
Survival Kit-Zero

Essence of the Fire/Dragon-&-Phoenix/Flame

"Both Dragons and Phoenix are beings of Fire. But their flames represent two very different Truths. Phoenix flame is the power of renewal and rejuvenation. It can heal as easily as it can burn away filth and corruption. Dragon-fire, on the other hand, is pure destruction given physical form. It doesn't just burn its target, but destroys its very Truths and reduces it to nothingness." 

The Dragon-Fire & Phoenix Flame give you many abilities like:

*Symphony of Phoenix and Dragon Flame/Fire makes your body free of imperfections.

*You can heal others with a touch. You can heal any wound in seconds, even regenerating wombs, and you can cure any illness, purge any venom, toxin, poison, etc. This same healing is always automatically applied to you, thus granting you a potent healing factor without any side-effects.

*Extreme Endurance and Stamina with Regenerative & restorative ability that will steadily return you to perfect health and capability no matter the damage. 

*Your virility is off the charts with impressive phallus and plentiful sexual fluids to back it up.

*Any sustenance you take is broken down to best nourish you, a side effect of this is that all your fluids taste like the most heavenly delicious substance in existence. Drinking enough of your fluid can be slightly addictive but never enough to create withdrawal symptoms or any negative consequences (Works especially well on vampires).

*You can release a energy that amplifies any pleasure female feel caused by you. 

*You can ignite a seed's growth to have it grow faster, or ignite a person's potential to grant them a lesser version of your power.

*You are immune to harm from fire & can generate Phoenix Flame/Dragon-fire that does not require oxygen to burn.

*You can control or extinguish any flame.


Essence of the Healer

By consuming the essence of the Healer, you are granted several boons:

- You can use an aura that cleans and restores the environment from pollution and curses over distances according to your strength and skill, and lessens the frequency of natural disasters, and causes both plants and creatures to repopulate decimated areas at three times their numbers in a few months and in general repopulate at twice the rate in all other areas in the same time frame without any problems from inbreeding. This will not affect invasive species of plants and creatures, imported are fine just not actively destructive varieties.

- Your presence becomes soothing to others, such that it aids in the recovery, lessening, and overcoming of crippling injuries, infections, disease, spiritual maladies and wounds, and psychological problems such as addiction, PTSD, etc. as well as chronic conditions and their magical, sci-fi, or memetic equivalents. Your presence ensures that the people around you improve to become their best possible selves physically, mentally, and spiritually within less than a year (this varies based on their condition) and you will never have to worry about them self sabotaging themselves. You yourself benefit, becoming a well adjusted person with an inviolable soul which ensures you'll be able to recover from anything that doesn't straight up kill you within a year.

- You gain immunity to blindness, deafness, muteness, madness, addiction, overdosing, disease, toxins, poisons, harmful radiation, mutations, or warping effects, infections, parasites, pests, and their magical, sci-fi, or memetic equivalents; your body will also be brought to peak condition, will always be clean, with genetic defects or malformations cured. Your offspring are also immune to genetic defects and malformations.

- Gain immunity to the ennui of time and any effects that would make living longer difficult. No matter how old you are, you won't have any trouble keeping up with advancements or connecting with other people.

- Regenerate & recover perfectly from even crippling injuries and lost limbs given time or you can speed up this process by healing yourself.

- A complete mental archive of medicinal plants and how to prepare them, the ability to identify and tell them apart from their impostors, and how to harvest them as well as when; just in case. This archive will update with any new samples you acquire.

- Beyond Genius level intellect with perfect memory, archiving, indexing, instant recall, cross referencing, fully retroactive with protection from harmful memories, tamper proofing, and protection against mental devouring or other death of personality type effects. This will not prevent you from learning and growing as a person, but is a defence against any power or being that would force you to change including sudden ascension due to increased intellect or becoming a god.

- The ability to scan the health of others' flesh with a touch, check the state of their mind and soul, and see mystical effects such as curses and demons.

- An incomparable skill at the mundane medical profession in all techniques from established medicine, to esoteric acupuncture or sound resonance treatments, and up to natural herbal or other remedies from nature's bounty; you know all things related to germ prevention, surgery, etc. and how to practice them; just in case. 

- The ability to cleanse and heal creatures and beings mentally, physically, and spiritually; banish evil spirits, exorcise demons, purify malignant energies or effects, reverse monsterfication, lift curses, even cure creatures such as vampires or werewolves, time related effects, restore whole limbs and organs, cure genetic mutations and defects, restore the mind, undo brainwashing, etc. and speed up the process of your passive aura or presence by concentrating on them. These can be done at a distance, on single or multiple targets, or by laying hands on the recipient the latter of which is more potent.

· You start low in skill as you work your way up and with practice you can even learn to revive and restore the dead to full life and expand your active healing to encompass entire cities and beyond.

· You also heal yourself and others 'cleanly' wounds close without obstructions like bullets remaining in them, splintered bones realign without issue, shattered minds recover with the core personality and memories intact, even harmful cybernetics can be removed if needed.


Essence of the History Maker v1.1

Having drunk this essence you become a history maker.

In the vastness of the Omniverse, only a handful of people per generation could be said to have been born with a destiny blessed enough to let them leave their mark in its history with just that innate luck alone.

- Yet, your luck is one that seems to dwarf all of those miracles from the previous times.

- Your existence is one that reality itself seems to be adverse to ever seeing you defeated, and instead pushes you to more and more exalted and extravagant victories.

The ideal mentors and teachers for your future trials are guided directly to your doorstep. Casual decisions made years prior seem to reap disproportionately high benefits at key moments, saving you from what would have otherwise been a hopeless situation.

Opportunities to advance further socially constantly fall in your lap. Even when it comes to the chaos war, whatever choice you decide to take somehow ends up being the ideal one, even if it was initially non-sensensical.

You could charge thoughtlessly through a battlefield in space and just find that such a path was the weak link in the enemy's formation and allowing you to go straight into their command ship, allowing you to reap a swift victory with almost no casualties.

This luck seems to be infectious for those who work under you, who find that they share a part of your blessings as long as they side with you, raising further and getting stronger the more fervently that they serve you.

This also works on a lesser scale to those who just ally with you.

Furthermore, it also works really strongly against those who are set against you.

They will get into petty wars among themselves that drain them of resources.

Their plans seem to crack when it comes to affecting you, instead having their schemes turn on them and you reaping the benefits without even noticing.

Their organizations and factions start making the worst possible decisions at the key moments.

Even when it comes to those that are much more powerful than you, events will conspire that they simply cannot face you directly until their defeat is inevitable.

It isn't as if you can't lose or have some setbacks, but even those are temporary.

And instead of leaving you with lasting damage, these unfavorable situations become opportunities for you to raise and improve yourself further.

Someone manages to infiltrate your organization? They will either end up turning to your side or help you to expose all those who have ill intentions on your side.

Being ambushed by pirates? You will either reap a shift victory where you can gain some precious resources or instead gain a new set of allies as a passing fleet somehow saves you in the nick of time.

Someone tries to assassinate you by nuking the building that you are in? Well, not only did you have a personal shield on your person at that time, but you also can use the chance to try your new weapon that you just found a week ago and scare any potential enemies from trying something like that ever again.

And so on and so forth in any situation.

Even those of godly might and supernatural powers cannot seem to compete with the force that protects you, and instead get repelled and weakened before they can attempt to use their cosmic powers on yours.

And what's worse for them, finding that their efforts actually end up benefiting you more often than not.