
Tier 2-5 (Heaven)

Essence of the Nanites (Organite) you are now bonded to self-replicating microscopic machines called nanites to your molecular structure. You can create, shape & manipulate nanites, machines or robots whose components are at or near the scale of a micro, nano & picometer. This allows the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. Currently, your nanites function at the molecular & atomic level, and in next tiers you'll be able to use them to make smaller nanites: the sub-atomic Picotech, then finally quark-Femtotech.

v Your body also produces a constant supply of Organites, micro-organic/mono-molecular programmable organic bio-machines, which augments your body to handle your nanites.

v Nanites have the ability to assimilate technology regardless of its complexity. Your nanites will reverse engineer it & store the blueprint to reproduce it at any point in the future you desire.

v The Nanite are linked & tied to your existence as such they can only be controlled by you.

o They're unable to be hacked/ hijacked, subverted, corrupted or infected by others.

o They're hardened to the point that they'll shrug of the Melding Plague, Exsurgent Virus &EMPs.

o They won't go out of control & cause a Grey Goo or Nanite Event.

v Your nanites won't malfunction when under extreme pressure or in situations of extreme stress.

v You also have the Nine Master-Control Nanites (gravity, matter, & anti-matter, space-time, energy, & mechanics, Dark matter & energy) with full authority over them.

v You are capable of empowering others by injecting them with nanites.

v Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories, technology and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

v You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.



Essence of the CelestialMatrix

· This essence has combined abilities of Omnitrix (Biological Manipulation) and features of Celestialsapien (Reality Warping) giving you abilities of Life Manipulation.

· It allows you to transform into any life, with no side-effect on your other abilities.

· You are now empowered with immense reality warping power of a Celestialsapien, like Atomic-X and without the debilitating multiple personalities.

· You can conjure appendage made of Celestialsapien matter that can take any form or shape, ex-multiple tentacles, extra eye or any tool or anything you can want it to be, either connected (to feel through them)or disconnected to you.



Essence of the Soul ±Manipulator

You become aware of the ethereal nature of soul & spiritual energies; & have a Awakened Soul allowing you to manipulate matter-energy and space-time leading to effects that those without awakened souls would call Magic.

· Your soul is uniquely adaptable, powerful, and yet able to suppress itself to appear normal at will making you able to learn/copy all soul based abilities and powers with training.

· You gain the power to see souls and spirits. You can look into a person's soul and gain information about their personality and other characteristics.

· With time and practice you can gain the ability to manipulate this information, changing personality traits, and even effecting physical and spiritual changes on a person.

· Your soul is extremely powerful, if a normal soul is akin to an entire world then your own is akin to a sun. Along with this great spiritual power your soul is almost indestructible, requiring constant abuse from all angles from a godly source over millennia to even scratch or stain it, with the damage being healed the moment it's out of danger.

· You have a large amount of spiritual energy inside your own soul like a pool of energy: training & uses will expend it. However, it will naturally regenerate and the more you use and train with it, it will expand your maximum limit over time. The amount of power your soul can produce is practically limitless; however soft-caps and slower periods of growth are to be expected.

· Your body and mind are as much "you" as your soul is, making spiritual possession effectively useless on you. While you can still be possessed, you remain completely in control of yourself unless you allow yourself to be controlled or influenced (in which case you remain fully aware and can take control back at any moment).

· You can drain spiritual energy from souls and spirits, either to replenish your powers or to temporally supercharge your abilities. Note spiritual energy can replenish naturally in a target, but taking too much at once can harm or kill a person.

· You gain powers to travel as your soul and can enter spiritual and mental planes of existence, the collective unconsciousness, the astral plane, and travel to other realms of existence.

· Can unlock a person's spiritual potential awakening their soul & spiritual abilities, they can train and gain more strength and abilities over time. Some people may have a natural aptitude that leads to greater rewards than the average person awakened with this power.

· You may channel your energy through your body to improve its capabilities to superhuman levels. Strength, toughness, speed, reflexes, senses, etc. These can all be enhanced without limit so long as you have the energy to power the enhancement.

· Your will & sense of self is absolute, and no means of mind, spirit or soul control can affect you. You could be utterly isolated from all existence with control over reality and still remain yourself and not develop a god complex or go insane.