
This is the Prologue I guess?

When I open my eyes, I saw an old man sitting in front of me.

Santa Claus?

No, Santa Claus is fat but this old man is thin. Although they have the same white beard, but wait his hair is also white. And I think his eyes are glowing blue?!

He seems to be glowing though, I think it is because of the light.

Heh?! Light? What is going on? Normally, a human body shouldn't emit light right? Even though he might be Santa Clause?

Wait?! Why am I keep thinking about that fat guy?

Let's observe the old man first.

Hmm. I have never seen someone has white hair that looks like that. Moreover, I don't think that's white, it seems to be silver. Well I'm not that good at colors anyway.

While staring at the old man in amazement, the old man showed me a gentle smile.

What a creepy smile… I mean, gentle old man.

"Nice to meet you, Max Wefner. I am a God and my name is Zeus."


"Yes. You seems to be still confused and I'm sorry about that. I never thought that it would hit someone." he showed me a bitter smile.


"Ahh! You forgot? It's understandable though, after all you died instantly after my lightning hit you."

I tried to recall what happened earlier. I was walking back home then suddenly it started raining. Then I decided to walk to the park to because it was a shortcut then after that lightning fell from above and I was here.

Does that mean I died?!

The old man, I mean Zeus saw my face frown and he guess that I remembered my death so he showed an apologetic smile.

"I-I died, right?" I tried asking God Zeus to confirm my thoughts and yep, I was right.

"Yes. Unfortunately, you did die, Max. You might have remembered that a lightning struck you, that lightning came from me. Sorry about that."

"It's alright Mr. God, what happens already happened."

He looked at me in surprised.

"You seem to be calm about all of this, no? I mean, you just died. I thought you would be like 'What the heck have you done?' or 'Why did you do this to me?' something like that."

"It doesn't matter what I do now though. What happened cannot be turned back now, right?"

"Well, I guess you have a point there."

"So after this, what will happen to me now? Heaven or Hell, which one?"

"No, no, you died because of my fault. So I can revive you immediately."

He was hesitating at first but then he said at the end.

"But you cannot be revive at the same world again. It is a rule so I'm sorry about that. I will have to reincarnate you to another world to start your new life, although you will retain your memories from your previous life. I understand that you won't agree, but…"

"I agree." I interrupted Mr. God because he was talking very long. I think he haven't talk to others for a long time. Must be lonely here.

"You agree that easily?"

"Well, yeah, I guess. I understand that it must not be easy on you. Besides you have given me a second chance to live and I'm grateful about that."

"For you to be still so calm at a time like this. For that world be able to have such a great person like you…"

Mr. God is dejected but trying to be cheerful. Others had already told me that I do not act like my age, but to be also noticed but Mr. God, I feel a little bit embarrassed.

"Well, before I reincarnate you let me atone for something. So you can ask me anything"

I would really love to revive to my original world, but since Mr. God had already told me that it will be impossible. Well, before I reincarnate to another world I need to know something about it right?

"After this, where will I reincarnate?"

"Ah! You will reincarnate to a world that is the same as those popular novels in your original world. It is a world where magic exist. It is approximately about halfway through what your world calls the Medieval Period. Well, there are some that is not at the same level."

Medieval Period? Is that the period when there are knights? Hmm. I getting worried if I can manage in such a place. Will it be okay for me jump in this world?

"Hmm. Mr. God, can I ask for something?"

"Oh? What is it? What is it? I'll grant anything."

"Can you make sure that I will survive at the other world?"


He made a weird noise. I see, it can't be done right?

"Is that it? That's super easy you know? How about this, not only would I make you survive that new world. I will even make sure that you will never die, how about that?"

"Well, if you say so."

"Don't be like that, try to be more excited please. You'll be able to use magic as you like you know?"

"Magic? It exists in the other world? But then, with magic won't that be more hard for me to survive in their?"

"There is magic in that world. And you know what?"


"Nahh, forget it, it is better to make it a surprise."

Mr. God had a strange smile on his face though, I wonder what he is thinking?

"Now then, please prepare as I will commence the ceremony to have you reincarnate."

"Thank you so much for everything."

"No, don't thank me. Originally it was my fault that you are dead. So once again, I'm sorry."

He then raised his hand and lights shots out from it. Then it wrapped around me. It's so warm though.

"Since it was my fault that you died, I will reincarnate you to a world of magic. You will basically have high resistance against magic, so you could say that magic don't work on you. Even the Gods will not be able to kill you instantly with their power."

He says that as he laugh after remembering what he just did.

"Once I send you to the other world, I won't be able to help you because it's forbidden. One last present."

Another light entered my body but it was different from the other lights that entered my body earlier. That light seems to contain more power than the others. But since Mr. God didn't think about it I just shrugged my shoulders about it.

"Thank you."

"Well, see you later."

Mr. God smiled at me and then my vision went dark.

After awhile, I regain my consciousness, what I saw was something similar to a curtain. I don't know what that is but I can guess that it is used to hide something.

The place was steamy and the visibility is bad, I began to sweat. I can also smell some sweet fragrant that reminds me of a girl.

A girl?!

"Don't tell me?"

I turned around and I was dumbfounded on what I saw.

Although the place was wrap in steam, I can still see a blonde girl appearing within the steam.

And to top it all up, she was stark naked.


Hate me now! TT_TT

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