
Persona 5: Unity

A Persona is tamed shadow of a person's darker self. Facing one's self can come in different forms through the willingness to face death to revealing one's true self. This story will focus on three groups of individuals that had faced these trials and helped give the world a choice. Now as time goes on new trials begin. When things are lost, can they unite together to face a new threat.

MuUnknown · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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1 Chs

New Story

Disclaimer: I do not own the persona series, it is owned by an awesome company named ATLUS so go check them out.

Spoiler Alert: For those who have played or watched anything in the persona series

Author's Note:

This is my first ever fanfiction. This Fanfiction was made by a person who only watched others play the persona games and the animes. And has only played persona 5 until the 5th palace which was the most boring palace ever. Also all the google knowledge that could be searched up by using google.

Things to know:

1. I am bad at grammar so some things could change overtime.

2. The character involved with be Persona 3 Fes, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 5 royal

3. For events that took place in the game 2009 for Persona 3 Fes, 2011 for Persona 4 Golden, and 2016 for Persona 5 Royal. (Time was took from PQ2)

4. This Fanfiction does not connect with the continuity of the original story elements and other persona game spin-offs but will use canon information.

5. Starting year is 2017 a few months after the ending of Persona 5 Royal.

6. All relationships are ships based on the author. So if you have any complaints then write your own fanfiction of relationships you like.

7. Screw P5S it should have been P5R on the switch.



7/30/17 Gekkoukan High School Auditorium

12:00 p.m


As the audience quieted down in the auditorium, a well-dressed red headed woman came on the stage walking towards the podium to get ready to make an announcement. Alongside her was a blond blue-eyed girl holding note with her arms crossed.

"Woah is that her? She looks so refined. I'm so jealous of her."

The audience whispered among themselves until the well-dressed red headed woman was ready to give her announcement.

"As you all know already I'm Mitsuru Kirijo, head of the Kirijo group as well as host of the City Wide Annual Summer Showdown Festival. I know that we still have a lot of work ahead of us for the next two days but recently we've obtained additional funding from a new sponsor. What this means is that we now have the funding to buy needed materials. After this assembly I'll need you all to create a full list of needs so we could evenly distribute the fundings we got. I would like you all to give it to my assistant over at my office building. That will be all."

The audience got up from their seats and rushed out walking out of the auditorium to their stations to get started on their lists. The well-dressed red headed woman and the blond blue-eyed girl walked into backstage and exited the building entering a limo parked nearby.

"To Iwatodai please."

The limo started to drive away from the school's campus and into the city.

"Aigis what else do we have planned today?"

Aigis then pulls out a planner opening it checking Mitsuru's schedule for the rest of the day.

"You only have one meeting left today with a representative from Okumura Foods."

After finishing reading the planner Aigis stored the planner away.

"Aigis when are the others arriving"

Aigis pulled out a smartphone and unlocked it to check for messages sent to her and answered Mitsuru.

"Some of the others will be arriving on the day of the festival but Akihiko and Fuuka will be arriving tomorrow."

After answering Mitsuru the limo came to a sudden stop at an intersection with a diagonal crosswalk with it's tires screeching. The limo driver almost hit a girl with ribbon in hair but was pulled away by a woman in a jacket.

"Aigis grabbed the first aid kit."

Both rushed out the limo in a hurry to aid them.



Earlier at the crosswalk before incident

1:00 p.m


Walking around the street was a woman wearing a jacket with the hood on, wearing sunglasses, and a mask covering her whole face. She stopped at an isolated street with a diagonal crosswalk waiting for the light to change.

"I'm so lost and it's so hot. I knew I shouldn't have gone out today."

Jogging up beside her was a girl with ribbon in hair(It's not poor grammar I'm just using what the game used to describe her) wearing a light blue top with black dots. The woman in the jacket noticed how the girl with ribbon in hair was jogging in place, both heading towards the same direction waiting for the stop light to change.

"How is she able to jog in this weather and how is she so slim?"

These were the thoughts that came to the woman in the jacket head. As the light changed to allowing pedestrians to cross the girl with ribbon in hair started to jog across the diagonal crosswalk. The woman in the jack started to walk across too. She then noticed a limo that was nearby coming fast not noticing the girl with ribbon in hair jogging across.

"Watch out!!!"

The woman in the jacket ran towards the girl with ribbon in hair, being able to grab the girl and pull her back before getting hit by the limo. The limo then pressed on its breaks making a screech.

"Are you ok?"

The woman wearing the jacket looked at the girl with ribbon in hair and she looked terrified, sweating and heavily breathing as if she was reliving a traumatic moment in her past. Rushing out the limo was a well-dressed red headed woman and the blond blue-eyed girl. They both rushed towards the two on the street to provide aid.

"Girls alright."

The blond blue-eyed girl was holding a first aid kit opening it. The blond blue-eyed girl started to treat the scratches they got from falling over while looking at the girl with ribbon in hair. Afterward the blond blue-eyed girl grabbed on to the girl with ribbon in hair hands.

"You are ok it's safe now."

The blond blue-eyed girl held her hands gently comforting the girl she passed out. At the limo was an old man standing by the open driver's door watching from the distance.

"I am very sorry madam I couldn't see her."

Around their surroundings people came out of the buildings around the intersection and other cars started to come to the intersection.

"If it's alright with you we would like to take you both to somewhere safe Risette."

As the woman in the jacket heard the well-dressed red headed woman said that, out of concern for the girl with ribbon in hair she just noticed that her hoodie was off and her glasses and mask fell off her face. The crowd was starting to form at the intersection they were at.

"Sure that'll be fine with me."

The girl with ribbon in hair was laid down into the limo by the blond blue-eyed girl. As Rise entered the limo she noticed how the limo had state of the art computers but didn't question it due to fact how she was more worried about the girl with ribbon in hair.

"Are we going to the hospital madam."

The limo driver staring at the well-dressed red headed woman.

"Considering how it was light scratches and fainting I assume that going to the hospital will be pointless. We will continue going to Iwatodai."

Rise then looked at the well-dressed red headed woman in shock that they weren't going to a hospital to get treated.

"Allow me to introduce myself my name is Mitsuru Kirijo,"

After hearing that Rise knew who she exactly was.

"I would like to say I'm sorry with the look you have on your face. I can tell you're disappointed in how we're not going to the hospital. With the Festival right around the corner if any incidents were to happen it could be catastrophic. Considering how Mitsuru Kirijo, the host of the event, Risette the popular idol, and last but not least Sumire Yoshizawa, an honoured gymnast who is helping judge the rhythmic gymnastics competition. Three important figures at the festival were involved; we can't let this get out to the public. I hope you understand Risette."

Rise was surprised to hear that the girl she saved was Sumire Yoshizawa who she has heard of but never since before. With a disappointed face Rise knew through experience that if something like this were to go public it could be catastrophic if not handled correctly. As she looked at the girl with ribbon in hair she began to recognize her from the festival pamphlet as the rhythmic gymnastics prodigy judge.

"Madam we're here."

As the limo stopped in front of a building, Rise got out of the limo and stared at the building they stopped at. The building in question looked like a dormitory.



Iwatodai dorm

2:00 p.m


A girl with ribbon in hair woke up from her passing out to only find herself in a location unknown to her.

"I see you've awoken."

The girl with ribbon in hair got up from lying down to look around her surroundings to see herself in the lobby of some building and three others sitting across from her sitting on a couch across from her. In the room with her was a blond blue-eyed girl standing behind a well-dressed red headed woman and a cheerful-looking woman wearing her hair tied with two pigtails who were both sitting down on a couch across from her. All of them looked familiar to her but she couldn't remember where.

"I'm sorry but may I ask what's going on here?"

The girl with the ribbon in hair looked frightened not knowing where she was but she knew that she felt despair before passing out. Waking up in a room full of strangers wasn't helping.

"May I ask what you remember before waking up."

The well-dressed red headed woman looked like she had the most authority in the room seeing how she had a commanding aura to her. The girl with the ribbon in hair decided that just by looking at them they weren't bad people and decided to answer.

"I remember being at the intersection and then."

The girl with ribbon in hair paused due the shock of remembering that moment.

"Yes, you were saved last before getting hit by my limo by this woman.

The well-dressed red headed woman pointed toward the cheerful-looking woman wearing her hair tied with two pigtails.

"On the behalf of my driver I would like to sincerely apologize to you."

The well-dressed red headed woman then stood up from sitting and bowed down towards the girl with ribbon in hair in apology.

"It's ma'am it's my fault for not carefully looking while crossing."

The girl with ribbon in hair stood up as well and bowed towards the well-dressed red headed woman in apology.

"Now that's out of the way it's time for some introductions."

The cheerful-looking woman wearing her hair tied with two pigtails got up from her full of energy. After the woman got the mood around the room lightened up.

"I'll go first, I'm Rise Kujikawa."

After hearing that name the girl with ribbon in hair now noticed where she remembered her from. She was one of the idols performing at the festival.

"I guess it's my turn, I'm Mitsuru Kirijo."

After recognizing that name the girl with ribbon in hair remembered that the host for the festival was the Kirijo Group who was being led by Mitsuru Kirijo. She was shocked that she almost got hit by the festival organizer limo.

"And I am Aigis, Mitsuru assistant."

The girl with ribbon in hair paused and wondered if Aigis was Mitsuru's assistant's last or first name. As she thought that everyone stared at her waiting for her introduction.

"I'm sorry for the late introduction, I'm Sumire Yoshizawa."

Sumire was shocked to find herself in a room filled with popular role models.

"Yoshizawa, I'm sorry to ask but can you keep this incident a secret. If this incident were to get out it can cause trouble for the whole festival."

Mitsuru looked at Sumire with a serious look in her eyes. Sumire understood the situation that Mitsuru Kirijo and Risette was involved in a traffic incident that could create a scandal that'll affect the festival progress.

"Yes, I very much understand the situation. I'm just grateful that you took care of me after what had happened. I'll keep what happened between us. There's no need to call me by my last name. Sumire is just fine Ms. Kirijo"

Mitsuru was a little shocked to see how refined Sumire's reply was and how she understood the situation that they were in.

"Ms. Kujikawa I haven't properly thanked you yet have I. I'm very sorry that it took me awhile."

Sumire bowed in apology towards Rise who was getting embarrassed at the moment.

"Don't worry, it was nothing. I'm just glad that I was the..."

Before Rise could finish Sumire interrupted her.

"Sorry, but I'm not even finished. I have to thank you properly in some way for rescuing me."

Rise seeing Sumire sincerity in her eyes didn't know what to do. In her past experience she was the one being usually rescued. She was just glad to be able to save Sumire but she didn't think that she would be that grateful.

"You all can just call me Rise. Sumire-chan you don't have to go that far to thank me I was just in the right place at the right time that's all."

Rise was confident that the response she gave would satisfy Sumire.

"Even then you still rescued me so I have to thank you."

Rise couldn't think of any way to get out of this situation.

"How about you coming to watch Rise concert as a thanks. When you were sleeping Rise and Mitsuru were already talking about a way for us to apologize for almost hitting you."

Rise was thankful that Aigis helped Sumire find a solution to thank her.

"As our apology to you Sumire-chan we'll watch your opening performance for the junior high rhythmic gymnastic competition."

Rise was surprised to hear from Aigis that Sumire was going to perform at the junior high rhythmic gymnastic competition.

"That's a surprise Sumire-chan that means I'll be able to see you in action."

Sumire was shocked to hear Rise say that she was going to watch her opening performance.

"Well you see I was already going to attend that competition to cheer on a long time friend."

Sumire was surprised to hear that Rise had a younger friend who was competing in the competition.

"Well then I guess that means you both will be able to watch each other perform. But wouldn't that mean Sumire coming to Rise concert wouldn't really be thanks considering how Rise watching Sumire perform."

When Mitsuru stated they knew that they just went through a loop. A moment of silence then struck the room as they were thinking on what to do. Until Rise finally thought of a proper way for Sumire to thank her.

"I know Sumire, how about you give gymnastics advice to my friend competing in the junior high school competition so that they could be as good as you."

After hearing that Sumire turned bright red when thinking about the advice she would give.

"Sumire temperature is rising at an alarming rate."

The advice Sumire thought about was thinking about a person special to you. The person Sumire thought about was a wavy unkempt black hair boy wearing a set of black glasses with dark gray eyes.

"I'm sorry if I worried you I was just thinking about the advice I would give to your friend."

When looking at Sumire they could tell that she's embarrassed and properly thinking about someone. While continuing on their discussion there was knocking at the front entrance. Aigis unnoticeably left from the discussion they were having to check the entrance. When opening the door she saw a well-behaved looking girl wearing a light blue dress.

"May you be the representative of Okumura?"

The well-behaved looking girl nodded yes to Aigis.

"Currently Ms. Kirijo is in a meeting right now so if you could please wait a moment as I'll go tell her that you've arrived."

The well-behaved looking girl stepped inside of the building waiting at the door. Aigis then proceeded to go to Mitsuru to tell her that the representative of Okumura foods has arrived.

"Mitsuru, the representative of Okumura foods, has just arrived."

Mitsuru faced palms because of the incident with Rise and Sumire and how she was invested in the discussion she forgot about the meeting.

"I'm sorry ladies I actually have a meeting to attend to with a representative from Okumura Foods."

The well-behaved girl then walks up behind Aigis, seeing who was in the room with Mitsuru.

"Haru-senpai is that you?"

Aigis, Mitsuru, Rise was surprised to see that Sumire knew the girl who came behind Aigis.

"Sumire-chan what are you doing here?"

Mitsuru and Rise were confused on how they knew each other.

"Sumire how is that you know the representative from Okumura Foods."

Sumire was questioned by Mitsuru who was interested to know what their connection was.

"Well you see Sumire-chan was my kohai before I graduated from the same high school as hers and she is currently under my supervision staying with me for the duration of this festival."

After hearing the explanation it helped make sense of how they knew each other.

"Haru-senpai you're here to have a business meeting with Ms. Kirijo here if I'm not mistaken. Then I should get going. I don't want to bother you."

Sumire proceeded to organize herself to leave.

"Hold on Sumire I would like to company you if I could. Well I wouldn't want to be a bother also I'll take my leave as well. But you guys better remember the deal we all made together.""

Following suit was Rise organizing herself to leave as well.

"Haru-Senpai I'll see you back at the hotel after you're finished with your meeting."

The both of them then proceeded to leave the building waving goodbye leaving Aigis, Haru, and Mitsuru alone.

"Now let's get on to business. Haru was it. I'm Mitsuru Kirijo head of the Kirijo group and host of this event pleasure to meet you."

Haru and Mitsuru then started their meeting discussing the plans for the festival.

This is basically a extra chapter for you readers to see my new writing style and how the story is going to be retold. I would love to see comments to help me improve my writing skills thanks.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MuUnknowncreators' thoughts