

click click click 😉love at first sight , hayee what a movement naah but wait I think these scene in so normal to see in movies or daram uhmm but ok I hope u don't mind ok ok let's continue]

Angel: ..... uhmmm mi.. min ( while looking at him because he is staring her like he is going to eat her)

min hai: ye.. yess miss ..?

Angel: oo sorry forgot to introduced myself hii am angel ( act cool angel act cool u don't have to act childish now he is your idol keep calm : in her mind)

min hai: angel wow your name shuits you girl you does look a like angel which is came from hea.. heaven fo... for meeee ( he is durnk , looking with lovely eyes to her)

angel: ( looking with shock eyes)... wha... what did u just said.

min hai: me nope I didn't said anything just said your name is beautiful ( while blushing like a teeen girl , stupid min hai just stop don't show her u are starting to like her u can't)

Angel: oo ok must be I heard wrong hehehe ( awarked situation lol) oo by the way can u tell me your room no

min hai: room no 10.... 10... zzzzz😴 ( he is sleeping peacefully in her shoulder)

Angel:( shocked 😳 ) m. mi.... min what are u doing min hey min ( no reply, she realise he is sleeping) ooo God am i dreaming please pinch me someone it must be dream the superstar one and only my idol MIN HAI is sleeping in my arms( happiness plus shocked) but wait he didn't told me his room no how am I gonna find it uhmmmm angel think something oo right let me check his phone ( searching in his pockets ) got it let turn it on( talking to her self) ooo God it's 🔒 locked 😭 how am gonna contact someone for him angel now what u will do think think think 🤔 idea 💡

common min I will take you to near by hotel

[ time skip after 30 min of struggling she took him to go near by hotel in one room]

[ well well well now the twist is going to star readers take your seat and start reading with focus hehe sorry I always intrupt you in between but how can I control my self to tell u all about it so let's begin]

angel: one more sec " min" we reached ( taking him towards the bed)

min hai: hmmm ( in sleepy voice)

( after taking him to bed carefully she laid him to bed after removing his shoes and hesitateing he removed his jacket and watch she placed them to side table she tucked him in blanket she seat beside him whatcing him with her lovely eyes with a bright simile)

angel: ( thinking - i always dreamed about it watching him closely and going on date with him but now I am seeing in front of me,i can't believe this he have big beautiful eyes which I love the most about him) well it time to go now i hope i can meet u again in future but right now I need to go or it will be late at night ( while touching his face for the first time ) good night min I know u won't remember me when u wake up in morning bye.

( when she was about to go from there min held her hand she is shocked and when she turn she is seeing him staring at her )

angel: min did I woke you up sorry u sleep am going from here I won't disturb you I don't have your friends or family no so I take u to this hotel tomorrow u can checkout from here.

min hai: ( watching her slieantly with smile with lovelying eyes, he pulled her towards him because of that she direct fall in his arms )

angel: ( she get shocked 😳 ) ...