
Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Kim Yohan, the CEO of the biggest company in S city, is cold and doesn't care about the women who approach him. a man with strong principles in life and fighting for his love. "Miss quickly sign this file, and I, I will help you reply to them all," said the president. Tiara Jiang is a beautiful woman from a rich family who lacks love from her parents, and her brother Tara Jiang is evil and always takes everything she has, including all the men who approach Tiara because of the heartache she has experienced. "Who wants to marry you?" Tiara replied, looking sharply at the man in front of her. "Hurry up, you better obey," said the President. Tiara gets caught up in her brother's evil plans, so she has to deal with the cold and cruel CEO of the Lianxi Group Company. please read it, hope you like it.....

Imroatul_hasanah · Thành thị
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408 Chs

190. late

Yohan refused. "No, bring it yourself. You little monkey! You think I'm your assistant." Yohan said, who threw the suitcase handle back at Doctor Glen's feet, until the suitcase collapsed and hit the handsome doctor's leg.

Brukkk .... the sound of the suitcase collapsing and hitting something.

"Aw ... aw ... damn! It hurts. You fat pig !!! Bring my suitcase or you will meet Doctor Angel yourself. I will not want to help you anymore, you annoying." Doctor Glen said a little joking with his little threat. Although she was not sure if that small threat would succeed in overpowering the great man in front of her and making her do what this handsome doctor wanted.

"What a fool! Whatever ..." Yohan said as he stood up and left Doctor Glen behind just like that. As usual, Yohan was just indifferent to his best friend's behavior.