
Tier 1-1-2 (Human)±(Mystic)

Essence of the Assassin

· Supernaturally skill at stealth, sneak successfully even through powerful magical wards or the toughest mortal security.

· Can mimic people down to their looks, voice and personality with study and even get their memories if you manage to touch them. Also a masterful actor able to fall in and out of a role without fail and on the fly.

· Can travel through shadows as well as turn invisible.

· Able to create corporeal clones that are absolutely loyal and have all of your powers and abilities (the sensory web that connects all the clones can be directly controlled by strong mind & Divided consciousness). Limited to three initially but this number will grow with practice.

· Are able to gain benefits of training or activities done by clones, allowing you to practice many skills simultaneously to mastery and beyond while strengthening yourself by clones training.


Essence of the Dominator

· Very good at subduing opponents and keeping them restrained, you can even seal any powers they have leaving them helpless while bound through some method up to you. If desired, they can be given a humanoid form that they can switch to or be forced into for easier access.

· You can change and reshape the powers of anyone the more you plow them.

· You cannot be dominated against your will, and you are immune to manipulation, or otherwise subversion of your mind, spirit and soul.

· Unmatched in the realm of sexual activities, even the most ennui stricken succubus or goddess of lurid passions could be left a mewling mess. This bypasses any passive or active resistances and immunities that might stop it, your hands are the doom of any sapient creature you might care to lewd.

· Your sexual organs are mighty a sword that Aphrodite would swear devotion to. You would be hard pressed to find any being that wouldn't submit to you after few rounds of sex. Even beings that would normally be extremely resistant if not immune will find themselves defenseless to you.

· You have perfect control over your virility; your line will never suffer from any issues of inbreeding or unwelcome mutation.

· Heart shaped pupil effects optional (temporarily for partners) on feeling of love or lust for you.



Essence of the Manipulator

You gain conscious control over your charisma. You can switch between being the most fascinating person in any room to having so faint a presence that only the most attentive people will even notice you're there.

o You can also apply your charisma selectively, becoming a dazzling presence in the eyes of your targets while others would be unable to describe your appearance if questioned, and decide how they perceive you, if you seem charming or intimidating to others.

o You can also make your charisma fade in the minds of others, so that while they listened to you with rapt attention, over the span of the next few days they will forget the impression you left on them until they forget you completely.

o This however doesn't mean your words fade from their memory if you don't want to, instead they'll merely forget that the ideas you planted in their mind weren't their own.

· You become a masterful actor, able to play any role and present any personality you choose.

· You will instantly become aware of any attempt to read your mind or sense your emotions, all such attempts regardless of how sophisticated, powerful and unbeatable they may be, will fail outright, unless you choose to immediately create false thoughts, feelings and memories which will show anyone attempting to mentally scan you exactly what you want them to see. You also gain great oratory skills both for simple conversation as well as in speeches before immeasurable crowds.

· When observing someone you can gain a understanding of their mind, how they think, what motivates them and how they tick. You can read people subconscious & hidden thoughts and their biases can be revealed with bit of examination.

· Anyone you focus on, you know how to remold them to your liking. You can break them with but a few words, you know how to tear down their ego, how to use cruel insults and sweet promises of relief to wear down even the most stubborn resistance. You can also uplift them; give them the greatest confidence in the bleakest circumstances. You can make the most stubborn and bullheaded man see reason, or turn the most open-minded and accepting person into a close-minded bigot. You turn people into simpering slaves completely dependent on you or manipulate them freely without them even being aware that you exist.

· You can also manipulate crowds of people on a larger scale, with only minimally less fine-control. You could lead a hopelessly-outnumbered force into a heroic charge without a single man breaking ranks, as well as demoralize a force with an overwhelming advantage to the point of making a well-armed army of thousands to take flight when charged by children wielding sticks. You can fan the population of a utopian society into complete revolt, or make the population of the most tyrannical dictatorship adore the boot that crushes them. Social engineering on all levels is child's play; you could start a political movement or even a religion and turn it into a universal belief, no matter how drastic or ridiculous. You can turn a noble caste consumed by greed and hedonism to altruism and selflessness, convert a group of radical feminists into a patriarchal faith preaching that a woman's reason for existence is to please men, or simply make the act of wearing a plate of cooked spaghetti as a hat into the latest fashion-trend. The time needed to mold others to your will depends on the extent of your change, from a few moments to encourage someone to act on their impulses, a few minutes to rally a group of men into an action they believe correct but lacked the courage, to a few days to completely reshape their world-view into something that goes against everything they were before.


Essence of the Merchant

You are able to assess the value of anything you see. Any object, living being or even a concept such as a person's emotions. This value can be equated to any other kind of value, whether it is physical currency, energy, mana, etc.

o *You can negotiate any sort of transaction with ease, with knowledge of loopholes and clauses.

o *You can establish contracts for favors with other living beings in order to waive or reduce the value paid for the desired effect. This can include supernatural beings such as demons.

o *You can also act as a mediator between two parties, creating similar contracts and overseeing their execution impartially.

o *Once a contract is signed and sealed, you are linked to the other party or parties, and will know when they are fulfilling their end of the bargain. This link lasts until the contract is fulfilled or all sides agree to break it off (should you include such a capability in the contract)



Essence of Absolute Existence

Your very existence becomes absolute and cannot be diminished, reduces or made lesser in any way.

· Any mental, physical or spiritual ailments that plague you are completely cured.

· You are also biologically immortal, you're ageing halts when you reach the prime of life, the exact moment when the body stops maturing and starts dying. If your body is already past the prime of life, it reverts to that point.

· Furthermore, you are also purged of excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say, while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you won't put something off if it's important.

· Your mind is a bulwark of the highest order, it is impossible to affect it negatively in any manner.

· No matter what force is used against you or what stimuli you experience, you can never be driven insane, mentally broken, brainwashed, corrupted, controlled or otherwise inflicted with a permanent mental imbalance.

· You are not bound by fate, prophecy, karma, curse or anything else of such nature.

Your destiny is your own, and no amount of curses or prophecies can decide the course of your life.

· Your presence changes worlds, fate, narratives, and prophesy etc, to suit yourself.

· You are also immune to reality and time warping effects, such as time loops, time locks, being retroactively erased in a paradox due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc.

· This doesn't mean that you can't willingly stay in a time loop or time lock, only that you can't be trapped in one, and that the effects of the paradox can't negatively affect you in any way.

· You are an absolute existence, one that is completely unshackled by any external forces.

· All skills and abilities that you obtain or learn are completely self-contained, independent of any overacting universal laws, and will never require anything outside of you to use.

· This essence doesn't actually grant you an internal energy source to fuel your powers, however if you already possess such an energy source, you will be able to use it anywhere, even in "hard" realities where the supernatural doesn't exist.

· As a side effect of this, all powers and skills you've obtained become perfectly harmonized inside you and lose any adverse side effects they might otherwise possess.

o This also includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities; using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time.

o Being evil won't stop you from using good only abilities.

o Eating multiple Devil Fruits, or drinking more than one Cauldron Vial, won't result in you dying or horribly mutating.

· Your powers cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, or otherwise manipulated against your will in any way shape or form. No matter how much time passes or how many things you experience, you will never grow jaded or sick of simple pleasures or tasks. The sights, sounds, touches, smells and tastes you experience will always be as uplifting as the first time you experienced them.


Essence of Hiding

You gain supernatural skill at hiding.

· You now know all the ways of hiding whether that's through camouflage or in plain sight with disguises.

· You know all the methods by which people will try to find you and ways to counter them.

· You also gain incredible skill at sneaking and stealth which you'll only get better and better at.

· The real power of this Essence is the pool of energy you gain with it which has a frequency focused towards stealth, making attempts at them more powerful. Any other energy pools you possess will be wrapped within this veil of stealth energy so they stand out less.

· You could do all kinds of things with your pool. You could hide your scent, your energy signature, your soul, from all human senses, your very existence from the universe itself, from even memory itself, and with time and practice could hide yourself from all means to find you. Not even ROBs or the 4th wall could locate you if you wanted to stay hidden.

· You can also hide in any way that you can be hidden. Fold dimensions around you, use illusions on the senses, telepathy on the mind to ignore you, outright invisibility, blend in like a chameleon, SEP fields, even hide parts of yourself like traits, thoughts, gender, limbs, etc. Any and all means that you could manipulate for stealth you can do. This does not give you any other spells or powers that are not meant for stealth such as fireballs, teleportation, telekinesis, durability, and other things like that.

· You are naturally much harder to detect even if you don't have powers and any stealth based spells or powers receive a boost from this effect.


Essence of the Gourmand Food

You gain the ability to consume anything, only things you want can be eaten by this ability preventing you from accidently eating something important, something's might be difficult to eat.

You are granted instinctive understanding of all the ingredients you encounter.

· You can receive ideas on how to create new dishes.

· You can cook food equivalent to that of a mythical elixir that can cure any illness, nourish anything in the body, and remove any faults in their bodies.

· All things necessary for eating will also become resilient to harm, teeth, mouth, throat, stomach and so on, so don't worry about eating fire or something.

· Anything you eat will also nourish you like if you were eating a healthy meal.

· Your digestion speed is also increased immensely allowing you to eat much food while having a healthy appetite, and not being a glutton.

· You can become the greatest chef with skill so great that you can make food that has esoteric properties, being able to make food out of things that normally wouldn't be possible, like air, lava, rocks, even dark matter or a naked singularity, just to be extra silly you can also make food out of concepts, make a time pie, or make some ice cream out of pure coldness.



Tier 1-2 (Mystic)


Essence of the Alchemist

A complete mental archive of medicinal plants and how to prepare them, the ability to identify and tell them apart from their impostors, and how to harvest them as well as when; just in case. This archive will update with any new samples you acquire.

· Gained immense potential in all forms of medicine-&-chemistry both magical-&-mundane.

· Immunity to poisons and diseases both mundane and magical.

· Supernatural knowledge of any and all plants and materials as well as knowledge of how to safely obtain them.

· Knowledge of planting and caring for any and all types of plants.

· Immune to dangerous effects from potion fumes, plants (like mandrakes) or curses on metals and such.



Essence of the Broker

· You become a master of contracts and legalize

· You can now easily compose long, intricate and ironclad contracts as easily as breathing, containing or closing any loophole you wish.

· If you so desire, you can conjure these contracts out of nothingness and dismiss them to a pocket dimension only you have access to.

· You instantly become aware of any loophole or wording which may have positive or negative repercussions in any deal you are aware of…

· Anyone who agrees to a deal with you or one that you broker, whether by handshake, signing a contract or verbal agreement, must follow through with it.

· You can set it so that those who agree are compelled to carry out the contract, establish penalty clauses should they fail to fulfill their obligations, or forgive their debts.

· Agreements you make can range from the exchange of goods and services, to the transfer of things which are normally impossible to exchange.

· As long as the parties of a deal possess ownership of something, you can "trade" or "broker" a deal for it, instantly transferring it to the appropriate party.

· This allows you to broker the exchange of kingdoms, landmasses and marriages so long as they are owned, and extends to more esoteric traits like years of life, memories or supernatural abilities and powers.

· Signing these contracts will subject the person to any clauses and obligation you have embedded within it. While the subjects of trades must do so of their own free will, doing so under coercion is still free will.


Essence of the Binder

● Gained the ability to mark targets with a sigil that manifests on their body and it can even be full body tattoos. The Mark can become invisible without active use. At its base lets you telepathically speak to each other and know the exact location and status of whoever marked. This mark is completely immune to any sort of tampering save yourself and is otherwise permanent though you can remove any mark with but a thought.

|● Those bound by the mark can gain access to the essences you have, even this one. You choose which essences they are empowered with and the strength of the empowerment being equal or weaker. They can also be granted weaker forms of other powers you possess at your discretion. If the mark is removed they will retain some but not all of this power just wisps of it.

|● Marked beings who mark others can give weaker versions of their own powers to their marked by them.

|● Marked beings on your discretion can have infallibly loyalty hammered directly into their mind, body, and soul. They will not and cannot consciously or unconsciously choose to hurt you or go against your will unless you allow it or outright order them to. This loyalty may be dialed from slight trust all the way to complete and total devotion. This function only rests with you and those you explicitly give it to. You can seal this function when not in use.

|● The Binder has the ability to invoke 'commands' which are absolute orders those marked for it is compelled to follow to the best of their ability even temporarily ramping up abilities or forcing their body to do something it isn't normally capable of to achieve it. This function only rests with you and those you explicitly give it to. You can seal this function when not in use.

|● Those marked can be summoned and dismissed by you at will and even stored away in a void inaccessible by all but you for safe keeping when not needed. They will be in a sleep like stasis when in storage and will not suffer from the passage of time or basic needs.

l● If a marked individual is killed even down to the soul they will instead re-spawn safe and sound inside your storage. Dead beings can be marked if you have remains, a object heavily associated/meaningful to them, or a soul to interact with, they will reform alive as if they had died as one of your marked.

l●Paste and others marked can set conditions and requirements for certain powers or essences, even restrictions that lock down powers should they violate a restriction or other punishment.

|● Those marked can have their appearance, traits, attributes, and mark changed by the binder to anything possible within the limits of yours and their's species or abilities. You can reset any changes made or revert to an earlier change.

