
Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Moulded from rot and souls, Loimos is born as an undead, as a skeleton. An undead linked to the weakest category of its kind, yet, he has something no other of the dead have. He is pure. Follow the journey of Loimos as he fulfils his duty and hunts down the living with extreme prejudice and faces off with the hypocrisy of those who live in death. In a world thriving with life, magic and heroes, he stands as the solution and its end.

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248 Chs

One, Two, Three And Four

Miqi could still hear the distant chatter of the people waiting in line to enter Findpasser, but he focused on the situation at end, the more he paid attention to details of the man holding him in place, the colder he felt, so he looked away from the minuscule, hollow 'eyes' of the worn-out mask.

"They, they all go by numbers, one to four, I have no clue what their real names are alright? I am fairly certain some of them are from outside Tamaris however…" he swallowed his saliva, silence was the only answer he would get from the supposed death hunter.

"Four is probably the most recognisable, she is a tall woman with wide shoulders, she is always wearing some huge, leather coat, it's so long you can barely even see her feet, but you would really know it's her by getting a look at her face" he made the mistake of looking back at Loimos, he was much more afraid of the undead than Alizé at the moment.