
Limitless Intellect of Free Voyager

[Blank (Limitless)±Ultimate Intellect±True Freedom±Multiversal Voyager]

Essence of the Blank (Limitless)

Your potential has now become limitless. You can learn or create any discipline or skill-set, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery and beyond, no matter how many you learn or create. Any abilities you have or anything you created, trained or gained from other Essences or some other source will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes, beneficially for you. Every essences or powers you acquire seamlessly combine to best benefit you.

Essence of Ultimate Intellect

By Gaining this essence, the ultimate proof of the power of pure intellect, you transcend all possible limits of intelligence.

• *Your purely intellectual faculties are now conceptual, incalculable, and immeasurable. This includes but is not limited to things such as adaptability, agility, analysis, calculation, cognition, competence, deduction, focus, hand-eye coordination, instinct, intuition, learning rate, memory, multitasking, pattern recognition, perceptiveness, creativity, innovation and attention to detail, reasoning, reaction-time, and self-awareness.

• *You are able to perfectly learn, memorize, recall, comprehend, and utilize any skill or knowledge as long as you are exposed to it, and master it to perfection and beyond. Your memory is otherwise truly perfect in all respects, although you can choose to selectively let things fade as you wish.

• * Abilities that involve an external physical or social component, such as physical skills, mind-over-body control, or charisma and/or interaction skills, can be honed to perfection and beyond as far as the purely internal/mental components go but are still capped by the normal physical limitations of the universe regarding how such perfected-plus execution might be limited by your body or another's ability to perceive and respond to your stimuli.

• * Your optimized mind gains a peerless capacity for self-analysis, self-reflection and growth. You can clear-headedly process and resolve your guilt and trauma and truly learn from both your successes and your failures, and then use what you've learned to make yourself a wiser, stronger-willed, and generally better person. You are immune to PTSD and unwanted value drift. You will otherwise remain "yourself" as much as possible despite your new level of sentience, without risking the death of personality that can sometimes accompany transcendence.

* After you gain this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc. You will be given a young, healthy body in peak condition that somehow looks exactly like you've always wanted to look.

* This Essence immediately becomes part of your most inherent and innate nature upon first consuming it and from that point on its benefits will permanently and irrevocably be with you at all times unless voluntarily toggled by you. Nothing else can ever remove or weaken your intellect in any way; curses, magic, Clarke-tech, even the will of ROB or equivalent beings, nothing.

Essence of True Freedom

By consuming this shimmering liquid, that seemingly defies all but your will, you gain numerous unassailable freedoms.

True Freedom of Form: No one but yourself can dictate what the form or gender of your body. You gain full control of your physical form and complete veto for any alterations to it, if you are unconscious it defaults to denial unless you chose otherwise before.

True Freedom of Mind: None may control nor alter your thoughts but yourself. The inherent ability to think, reason, and be creative is altered to whatever you desire whenever you desire with the only limits being your own choices. If others try to alter your mind they will find themselves unable to unless you consciously allow it. As before if 'they' attempt to alter the mind of your unconscious form it is an automatic denial save for your prior conscious allowance.

True Freedom of Spirit/Soul/Essence: Your Essence belongs to you and none may alter against your knowing allowance. You gain the power to alter your spirit to its deepest level in any way you so desire with no alteration being permanent no matter how total it may seem to others. When others seek to alter or take your soul they will find no luck if it is against your will. If they attempt it when you are unconscious, unless you allowed it previously, they will be unable to do so.

True Freedom of Motion: The ways in which you move whether through time, space, reality, or other more esoteric things are yours alone to command. There is no method of motion that is barred to you should you desire it. No other thing can halt your progress save if you wish it, even if you are asleep or otherwise incapacitated.



Essence of the Multiversal Voyager

Tastes like a kaleidoscope universes

•Inter-Dimensional Travel - By consuming the essence of the Voyager, you gain the ability to travel between dimensions and realities, exploring the vast multiverse at will.

•Enhanced Perception - You possess an ability to see beyond the natural world, allowing you to perceive entities, energies, matter and concepts that exist on different planes of reality or exist outside the usual physical or meta-physical laws.

•Elemental Mastery - You gain an elemental mastery, allowing you to manipulate the fabric of elements that allow reality to exist. This allows you to manipulate energy, quantum particles, and other cosmological elements.

•Cosmic Energy - You harness the power of cosmic energy, akin to the energy emitted by stars and the cosmos itself. This raw energy can be channeled to form powerful constructs and weapons.

•Adaptive Memory - Your memory is enhanced, allowing you to learn and adapt to any situation presented to you. Your experiences are stored and can be called upon as needed to help you navigate the multiverse.

•Multiversal Knowledge - With your travels and perception, you acquire knowledge of the workings of the universe beyond what any mortal or immortal can conceive. You have the ability to interpret the meaning of cosmic forces and use that knowledge to navigate the multiverse.

•Multiversal Protection - Your essence provides a protective shell that shields you from harm as you traverse the infinite multiverse, deflecting and redirecting any attack or danger that may arise in your travels passively or at your will.

•Reality Creation - As a Voyager, you have the power to create new realities or alter existing ones, allowing you to shape the multiverse according to your will.

•Time Travel - You possess the ability to navigate through time, allowing you to travel through different eras and change the course of history.

•Multiversal Diplomacy - Your travels have given you the ability to communicate and negotiate with beings and entities from different planes of existence, allowing you to form alliances and make deals that benefit you on your voyages throughout the adverse.

•Universal Translation - You possess the ability to communicate and understand any language, whether it is written, spoken, or even in a different medium, making communication with any being possible.

•Cosmic Intuition - You have an intuitive understanding of the multiverse, enabling you to predict the occurrence of events and the decisions made by beings from different planes of existence if you want to.

•Reality Anchoring - Your essence also grants you the ability to anchor your existence onto a specific reality, enabling you to return to the same reality when you explore the multiverse instead of becoming lost or trapped in some alternate dimension or timeline.

•Multidimensional Manipulation - With the power of the Voyager essence, you possess the ability to manipulate different dimensions, including their physical and meta-physical laws, energies, Concepts-&-Truths.

•Ethereal Form - The essence of the Voyager enables you to transform into an ethereal form, allowing you to traverse through energy fields and cross into different realms.

•Annihilation - You possess the power to completely and utterly destroy anything in your path. You can shatter worlds, obliterate entire civilizations, and leave nothing behind but ash.

•Planar Void - Your essence allows you to manipulate space and time, creating a planar void that can trap other beings and even entire planes of existence. You can also use this power to travel through the multiverse at will.
