
Doll Shoes

As they strode the hallway, she felt so comfortable with this guy. This was the first time she felt this way, well, except from the male in their family of course. She and her siblings was taught by their father to always wear their a batle armor as a protection from evil (means stranger especially men) and because of this they became aloof to the oposite sex.

That's why she was so shook by this moment. How could a stranger guy can make her felt this way?

They arrived at locker room and he carefully put her down on the nearest bench and then hurriedly went to the room. She can't herself but smile on his sincere and cute actions.

Minutes later she saw him running while holding a shoe box towards her. Upon the arrival he automatically gave her the shoebox and she gladly open it. At her surprised, she got a pair of beautiful embroidered with a cute peach flower in a white doll shoes.

She can't help herself but admire the designs of the shoes. It may not be perfectly done but it was beautiful in it's own way. "This is beautiful" she exclaimed.

"Ahmm, thank you Ms. Bathala" she shyly answered.

With another shocked she looked at him with a questioning looking. "You made this?" she asked.

"Y-yes, Ms. but it is just a prototype" he answered in a lower tone.

"Wow, that's cool. Are you majoring in shoe designing?" she excitedly asked him.

He nodded as respond.

She hurriedly tried the shoes on and luckily it fitted her feet perfectly. "My heavens, it fits" she happily said. Along her happiness was the smile that flashed at the guy's face.

'I felt relieved that it fitted her feet beautifully and perfectly' he thought.

"I really, really like it and it's so comfy to use" she said while admiring the shoes.

"Anyway, what's your name?" she asked.

He shly scratched his hair and said, "Ahmm, I'm Crisostomo Gonzaga. It's kinda late but nice meeting you Ms. Bathala."

Cindy can't let herself but smile in his gesture. He stretched her hand towards her to form a handshakes, she glady responded.

"Nothing is too late for meeting people Crisostomo or should I call you Cris instead? You're name is so long for me" she suggested.

"Of course you can Ms. Bathala" he happily complied.

"Great! And by the way, just call me Cindy" she said.

"A-alright, ahhmm Ms. Cindy" Cris awkwardly said it and it maid her chuckled a little.

'He can't let go of the Ms. This guy is adorable' she complimented him silently.

"Very good, let's go home now. Do you have a means of transportation. I will give you a ride if you don't" she offered.

"Thank you for the offer Ms. Bat-" he stopped for the reason that Cindy's eyebrow was arching.

"Ms. C-cindy rather. I-i got a motorcycle so I'm good" he resumed in explaining.

" 'Kay, so let us go to the parking area" she invited him.

"I will walked with you until you arrived in your car Cindy" he said.

She smiled at him as a response and then they walked and talked about each other. As Cindy expected he was a scholar student in this university and he was also a working student. She was so amazed by this type of student who were so goal oriented despite the fact of their unfortunate status in life.

Honestly, she really want to have friends with this type of people but because of her personality they were all afraid of her that's why she was stuck with her sisters all the time. Bitches flocks together as they say.

They arrived at the parking lot and for their surprised her car, her fucking beloved Cindy's Pumpkin was ruined!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" she shouted full of spite.

The orange car was spilled with red and black paint and the hood were spray painted with words that bashed her and the tires were all freaking flat!

'Goodness! You're all gonna die by tomorrow!' she swear.

'Bitch- I admitted that.

Whore -nahhhh, so eww to touched a uncultured swine.

Demon -Hell yeh I am!

Crazy- Owww, did they didn't saw the real crazy Cindy.'

While reading and inspecting the car someone grabbed her lightly like a princess. Suddenly, her engraving anger subdue because it was welcomed with a worrying face of the angelic man she with.

"C-chris?" she stuttered. Wait?! Did she stuttered? For real! Fuck this is the first time!

"Sorry for what happen to your car but it is getting late already and I don't think that a lady should be still out at this hour. If you agree I will gave you a ride at the gate so that we can get a cab for you" he meekly said.

And Cindy really appreciated it. Just for the first time they met, he really made her felt a damsel in distress woman like the origin owner of this name. She hated it before but not with this guy.

She nodded her head in agreement. "Great, just wait her a bit Ms. Cindy and I will get my motorcycle" he said and then he was gone. True to his words in just 30 mins he got riding his motorcycle.

"Hop in" he invited. Luckily, she wasn't an arrogant rich common gal who wouldn't knew how to freaking ride a motorcycle. What pissing her off now was she's wearing a shirt.

'God damned it' she cussed.

She positioned herself sitting like a lady but the awkward thing was where would she hold to. At this point Cris told her to just hold into him to avoid any accident to happen. That surely made her flustered.

'This is for safety, Cindy' she remained herself.

When Cris felt her hand holds on to his waist he was so nervous and flustered but he kept his posture to drive safely.

When everything were good he started the motorcycle and rode until they arrived at the gate of the Uni. As promised, Cris remained with her until a cab stopped.

With all the courage he could mustered he asked her, "Miss Cindy, c-can I please get your number caused I want to make sure you go home safe."

Cindy was shocked at the sudden event. She leave a smile and got her phone and hand it to him. "Put your number first" she instructed.

He was stunned by her action and he shly received her phone and put his own number then he gave it back. Then she dialed the number.

Cris got his old style keypad phone from his bag and saw a number calling the he looked at her. "Yep, that's my number. Have to go, bye"

And then the cab went away. He was still shocked but a smile never leave his face.

Hello again!

Sorry, if I can't provide a cover for this novel. To be honest, I don't know how to make one. Hehehehe.?

If you can send me some help I will be so grateful. Just tap the comment section below. Thank you in advance, mwuah!

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