
Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Moulded from rot and souls, Loimos is born as an undead, as a skeleton. An undead linked to the weakest category of its kind, yet, he has something no other of the dead have. He is pure. Follow the journey of Loimos as he fulfils his duty and hunts down the living with extreme prejudice and faces off with the hypocrisy of those who live in death. In a world thriving with life, magic and heroes, he stands as the solution and its end.

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The ground was remarkably soft, fine grey dust that softly cradled the steps, no light could reach the bottom of this immense put, this empty space situated in between peaks so high that few could get up there without finding their lungs constricting due to the lack of air, down there, so far away from the tops, air could be found, though stagnant, unfit for consumption.

Loimos was immediately greeted by the most common sight at the bottom, a dark and thin protrusion, reaching up toward the blanket of frost high above, near the tip of this construct, which edges were a brilliant crimson, a dried corpse decorated it, serving as the cherry on top.

The body was ancient, maintained whole, disapproved from crumbling and vanishing, its body growing branch-like additions, blood fruits growing from them, Loimos softly grabbed one, the fruit turning completely liquid, finding its way into his helm, where he rotted it.