
Tri-Sage Potential Refinement of Cultivator Sound mind and Soul, Luck and Qi into Omnipotence

Tri-Sage±Potential±Refinement±Cultivator±Sound mind and Soul±Luck±Qi Bracelet± Omnipotence (ง'-')ง


Essence of the Tri-Sage

You inherit the knowledge and understanding of the Tri-Sage.

This opens the door to three different paths to power:

-12 Tiers of Magic.

-12 Stages of Cultivation.

-12 Ranks of Psionics.

Each capable of bringing you to multiversal heights if followed all the way to the 12th level. But beware that treading a singular one leaves you with weak-spots.

The power of each level increases exponentially. While at the 1st you would, for example, be able to:

-Shoot lightning or heal minor flesh wounds.

-Punch through a brick wall or stop bullets with your muscles.

-Throw a car or mind control a single person.

At the 4th you could:

-Create megaton explosions or resurrect tens of thousands.

-Casually punch holes through a mountain or withstand nuclear weapons.

-Lift several city blocks or mind control their population.

With his knowledge and skill, the Tri-Sage perfected these paths to remove bottlenecks and pitfalls for his successor so that you can progress faster and with no fear of failure.

This inheritance is ingrained into your very being and therefore cannot be suppressed, altered, removed, copied, without your permission etc.

Essence of Potential

· You now have Absolute Potential otherwise known as: Ultipotence, Endless / Infinite / Limitless / Meta / Omni Potential, Immeasurable / Infinite Growth, Perfect Potential, etc. allowing you to learn/master/transcend absolutely anything you want.

· This potential becomes your new baseline that you can never go below.

· You gained Potential Manipulation allowing you to manipulate the potential of anyone and anything.

o [Creation] - Grant potential to anyone and anything.

o [Enhancement] - Enhance the Potential of anyone and anything.

o [Reduction] - Reduce the potential of anyone and anything.

· You gained the ability to grant Peak/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Potential to anyone and anything.

o [Realization] - Fully bring out/realize the Potential of anyone and anything.

o [Augmentation] - Augment the potential of anyone and anything.

o [Destruction] - Take away/destroy the Potential of Anyone and Anything.

o [Calibration] - Perfectly Calibrate the potential of anyone and anything.

· You gain the ability to view the true potential of anyone and anything, while being protected from any after-effects from viewing them.

Essence of Refinement

· You are able to refine anything to perfection and beyond, improving its functions and granting it new ones while removing any 'taint' which can be classified as anything you see as a drawback or limitation. This can push things to levels beyond what should be possible.

· Example: Refining an old computer into a quantum supercomputer, refining a knife until it can cut through space-time, refining your fighting skills until you can cause supernatural phenomena like punching ghosts or drop-kicking someone through time.

· Refinement is slow at first and depending on the target's original state it could be much slower, i.e. the 'stronger/special' the target is the slower the improvement.

· Example: A stick could be refined into a sword that could cut super massive black holes before you can get even 20% through refining an Infinity Stone once.

· You do not need to keep refining something continuously. You can always start refining something, put it down for a while then return to continue where you left off.

· You can refine things passively, actively or both.

· Passive Mode: By either looking at or touching a target you can mark them with a sigil of your own design. This sigil can be invisible should you wish. Whatever is marked with this sigil will refine passively even if you are not near it though only at 50% the speed it would if you were actively refining it yourself. You can only mark a target after you have refined them 5 times.

· Active Mode: Your usual way of refining stuff. By touching an object, person or yourself you can destroy any 'taints' (Drawbacks, limits etc..). This will increase the target's abilities such as refining your ability to heal to the point a cut heals faster than you could bleed or a gun shoots bullets faster. You can use this to extend the purview of certain abilities such as refining [Fire Manipulation] to the point of it turning into [Kinetic Energy Manipulation]. You could also grant powers to targets though they will be related to functions the item has or gains through alteration such as a knife being refined to cut into the past, present and future originating from its ability to cut.

· Supreme Mode: Once you've achieved the ability to passively refine an item and then actively refine it yourself you will see explosive improvement. Something that would take a month to refine would instead take a week. Supreme Refinement is also more free form in what about your target you can refine and how much they can break the rules of reality such as refining a pen to hold more ink while staying the same size and weight in either Active and Passive mode to refining the pen into producing ink to use with the ink having its own supernatural properties that you could also refine.

· New Game Plus: By sacrificing all improvements made to something and returning it to the original none refined state you can permanently enhance the speed of its refinement. The time the target would normally take to refine is cut in half.

· This Essence is now a part of who you are death, soul destruction, reality warping or even time shenanigans will never take or suppress it in any way and if anyone tries to it will only cause this Essence and you to become stronger as it automatically refines you to overcome any foes trying to attack it.

Essence of the Cultivator

You are now a cultivator of the highest possible level of potential.

· You gained an effect which makes it so that the more powerful you get, the more attractive you will become. Your body becomes more defined, your face changing in shape to match the ideal of your sex. Of course, this is subjected to diminishing returns, so there will be a point where even huge increases in power leads only to barely noticeable changes. You will never change in a way that you will find unappealing.

· You can choose what kind of Cultivation you do. You can either design your very own cultivation to your exact specifications and desires, or you can choose any form of cultivation you know about, which you can also alter however you want. You can use any number of existing cultivation system from any Xianxia or any other genre novel or fan-fic to create your own.

· You want to cultivate Mana instead of Qi, or perhaps you want to cultivate a soul bonded familiar which then gives you power in return. Perhaps you want to cultivate a bloodline, your soul, or perhaps both? Nothing is restricted, so go ahead and become the Cultivator you always wanted to be.

· You can also choose to cultivate more than one form, allowing you to choose however many paths you want. You can also choose if they work together, and how they work together.

· You can become a master Alchemist, capable of creating potions, pills, elixirs and more for nearly anything, from healing anything to increasing lifespan to aphrodisiacs to love potions and much more. And you are especially good when it comes to creating things for cultivation. [Manual]

· You can become a master crafter, capable of creating incredible weapons, armors and artifacts.

· You are able to cultivate in any world you are in, no matter what. But you can at any time make anyone in world you are a part of become optimized for cultivation. [Manual]

· You have the ability of Passive Cultivation. This allows you to cultivate passively all the time, though it will take you twice as long to cultivate as someone who would cultivate actively. As an added benefit, it makes it so that whenever you cultivate actively, you cultivate twice as fast.

· You can choose to become as lucky as a Cultivation protagonist, without troubles of one.

· Dual Cultivation, allows you to cultivate by having intercourse. You can choose whenever you want whether you want the cultivation effect to activate, and if works for only you or for anyone who is a part of the intercourse. The more enjoyable the experience is, the greater the effect is, and works perfectly even if your partner isn't a Cultivator, or if you don't cultivate the same way.

· You now have complete control over your body and any powers you have; never will you have to fear crushing someone in the throes of passion due to your superhuman abilities.

· This also has the effect of increasing the pleasure your partners experience when they do anything erotic or sexual with you. You will never struggle making your partners orgasm.

· This also gives you intuitive skill in pleasing your partners, as if your instincts guide you to doing the thing your partner wants most while keeping your own pleasure at the same time.

· It also has the effect of making you never growing tired of or bored with sex and any other erotic experience you fancy, never feeling burnt out of the experience. It will still feel as good the tenth time as your millionth time. You passion and want is endless, your desire never satiated for long (in a positive way).

Essence of sound mind and soul

Upon gaining this sapphire-emerald colored essence, you feel more at peace with yourself. 

· A natural mental shield now surrounds your mind and protects you from outside influence. 

· Similar to your mind, your soul becomes a bulwark against spiritual based afflictions. 

· You become completely immune to mind & soul attacks, manipulation, destruction, etc.

· A perfect balance between your mind and soul that cannot be broken or lost. This balance protects the core of your being this granting you limitless willpower and protection from personality death. Nothing can make you lose your sense of self through events such as apotheosis or reincarnation.

Essence of Luck

By drinking this Essence you can now alter the intensity and nature of your luck.

⦁ Whether that is by just making it strong enough to make life a breeze, conscious personal probability control, or luck so powerful that it warps the world around you and practically makes you into a black hole Mary sue, is up to you.

Essence of the Qi Bracelet

In your possession is a simple golden bracer meant to be clasped around the forearm.

By wearing this bracelet and meditating, you will become aware of the flow of Qi within yourself and all things. The bracelet is no longer necessary after this, but can be given to others to achieve the same effect.

The well of Qi within your body can grow without limit so long as you continue to train it via usage, physical exercise and intense meditation.

Qi can enhance your body to superhuman levels, amplifying your strength, speed, durability, stamina, dexterity and agility. Your senses can also be enhanced in this way.

The flow of Qi in all living things can be sensed by the initiated, allowing you to determine the location of living beings from a distance.

The emotions and intentions of a living being can be sensed through its Qi. With time, experience and training you will be able to glean more information from something's Qi.

With time and training, you might be able to project certain emotions or intentions through your Qi. With enough power and training, maybe you could even allow the uninitiated to perceive a shadow of it.

With enough power and training, you can concentrate your Qi and take to the air, flying at speeds equal to those you can run.

With enough power and training, you can turn the warmth of your Qi into a raging fire that you can project from hands as blasts of heat and flame that grow stronger depending on your Qi and the quantity of it that you direct towards the effect.

Essence of Omnipotence (ง'-')ง

• This Essence has no taste and has all tastes simultaneously. How? Omnipotence defies logic!

• By drinking this Essence, you become Omnipotent.

• How Omnipotent? The absolute highest Omnipotent with the capital O.

• You can create absolutely everything/anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the totality itself. 

• You can exert your will upon creation to manipulate absolutely anything/everything without limits. 

• You can destroy anything and everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself.

• You are attuned to not only the very essence of the multiverse, but the entire Omniverse itself. All universes, timelines, dimensions, multiverses, hyperverses, planes of existence, voids, and overvoids are now within the reach of your new senses. You find you are able to manipulate them to your will, and even travel between them. What you can accomplish with this is limited only by your creativity, imagination, and experience. Drawing in alternate versions of people to fight under your control, copying powers from the fictional characters, fixing a destroyed neighborhood by overlapping a pristine version on it. These and any imaginable manipulation of space and time (time travel included) are within your reach. The entirety of infinity is at your fingertips.

• The boons granted to you by this Essence cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, or otherwise manipulated against your will in any way shape or form. You may extend this protection to any other Essence or Essences in your possession.
