release: Breakthrough," I said, exhaling.

They barely dodged it, because they were too close. I took advantage of their lack of attention and used Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken to throw some shurikens in their direction. Unfortunately, they were skilled enough to dodge them, but they seemed to have a bit of a hard time. However, my luck didn't last forever. Soon I found myself between them, trying hard to dodge their punches and kicks. They made me so busy that I didn't have time to weave any sign, so I couldn't use any Jutsu. I had to find an opening, but it seemed impossible. They kept it like that and in the end, Riki-kun hit me hard in the guts with a mischievous smile, sending me back. I ended hitting my back of something hard. It took me some time to process and to figure out that it was someone, not something, the moment some arms wrapped around me tightly. I got limp, feeling my cheeks getting warm and my eyes getting wide. My heartbeat got crazy again. I could feel his breath on my neck again, and this time the warmth emitted by his body too. His arms around me gave me such a comforting feeling.

"Mikura, breathe!" Riki-kun laughed.

I released the air I didn't know I was holding and got free. Cursing Riki-kun in my mind, I dared to turn around and saw Kimimaro-kun giving him a death glare.

"Sorry guys, but we didn't want our little Mikura-san to fall on the ground, right?" He asked, still smiling.

"Right. Mikura, let's eat our lunch. Riki, we'll talk later," He said like was promising him a death sentence.

We headed to the kitchen, and I could swear I heard Riki-kun whispering 'this worth it' while we were leaving.

I asked him to let me cook this time since I haven't done it in a while. He agreed, lost in thoughts. I prepared some Donburi and Tamagoyaki, I needed a meal that included meat, vegetables, and eggs.

We ate in silence and left in our rooms. For two days he remained in that state, spacing out. He seemed caught in his world, talking only if he was asked something or if it was really necessary. Ugh, this was only Riki's fault.

After some time, I reached my limit and I went to search for him. I could feel his chakra signature somewhere close in the hideout. Arriving at his door, I knocked with anger.

"Yes, come in Mikura-san."

He felt my chakra too, huh? I went in, finding him laying on the bed.

"So, to what do we owe your little visit?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Riki-kun, I don't know what have you done to make Kimimaro-kun upset, but please stop it."

"Oh, so that's the matter. Mikura-san, I haven't done anything to make him upset. He isn't even upset. This is his personality."

"I don't believe a single word you say!" I hissed.

He started to laugh, and that made me even angrier.

"You are funny, Mikura-san. Don't you like it because he isn't giving you attention? Or that he isn't spending so much time with you?"

"What are you blabbering about?" I asked in shock.

"Don't play the innocent. It's obvious like daylight that you like him."

"I do what? Are you out of your mind?"

How did this moron figure it out? It has been hard even for me to do it.

"Then why are you blushing? And why were you so flustered when I pushed you in his arms?" He asked, with a devilish grin.

"You did that on purpose!"

"Of course I did. Just like the thing with feeding you. I knew that Mr. Bossy will get jealous if I'll do that. So tell me, it felt good, didn't it?"

"You... Wait, jealous? How did you get that stupid idea?"

"You didn't notice, huh? Well, he was behind you so you couldn't see his look properly when I healed your hands the day you revenged on that poor tree. He looked at our touching hands like he was looking at his worst enemy. Then I started to suspect something."

"You are talking nonsense," I muttered, thinking how unbelievable sounded everything he said.

"Well, would you believe if I tell you that he shooed me just because he couldn't stand to look at me feeding you? I had nothing to do that day, he only gave me a signal to leave. He's lucky that I'm playing his game for your sake."

What? Was it real, or he was only making a stupid prank? I remembered the glares that Kimimaro-kun gave him in both situations, but was that really jealousy? Why would he...?

"You should have seen his face when you've been in his arms. He really got the hots for you."

"This must be a misunderstanding. Why would he like me?"

"You are unbelievable," He sighed. "I wonder why would you like him? He is such an arrogant, bossy, and know it all bastard."


"See? I knew it. But if you still don't believe me, let's test it, shall we?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Meet me outside in an hour," He said with a wink.