
Perfect But Dark

BLURB: I heard banging footsteps. The girl flounced her way in. “Why do you have Carrie?” She forced words from her gritted teeth. “Listen to me,” I said. "Don’t claim false ownerships for things that are not yours. It is my lady’s pet creature and she sent me here to retrieve it for her, unharmed and well and that is my sole intention.” On a stormy night, Ariana finds a beautiful but mysterious creature hovering in the bushes outside her home. She falls in love with it and takes it in as her own, not knowing that all that glitters isn’t gold. After she was bitten mistakenly, she sees herself entangled in a web of the werewolf realm, bearing the brunt of patulous, uncontrollable power, magic and a desirable mistake.

jewel_jr · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Yolanda's POV

At times, I feel like a boat without a paddle, cast adrift in the middle of the ocean with no way of plunging ashore. Am I destined to be alone despite my title and position in the pack? Why do everyone and everything I love eventually abandon me?

First, it was my mother who I was told died on the delivery bed. According to what my father had told me, she was a Salutary – herbal wolf, who took care of the sick and injured. Then father followed suit, he was the Alpha before my late mate, Kellan succeeded him. He taught me everything I knew, how to control my abilities, and senses, unleash my wolf, leadership skills and every other thing I needed to know. Death couldn't even wait for him to see me crowned Luna before snatching him mysteriously from me.

As if that was not enough, it took Kellan – my first and only mate. I still remember how we both reminisced about having four pups, but it didn't happen, those abominable rogues savaged him to death before our dream could come true. From that moment, I vowed never to take another mate, to never desecrate our mate bond, even though he was dead.

I'll never forget Vida – my witch friend from Atsuki Realm(a realm for sorcerers). Our realms had maintained a mutual relationship before their destruction. She taught me about magic and even went as far as lending me her spell book to practice further, but I never got to return it, as the realm was destroyed and they all perished. It still baffled me to know they were the cause of their destruction, in their uncanny struggle for the throne.

With the help of Vida's spell book, I used strands of my hair and fur and saliva to create Suki – my pet, hoping she'll serve as a remedy to my loneliness but she's missing. I remember leaving her uncaged in my other chamber, only to find her missing this morning. My psychic senses tell me she's somewhere in the Earth realm, I can feel her but where exactly on this earth realm?

Hot tears threatened to erupt from my eyes as this whirlwind of dreadful scenarios swept across my mind, but I remained stoic. Father and Kellan warned me against it, they said it was unbefitting for a true leader to show weakness in terms of crisis, which I bore in mind as I ruled.

"Fabian! Fabian!!" I called out, trying hard to conceal the lachrymose in my tone.

"Yes, my lady." He answered with a bow.

" Go fetch me Beta Elkrina," I ordered. "Her services are urgently needed. Tell her to suspend everything at once and appear before my patience runs out."

" Aye, my lady."

He scurried fast as I closed my eyes, trying to utilize my psychic abilities in finding Suki. I saw a young girl and a building, but the images were a little obscure.

My eyes opened as the huge palace doors creaked. Fabian guarded Elkrina and I couldn't help but notice how she rolled her eyes at him before strutting to my throne, her long silver hair swinging in waves as she did. She made a lunge and knelt on a leg, placing both hands on her raised thigh as she bowed.

"Hail Luna…"

"Alpha Queen." I corrected with a sneer.

"Sorry, my lady," she apologized before redoing. "Hail Alpha Queen Yolanda, first of her name and kind, leader of the Dothraki Realm, protector of the Silver Moon pack. I bow before thee, you shall live longer than your ancestors."

My lips curled to a lingering smile of satisfaction and pride as I signaled her to rise. " Very well my beta, you may rise to your feet."

"And what did Fabian do to warrant such stern behavioral display from you?" I asked, focusing my gaze on her.

"My trust for him has thawed like ice in the desert," she said, glancing over her shoulder to see if Fabian was looking, but he was facing away from us, so she continued. "My lady, he was Alpha Kellan's right-hand man, he swore an oath to die protecting him but he broke the oath. Grant me the honour of beheading him, my lady

"Nonsense," my smile contorting to a scoff. " Fabian has been faithful and loyal for as long I can remember, he must live. Those abominable rogues are to be blamed for the death of my dearest." Those words evoked memories of him in my head as my eyes were almost teary, but I endured.

" I have summoned you here on one accord, to find Suki – my pet. You are the strongest and most skillful Beta fighter in our pack, that is why I have chosen you for this task. Suki got missing last night…"

"And how exactly did she get missing?" She cut me off.

"Question me one last time and I shall have your tongue cut and fed to those caged pathetic rogues in the dungeon." I threatened as she cringed backwards.

I continued. "I know she's somewhere in the Earth realm. I created Suki, so we're connected in some way. I can feel my pet's aura. I need you to bring her back to me unharmed and well."

"But my lady, it's forbidden for us werewolves to travel to the Earth realm." She said.

"I know Elkrina, but it's an order from me," I said. " I'm backing you up, so go. I shall communicate Suki's whereabouts there to you psychically as you journey along, I just need time and some quiet to concentrate and find her."

"Very well my lady." She said, bowing as Fabian swung the door open for her exit.