
Ultimate Overpowered Omnipotent Harem Empowerer-&-Breaker of Time-&-Reality

Ultimate Chad 

Overpowered Xianxia Protagonist Starter Kit

Ultimate±Omnipotent Planeswalker

Harem Protagonist 

Erotic Empowerer 

Bitch Breaker 




Essence of the Ultimate Chad

· You have a body that sits at the peak of your species in capability and attributes.

· You became supernaturally good at sex and you instinctively know how to bring the most pleasure to yourself and your partner(s).

o This ability is so effective that you are able to turn even experienced primordial goddess of sex into babbling ahegao puddles.

· You have limitless sexual fluids when having sex, and your refractory periods are under your complete control.

· Your cum is extremely tasty, highly nutritive, and slightly addicting. Someone can easily live of a diet completely composed of your cum if they want.

· Your skill and knowledge at sex is increased to near superhuman level and will only grow better the more you have sex.

· You can only impregnate someone if you want to.

· You have a passive ability to always say and do the right things to get into a woman's good grace, but only when you are not paying attention to it.

o When you are, and are actively trying to get into intimacy or carnality, this ability becomes active and you will supernaturally know what to say and do to achieve this goal. Be warned though, some women need more work than others, but you can woo almost anyone with enough effort.

· A woman that you successfully managed to have sex with becomes a 'conquest', and you can figuratively or literally mark her.

o Each of your conquests is moderate or more loyal to you on the moment of the first lay, it is up to you how you foster this loyalty or let it die.

· You may influence the feelings a conquest has for you, from friendly attraction to undying, madding love. Though the process isn't instantaneous.

· For every woman you 'conquer', you gain one or several boons related to the powers and abilities the woman has.

o You can also unlock the hidden potential of the powers and abilities of your conquests during sex.

· You can now use sex to replace training; an hour of sex is the same as an hour of hard and fulfilling training, complete with insights and experience of how to use your powers and abilities better. This benefit is increased the more partners you fuck at the same time. This ability can be shared with the partner/s that you are having sex at the time with if you want.

· You can make reality itself conspire to meet hot women you find 'interesting'.

· When it comes to your preferred sex it is not so much a question if you can but if you want to court them or wish to. With the same absolute Change (to suit your selfish desire) your presence brings to fate, narratives, and prophesies; the red strings that bind lovers together no matter how strong are vulnerable to yourself. You could successfully woo someone that has only ever had eyes for one person, effectively usurping the position of their old partner.


Essence of the Overpowered Xianxia Protagonist Starter Kit

● You are now qualified to be a Xianxia protagonist as your body is recreated to be free of past imperfections and given the ability to cultivate. Your self-confidence and willpower have reached astronomical levels and will never surrender or break under any form of stress or pain. Your appearance has also been given a massive improvement; and that will only rise as you increase your cultivation.

● As a Xianxia Protagonist; you are a natural opportunist. You are able to instinctively sense an opportunity to make a profit or obtain some form of benefit. To compliment your treasure-sniffing nose is the ability to act and perform to scam your would-be victims of their hard-earned and possibly undeserved resources. You are capable of easily reading someone's personality and character after just a few spoken words with them and can just as easily tempt and manipulate them to avoid suspicion of yourself or cause them to be indebted to you.

● But sometimes, subterfuge and manipulation aren't enough; sometimes the only option is to fight. Thankfully for you, you're a talented warrior that is capable of fighting multiple opponents at the same time. Capable of fighting optimally regardless of the environment and remaining level-headed & calm for the entire duration. As you are a natural opportunist; you will also be looking for possible escape routes and enemy weaknesses.

● An overpowered protagonist isn't overpowered if they aren't overwhelmingly talented in everything they do. Your talent is heaven-defying and qualified to learn any type of skill or power; capable of picking up and mastering any skill very quickly, quickly finding faults in techniques and modifying them on the fly, and easily comprehending esoteric ideas. Even the creation of new skills/abilities/techniques is possible if you possess the necessary prerequisites. If you make the attempt, you are capable of revolutionizing any field to that you dedicate time. In addition, you are capable of crafting divine works of art that produce esoteric effects, creating high-quality potions/pills/items from inferior materials, and cooking food that gives miraculous healing properties.

● All the things treasures inside this box are capable of storing themselves within your soul and are soul-bound and capable of hiding themselves from all forms of detection.​

· You can choose whichever cultivation system from any or all world that you desire to follow, but the end result is ultimately the same;

o Ascension into a transcendent being that is capable of both omnipotence and omniscience.

o You can cultivate multiple different systems at the same time which will allow you to harness their uniqueness for your own benefit with no repercussions and ensure that your cultivation foundation will not break or be stolen under any circumstances.​

· The cultivation method you found in the box allows you to cultivate your mind, body, soul, stamina, Qi, Mana and Psychic/Mental energy at the same time;

· As you ascend the ladder of power, you will find that your body will no longer need to perform mortal tasks such as eating, sleeping, or even breathing.

· Naturally, your body will become an indomitable fortress that can survive any environment, even the void of nothingness, and come out unharmed.

· Your mind will also become perfected as you increase your cultivation; your photographic memory will become immutable, your calculation capabilities will surpass Matrioshka Brains, and your mental health perfect.​



· To raise your cultivation; you are given the Divine Treasure <The Dimensional Fetus>, your self is imprinted on the fetus, basically making it part of you,

o This treasure produces infinite supply of primordial energy that is compatible with all forms of cultivation/magic systems and tempers the mind, body, and soul [Essence] at the same time.

o As this is a higher dimensional energy that holds a strong connection with Dao; using too much before your body is ready can easily result in you exploding with the equivalent force of a nuclear explosion or more.

o As a result; you will only be able to extract as much energy as you can handle in the beginning.​



● Within your body now forms a Dao Heart. It is the embodiment of your perseverance and willpower to thread forward. Inner Demons born from negative emotions have no home within you and will not become a hazard for you on your road to cultivation. In addition, you are capable of changing your Dao Heart on the fly to mimic the mindsets of Buddhas, Saints, Demons, etc. This will allow you to easily cultivate their respective techniques that require specific mindsets to be able to use. You are also capable of weaponizing your Dao Heart using a mental-type technique.

● As you ascend the ladder of power with cultivation, you must eventually choose to learn and master at least one Dao. A Dao is a concept/Law of reality and it is embodied everywhere in life; there is a Dao for swords, love, food, and so many more. Within this box contains the <Dream Realm Meditation Sutra> that allows you to come infinitely close to the Dao and obtain a large amount of <Attainment > from the experience.

<Attainment > can be described as a mathematical formula of reality; a person with high amounts of <Fire Dao Attainment>, for example, is capable of instinctively knowing how to perform any action that correlates with Fire. It is also possible to use that <Fire Dao Attainment> to perform some parts of adjacent Daos like Heat and Light.

○ Those that have 100% <Attainment > in any Dao are called the Supreme Grandmaster of that Dao; this gives the individual supreme authority over the use of Dao and its concepts. They are capable of sensing all manifestations of that Dao in reality and manipulating them to their will; Allowing the Supreme Grandmaster to deny the use of that Dao to others and any improvements they make using that Dao will result in a fundamental improvement of that Dao universally.

○ With 100% <Attainments > you are also capable of creating the Autarch Omega forms of your Daos, which possess infinitely more authority over reality than regular Daos and are also capable of birthing lesser-ranked Daos. Finally, comprehending a single Autarch Omega Dao allows you to easily comprehend and obtain at least 90% <Attainment > in every other adjacent Dao.

● It will also wouldn't be Xianxia if there wasn't the use of drugs of questionable origins.

You are now a divine doctor; someone that is capable of performing miraculous procedures that is capable of healing anyone and anything. You can cure a cripple, fix genetic defects, regrow limbs, even revive someone provided their brain is still intact, or produce medicine that is capable of healing a god. It doesn't matter whether the patient is a human or even a dragon; as long as you understand their anatomy, you can easily cure them. Using the <Eye of the Divine Medicine God> technique, you are able to see directly into a person's body to easily pinpoint bodily issues, view the energy pathways of a person's body, or see the blood flow & electrical signals of the body; Hidden injuries and diseases become highlighted within your sight. Combined with <Qi Acupuncture>, you are also to heal these diseases and disabilities or fight off poisons by stimulating and directing their body's natural healing process and internal energies to heal them without an incision. The manipulation of a person's energy pathways using <Qi Acupuncture> can also be used to help aid someone else to breakthrough in cultivation or cripple them.

But should surgery be required, you are more than skilled enough to perform precise incisions and seal wounds using nothing more than a scalpel and a needle with thread.

These techniques can also be used offensively as a doctor that knows how to cure all ailments in a body can just as easily hurt it.



● This box also contains countless other treasures that would make even an immortal emperor jealous. Some items this collection has includes:

>Eternal Sky Bead – When this bead is introduced to water; it will transform the water into a heavenly elixir that extends a person's youth and lifespan by one year for every 12 fluid ounces (one soda can). The liquid it produces is also capable of curing any form of poison and purifying anyone on drinking it. The purification property can also be extended to objects if they are soaked in the liquid.​

>The World Piercer – A powerful needle that is capable of punching a hole in space. Capable of instantly traveling from one end of the universe to the other, shutting down local space manipulation, and traveling to other worlds. It can also be used to kill someone if you really want to.


○ Divine Soul Cube – A spiritual treasure that is capable of protecting your soul from attacks regardless of their level, extracting a soul's memories, cultivating souls, erasing souls, housing souls, and manipulating souls.

○ Genesis Purple Card – A purple crystal card that can let the user see energy, easily absorb any form of energy, manipulate energy, and reflect energy.


>Soul Silk Spider – A Mythical Pet Spider that is capable of devouring all forms of energy, souls, and curses to grow. The silk produced is the best in the multiverse as it is highly resilient to both physical & magical damage; plus it is extremely soft.​ Its power is also nothing to scoff at as it is capable of fighting beings far stronger than itself and comprehending heavenly laws with relative ease. Such is it's talent that you can ignore it for a few decades and return to find it already approaching divinity.​ It can shift its form between Spider, demi-human and Human. Its Demi-human form looks like a Black Arachne and it is a purely female species.

>The Womb Tree of Genesis – A tree can be manipulated to birth newer and stronger lifeforms. It can be used to create new life, improve existing life, or forge an entirely new and superior body.

>Basket of Duplication – Any object placed inside will multiply infinitely, unless stopped or controlled by the user. The only restriction is that the object has to be organic.

>The A.I. Chip – A supercomputer attached to your soul with the processing power of 12x21 (U) Matrioshka Brains. It is capable of scanning anything and anyone to create a perfect analysis of its target. It is also capable of running simulations on the entire universes, analyzing daos, connecting with any electronic device/system, modifying power systems, researching & transferring the results safely into your memory, assisting in combat, performing medical procedures on yourself, and more. It will display this information as an augmented reality display and will grow in power as your soul increases in strength.​

>Yin-Yang Primordial Chaos Flames – One of the strongest Heavenly Flame in existence that is capable of producing both infinite heat and absolute zero coldness. It stands at the very peak of all flames and all other flames and flame-based abilities will submit and be suppressed by this flame. Thanks to its contradictory nature, this flame is excellent in alchemy for being able to allow contradictory elements to fuse together to produce miraculous effects that defy logic and the laws of reality. As anything made using this flame can be considered an anomaly; they are naturally invisible to higher forces such as fate.​

○ The Corporeal Zone – A protective domain that can change its shape from a barrier to armor that is impenetrable and indestructible. The zone's owner and those that the owner considers allies have their health prolonged, their power improved, bloodlines strengthen, receive boundless stamina, become absolutely untraceable, gain infinite strength & weight, possess immunity to ailments, acquire speed surpassing time, and have the ability to destroy concepts. The owner of the zone is also capable of manipulating the environment inside the zone to harm any foes that are trapped within; even opening a contained black hole is not outside the realm of possibility.

○ Longevity Grass – So long as the individual holds this grass, they are a true immortal; Age will have no effect on you, diseases will be non-existent, poisons fail to taint you, the concept of death itself is non-existent on you, and everything that tries to impose death upon you will fail.

○ Heavenly Unity – A transcendent armament with no rank that is capable of withstanding any strike and capable of growing stronger with the user. The armament itself is capable of acquiring new abilities by coping other weapons & artifacts and their essence, without limit and fuse them with some effort.



Within this box is also a stone that merges with your soul and connects to a pocket dimension that has a land mass that starts at a size of 335,000 km2 (three times the States of Newyork or roughly the size of Japan), it exists outside of reality and practically impenetrable to anyone or anything you do not want inside.

o Time flows three times faster inside the pocket dimension than outside; with no side-effect on age, meaning one day outside equals three days inside while you and one with your permit don't age three times faster inside the dimension.

o The Land will grow in size as you raise your cultivation,

o The land is divided into five areas called the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and Central Regions;

· the Northern Region is a massive grassland plain with sporadic weather and harsh winters;

· the Southern Region is full of mountains with small pockets of flat fertile land and three massive rivers;

· the Eastern Region is dominated by the pocket dimension's miniature sea with many small islands;

· the Western Region is a desert with high temperatures and sparse sources of water;

§ Finally the Central Region that shares borders with other regions and enjoys a calm climate.​

§ The land is fertile and rich in very slow infinitely replenishing resources.

o Any life within this dimension will grow and prosper at an accelerated rate; producing perfect specimens of every species for you to harvest.

o There are limits imposed on the species to manage the population density in the land.

o In the place of a sky exists nine (mini) Heavens above that correlate with the colors of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Azure, Blue, Purple, White, and Black?

§ Each of these Heavens is formless and capable of living within magical beasts and plants that absorb the elementally attuned pure energy of each heaven;

§ Each of these layers is equal to the size of the continent;

§ Each heaven contains a primary specific type of Element;

§ Red Heaven - Fire;

§ Orange Heaven - Earth;

§ Yellow Heaven - Metal;

§ Green Heaven - Wind;

§ Azure Heaven - Water;

§ Blue Heaven - Stellar;

§ Purple Heaven - Death;

§ White Heaven - Yang Qi;

§ Black Heaven - Yin Qi, Void Qi – the Pocket Dimension itself

Occasionally, Elements from Neighboring heavens bleed into each other to produce anomalies and mutations.

As your travel the multiverse and absorb the energies of other worlds; new land/planet/planes will be produced inside that will start producing the unique flora and fauna of that world inside naturally.



Genesis Runes, These symbols possess their own Great Daos and secrets but are fundamentally meaningless, formless, and nameless. However, because of their intrinsic nature, they are capable of exhibiting great power when a cultivator gives them context, form, and a name. As a result of their fundamental natures, these runes are capable of evolving by adapting to new power systems, creating new secrets, and changing in both form and name.

These symbols are also capable of being used to create massive formations. Formations are grand rituals that are capable of world-altering effects such as the creation of weather phenomena, birthing a secret realm (pocket dimension), or a protective barrier that lasts for eons.​



• Naturally, as you rise in power, you will receive the attention of many individuals. You will encounter many attractive & talented individuals of your preferred gender that gather around you like moths drawn to a flame. You are fully able of managing a harem of lovers and know how to manage relationships such that jealousy is a non-existent issue within the group dynamic. You will know based on instincts and observation when one of your lovers feels neglected and how best to soothe them. Finally, your love will eventually result in the birth of children who will inherit much of their talent from you.

•Sometimes you don't want to sit in a cave for eons trying to comprehend the Dao and wish to not miss out on life. Thankfully for you, you have received also the <Great Myriad Existence> technique that allows you to create a clone body for yourself. This clone is a parallel existence, it is you on all levels as it contains a copy of your consciousness inside which allows for complete autonomy and is capable of using all of your powers. Should the original you die, your consciousness will travel to nearest clone heal itself and become the new main body and automatically inherit everything from the original & clone body. Should a clone be dismissed or killed, everything that the clone gained will be automatically transferred to the original with no conflict. The main body and the clones form a collective hivemind that is capable of sharing thoughts and information among themselves. All clones are also absolutely loyal to their original selves and the thought of rebellion is utterly alien to them; they will gladly give up their autonomy and merge themselves back with the original. As a result, clones can be sent out to master multiple different professions and cultivate multiple Daos at the same time. Due to all of the clones sharing the same soul, any increase in soul capabilities accomplished by one clone will automatically be shared with all bodies. It is also possible to transfer damage onto a clone or borrow a clone's energy should the need arises; even the transfer of resources & items is possible if shipped via the soul. It is also impossible to kill your soul so long as a single clone is still alive. A novice using this technique will only be able to maintain one clone; any more will cause reality to correct itself by destroying your clones until only one of 'you' exist. This restriction can be circumvented as you raise your cultivation and become more detached from the world's laws.

•As you increase in power, you will discover that the very universe will start to reject you and force you to ascend to higher realms due to its inability to support you. You are able to escape this fate by being able to spread your energy across the universe evenly to support its foundations. This results in an overall higher level of potential that the universe is capable of reaching thanks to being saturated by your power. Eventually, this method is capable of promoting your universe to a higher rank and transforms the world fundamentally to be more 'fantastical'. You are capable of teaching others this method.




Essence of the Ultimate Omnipotent Planeswalker

● This essence encapsulates all the power and knowledge of the Omniverse, and by drinking it, you become an Ultimate Omnipotent Planeswalker. You possess immeasurable wisdom, magical power, and abilities that allow you to manipulate reality across all dimensions and timelines with ease.

● Your essence transcends all mortal, immortal, divine & primordial realms and all of existence. You cannot be harmed, killed, or even affected by any force or power in the Omniverse, and your powers and abilities are limitless.

● You have complete mastery over all colors of magic, including the ability to create new types of magic that defy all understanding and laws of reality. Your magical abilities can influence time, space, matter, energy, and even concepts and emotions, allowing you to shape the very foundations of the Omniverse as you see fit.

● Your planeswalking abilities are so advanced that you can travel between any planes, dimensions, alternate timelines, and even parallel universes and realities throughout the Omniverse. You can also create, destroy, or modify these realms as you see fit, creating unique planes, worlds, and timelines that nobody else can access.

● You can create anything from scratch, including objects, creatures, people, realms, and even entire Multiverses, each with their own unique properties and laws of physics. You can summon or create any being or entity from any plane, and you also have the power to destroy anything that you dislike.

● Your magical power is so limitless that you can awaken the Planeswalker spark in any being, regardless of their origin or power level, with a mere thought. You can also grant them divine powers and abilities, making them mini-gods or sentient entities under your direct control.

● You are the true master and ruler of the Omniverse. You can alter or manipulate reality in any way you desire, create new species and technologies, rewrite history, and shape the course of the future. You can also interact with other beings, gods, and entities on your terms, and nobody can ever defy your ultimate power and wisdom.

Essence of the Harem Protagonist

It allows you to get along with almost everyone, romantically or not, improves the odd of any type of communication, lets you build support structure for harem and manage conflict to maintain the group. Essentially, allowing you to form bond with anyone regardless of your respective goals or personalities. It doesn't create relationships, but it does create possibility of having them.

· Are quite a bit tougher, enough that you could survive the rather destructive results of typical harem shenanigans, if there's any. You will never suffer crippling or lethal wounds from any of those in your harem.

· You have Charisma that allows you to come up with solid quips on the fly, bullshit your way through damn near anything, and getting carnal and intimate with females fairly easily.

· Granted limitless stamina and vitality, you are a quite able lover, able to please a mind boggling amount of people into bliss.

· You will passively draw towards you individuals that have significant power, importance in their world plot wise or some other reason, grand destinies, and this such as that. {Adjustable}

· You could successfully woo someone that has only ever had eyes for one person, effectively usurping the position of their old partner eternally.

· You are fully able of managing a harem of lovers and know how to manage relationships such that jealousy is a non-existent issue within the group dynamic. You will know based on instincts and observation when one of your lovers feels neglected and how best to soothe them. 

· Any individuals that become part of your harem will be more willing to put aside differences and grievances to work towards your happiness and their own if circumstances permit. The feelings & loyalty they have for you will remain eternally strong unless you do something terrible to change that.

· Fate, Destiny, Causality and Reality will bend, twist, warp, and maneuver to keep those in your harem yours. That doesn't mean they are bound to you forever if they honestly want to move on, just that things like individuals with mind control abilities, charm, infernal lust powers, or a dirty monster tries to claim them these attempts at taking them will fail quite spectacularly. You can sense any who try to claim what is yours and who they are.

Essence of the Erotic Empowerer

· Your body is elevated to the peak of your species in terms of physical attributes while also becoming attractive, to opposite sex of your preferred features.

· You become supernaturally good at sex and foreplay, able to instinctively know what your partner needs or want to bring them to the peak of pleasure,

o Your new skill vastly surpasses even ultimate gods and goddess of sex making you able to turn pretty much anything into an extremely satisfied ahegao puddle.

· You gain limitless sexual fluids while having sex or engaging in sexual activity, the worst you'll even get is 'satisfyingly tired' but you can decide to make it so you don't feel tired at all.

· Your cum has become highly nutritious and has acquired a divine, always adjusting taste that will always affect the your partner's taste sense in the best way possible. {adjustable}

· Porn logic now affects you and your partner, and you have absolute control over the intensity to which it's affects you and your partner being. Things like refractory period control, snug fit no matter the genital differences, guarantee pregnancy, guarantee not pregnancy, lowered inhibition, and many others are now possible to you as long as you adjust the porn logic intensity.

· You can empower your partner through sex, this can mean granting them new abilities, skills and powers, or just enhancing what they naturally have.

· As a rule, you will always make your partner more powerful or more versatile, hence the name 'empower', and you are free to decide how this empowerment will manifest. But you are limited by you and yours partner current strengths, abilities and potential for growth;

o A quick explanation would be 'You can't turn a normal housewife into a goddess of battle in one session; you need multiple session to do that.

o Basically, while you can empower them to be stronger than what they are, you can only do that to a reasonable degree.

o But of course, this degree changes depending on the partner, a normal housewife becoming stronger is different than a Demigoddess becoming stronger.

· Because sex is a communal act, you also are empowered by your partner empowerment. However, because it's only a reflection, the results are not completely random however; it depends on your partner, yourself and the empowerment they are receiving.

Essence of the Bitch Breaker

· You have a true bitch-breaker, an magnificent phallus that inspires deep lust in all but the most strong-willed of women, with an equally impressive pair of testicles. You won't have any trouble fitting it in whatever hole you want, though. Whoever you stick it in won't feel any pain, but will feel incredible pleasure instead.

· You have the ability to adjust your "Bitch Breaker" size from Massive to Form-fitting to bring the most pleasure for you and your partner.

· Your refractory period are under your control, and can stay hard for a long as you like, and can produce truly massive loads of semen.

o Your seed is amazingly thick and potent, ensuring that siring children will always be easy to you, even on women with low fertility [on/off].

· You have nigh-inexhaustible sexual stamina, being easily able to fuck for days on end without rest. You never run out of sexual fluids, your orgasms will be just as strong and plentiful by the 100th time as they were the first time.

· You and your sexual partners operate on porn physics, ensuring that they never get harmed no matter how roughly you fuck them, how big your dick is, how much cum you pour into them; STDs are never a problem, and so on. Your enjoyment of sex will never decrease, and you gain a healthy libido and confidence in yourself.

· You have an aura of lust that induces arousal in women and heightens their sensitivity while lowering their inhibitions. This will affect any woman, regardless of power. This can be toggled and controlled to affect only certain targets (such as those you find attractive) or minimized to just be a good smell to anyone,

§ Willpower can influence their ability to resist the effects, but proximity and their exposure to it massively increases the difficulty of resistance.

· Your sexual fluids are highly aphrodisiac to women, your semen even more so. The smell or taste of it is addictive and incredibly pleasurable to experience whether it is on the skin, through the nose or especially when you shoot it inside their body (adjustable).

o This effect is most of the time set to its minimum effect of being tasty, nutritive, and very slightly addicting and is adjustable with many more effects.

· You have godlike skill at sex, allowing you to bring your partners to multiple screaming orgasms,

o You can very easily leave women you fuck an ahegao'd mess, even if they are goddesses or succubi. Heart-shaped pupils are optional, though on by default and only temporary; depending on the state of your partners.

· You have overwhelming talent at making women submit to you and become yours, whether by seduction or by fucking them until they can no longer resist. Such conquests will never mind you having multiple partners or fucking others or being part of your harem.

· You have immunity to illnesses and diseases (not just limited to STDs and STIs) as well as an incredible resistance to toxins, poisons and various other health hazards.

· Your offspring will always be born strong and healthy. These pregnancies will always be safe and easy for the mothers, and will never have complications. Any half-breed offspring you have will always have just the right amount of fusion to be attractive instead of monstrous.

· Your children will inherit great potential from you and your partner, even if there is a good deal in variance.

· You can always tell your descendants within five generations when you see them, even if you have never seen them before (or even just by seeing the pregnant mother).

· Women never truly forget the sex and pleasure you inflict on them, no matter how much they may want to. A girl you ravished could be happily married a decade later, but as soon as she meets you again she'll be afflicted by arousing memories of you fucking her.

· Regardless of what clothes you are wearing, you can comfortably fit your penis inside without problems.

· You possess powerful charisma and charm, being capable of talking just about anyone into a relationship, or just into a bed, with you.

o You can easily ignite love and other tender emotions in the heart of even the most frigid or repressed individual.

o What's more, you'll find that your hooks are extremely hard to remove and it would take extreme abuse for a prolonged period before you see the figurative spell you weave begin to falter.

· Finally, you become a master of charisma, charm, seduction and sex. You can seduce even the haughtiest women in the Multiverse without much effort and your mighty sword/sheath is such that you can easily fuck dozens of the most lurid goddesses and demons of sex and lust into ahegao'd mess in a single session and have them swear their eternal devotion to you.

Essence of the Time

+You gained ability of time manipulation.

+Your own timeline cannot be changed or damaged against your will.

+You instinctively know when someone is trying to change the timeline and can stop them at will.

Essence of the Reality

You can now alter reality in distance according to your perception.

• You can always tell if someone is trying to change, warp, or damage reality no matter how far away you are from the source.

• You can fix damaged sections of reality.

• Reality and causality affecting attacks no longer work on you.

• You can now change your shape to suit your whims.

• You can create illusions so real that no one can tell the difference. With enough power you can even make them real.
