
Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Moulded from rot and souls, Loimos is born as an undead, as a skeleton. An undead linked to the weakest category of its kind, yet, he has something no other of the dead have. He is pure. Follow the journey of Loimos as he fulfils his duty and hunts down the living with extreme prejudice and faces off with the hypocrisy of those who live in death. In a world thriving with life, magic and heroes, he stands as the solution and its end.

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Lunacy Of Fire

Milo dodged his sleazy attempts at grabs, punching him straight in the chest, the raving lunatic managing to step back, rendering the blow much less effective.

"Listen here buddy, my most filthy desire is marrying my girlfriend and founding a family, I don't think that fits into the whole defilement project of yours" Milo answered his question, making the man with an inferno in place of eyes drop his shoulders, and somehow, somehow visibly frowned despite not having any sort of flesh where it mattered for such an expression.

And he shed a tear, which instantly dried.

"My boy, you are boring, there is no other word! That's such a balless thing to say out loud, are you not ashamed? What else? Want to get a house? A stable job? Become a respectable man? You make me sick to my stomach, consider investing into a man's phallus to replace your whiney bit" he rubbed over the dried tear, raising his hands.