
Divine Beings (Tier)

Divine Beings {A/N: From Essence of The Magical Warrior}

The term 'Divine Beings' in this essence is a catch-all term for entities that can operate on planetary or inter-planetary scale.

There are some exceptions to the rule that allow a weaker existence the ability to harm a stronger one but those are rare... ish.

Tier- 1: Edge of Mortality / Tectonic Combat

-These Divine Being can wage combat on continental scale.

-They cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to affect a continental change.

-Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. 

-These are the bridge between merely mortal existences and Divine Beings. 

-Theoretically, powerful mortals are more than capable of engaging these guys on their own, but individuals of that kind of power are rare.

Tier-2: Beyond Good and Evil / Celestial Combat

- The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.

- The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change.

-Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. 

- These are where the real "Godlike" beings start.

-At their weakest, they hold sway over some form of natural phenomena like storms and tides.

-An easy way to think of these types is ancient pantheons like the Greek Pantheon with Zeus, Hera, and their inter-fuckery family tree.

Stronger Divine Beings on this level go into Gaia's territory of being entire planetary Biospheres or even the immediate space surrounding a planet. (World)


Tier-3: Blue And Orange Morality / Titanomachy

- The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against interplanetary beings and multiple planets simultaneously.

-The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect interplanetary change.

-Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. 

-This leap goes from planetary bodies to entire solar systems.

-This means the Star, every planet that orbits it, and everything else caught within its gravity well.

-Powers at this point start becoming a lot less interested in "Mortal" matters because the likelihood of a mortal gaining enough power to affect them becomes far less likely.

-Instead what they focus on is the overall strength of a given mortal species instead, identifying them as a single entity instead of individual existences.

Getting noticed by one of these things is usually a good way to get your people extinct. (Solar)

Tier-4: Abstract Morals / Stellar Combat

- The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against interstellar beings and multiple star systems simultaneously.

-The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect interstellar change.

-Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. 

-Again, this leap goes from star systems, to entire star clusters.

-They average out about the Exodus Cluster in sixes normally. Beings on this scale are beyond the reach of Most Mortals to match, but are still easily comprehensible to our understanding.

-At this point anything that can't reliably kill a star system doesn't register on their radar, and if it does, they tend to ignore it until whatever it is starts bothering them.

-Then they supernova the area and call it a day.

-Think about that. (Exodus)


Tier-5: Impossible Morals / Galactic Warfare

-The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against galactic beings and entire galaxies simultaneously.

-The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect galactic change.

-Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. 

-These guys represent galactic arms at minimum and two or three galaxies at the higher end of the scale.

-By the time you hit this point these things don't even know that Mortals even exist.

-From this position, Gaia herself is nothing more than a fleck of dust that dances in the light to them.

-Billions of stars are born and die almost constantly within their bodies, and they don't even notice.

-A cursory thought from one of these things would probably vaporize Gaia, let alone a mere mortal. (Star Stream) 

{The Only reason Earth in Fate/Nasuverse survives is due to Root presence on Earth, like how Eternity from Marvel Comics became fascinated with Earth, making it root of many cosmic, universal and multiversal events}


Tier-6: Edge of Rationality / Universal Combat

-The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against universal existences and their universes simultaneously.

-The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect universal change.

-Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. 

-Exactly what it says on the tin: Everything within a single "Universe" makes up one of these things.

-Every now and then one might get just strong enough to spill over into another universe, but that doesn't happen often.

-But all of that is beside the point, because these guys are so far above most ability to so much as it scratch its back around funny, that area collapses into a black hole.

-If you need it to explain what kinds of scales I'm talking about here, then you're probably not that far in school yet.

Or you simply skipped the rest of this post. (Universal)


Tier-7: Beyond Morality / Infinitely Your Greater

-The Divine Being is capable of waging war on Trans-dimensional existences, as well as entire universes simultaneously.

-The Divine Being cannot be targeted by anything incapable of causing change on an intergalactic, trans-dimensional scale.

-Anything that falls short of such insane range is negated and ignored, regardless of power.

-If the last one was the tip of the iceberg, then this is the ocean it was floating in.

-These are literal divine existences that go beyond just representing a given area or influencing it, and strike into taking up a physical aspect of reality. A stray shot from one of these can splatter a dozen or so universes by accident.

-And that's if they're not trying.

-Combat on this scale goes beyond a simple numbers game and into a contest to see who can cheat at life better than everyone else can.

And they can cheat very well. (Universal-Divinity)


Tier 8: Multiversal-Divinity

-Multiversal scale and scales to up to close to being a single Omniverse.

-Anything that falls short of this scale is negated and ignored, regardless of power.

-The being that is at peak of this scale is capable of waging war on a single Omniverse scale.


Tier 9: Omniversal-Divinity

-Omniverse to multiple Omniverses.

-Anything that does not apply to this scale is negated and ignored, regardless of power.

-The being that is at this scale is capable of waging war on an Inter-Omniversal Scale.


Tier 10: (Timeline-wide Divinity)

-Omniversal manipulations across most of a timeline.

-Anything that falls short of this scale is negated and ignored, regardless of power.

-The being that is at this scale is capable of waging war across most of a timeline on a Omniversal Scale.


Tier 11: (Multi-timeline wide Divinity)

-Multi-Timeline manipulations across all existing Omniverses.

Anything that falls short of this scale is negated and ignored, regardless of power.

The being that is at this scale is capable of waging war across multiple timelines simultaneously on a Omniversal Scale.


Tier 12: (Omnipresent-Divinity)

-Multi-Timeline manipulations to Omnipresence in all timelines in all Omniverses

-Anything that falls short of this scale is Negated and Ignored regardless of power.

-The being that is at this scale is capable of waging war across Most if not All timelines in all of Existence.


Conceptual Armor / Enforcement of Conceptual Change

-The Divine Entity is capable of enforcing a Permanent Conceptual Change upon Reality

-The Given Divine Entity cannot be harmed unless the attack is capable of enforcing a Permanent Conceptual Change onto Reality itself.