
(undead burg) (the depths)

this place... was far above Percy's pay grade. the dogs, the assassins, and even the torch hallows.

but before that let's go back to Percy.

Percy awoke to... something different. he was in a different place than what he remembered.

Percy saw... himself, and his mom being chased by a bull man, and my mother turning into golden mist.

Percy also saw visions of himself fighting multiple monsters. a snake-haired lady, a lion-type monster, and finally a man.

Percy woke with a start. he had a major headache and he was clenching his head.

Percy never had any of these kinds of dreams, but Percy could tell that that "Percy" wasn't him.

Percy could immediately tell because while I was skilled, he was not. also because he used a bronze sword, and I don't use that.

however, another thing Percy noticed was that the other Percy was a different person.

"you sure are smart" I heard Night say.

'thy knows who that was?' I thought.

"oh I do, however, I'm not allowed to tell you. some secrets are best left undercovered" Night said.

so it's not something she can willingly tell me. it's not like I could trick her into telling me since she could read my memory.

so in the end I decided to leave it alone. after all, it wasn't my business.

Percy got up, his body was indeed very ugly, but by now Percy was used to it.

Percy had to make his way back through the undead to the shortcut.

Percy went down two pairs of stairs and almost immediately Percy was attacked by two dogs. they inflicted bleed like the skeletons at the graveyard so Percy had to be careful.

Percy had carefully killed them and began moving forward.

Percy's trap senses were going off and they only raised once the doors were flung open.

Percy immediately rolled back to survey the area. Percy had to keep his eyes on the three assassins and killed them sparingly.

since Percy didn't want to get killed while letting his guard down Percy went for the 1v1 approach. it semi-worked.

the assassins were guarding

[hallow thief leather armor

mail breaker]

from that moment on Percy had his shield up, Percy wasn't taking any chances for an ambush.

and luckily he did because soon Percy got ambushed by three more assassins and a dog.

Percy did manage to kill them and got

[hollow thief's tights]

that was good at least Percy was getting decent armor now.

Percy had to block another dog before killing it. he then went into the room where the assassins were.

[thief mask

Black Leather armor

black leather gloves

black leather boots

target shield]

and Infront of Percy was a fog wall, and judging by its size it was going to be a boss fight.

so Percy turned around and decided not to go that way, at least not yet. after all, Percy had yet to fully explore this place.

as Percy passed a door he heard someone shouting for him.

"Somebody! Please, let me out of here! Somebody, anybody! Help me! Unlock the door! ...Damn... ...I'm finished... How did this ever happen..." he heard the voice from inside the door.

surprisingly Percy had the key to the door. the [Residence Key] that Percy bought earlier came into use now since it opened the door.

"Brilliant! You opened the door for me! Thank you; I am saved. I thought I might never escape. I am Griggs of Vinheim. A sorcerer of the school. I am much obliged for your assistance. Thanks to you, I may now resume my travels" the man said.

inside the man was guarding

[sorcerer hat

sorcerer cloak

sorcerer gauntlets

sorcerer boots

sorcerer catalyst]

Percy left the man and continued exploring, and as he did he found his worse nightmare.

torch hallows.

see there were 7 of them in this area and they destroyed his armor and shield. or more like went through it.

Percy managed to finally kill them by backing up and taking calculated swings to kill them. they were guarding

[twin humanities]

honestly, Percy still had zero idea what these things did. he was hoping to find out one day.

Percy explored where he could before finding a new pathway next to the boss. of course, Percy went there.

after all, it was smart to scout out areas before a boss fight.

Percy saw another assassin there and went to kill it. however, he got his throat slit by an assassin that was hiding in a corner.

Percy quickly rolled to his feet and blocked the assassin's blade, the next time Percy parried the blade and drove his blade through the assassin's chest.

Percy killed the other assassin that was there and began moving forward.

some stairways lead upwards and when Percy was about to go up he saw another soul item that he collected.

[large soul of the undead]

Percy went up the stairs and then up more only to deal with an undead skeleton. then Percy continued upwards again.

there in the sewers, he met another person like him... undead.

"Hmm, you still have your senses about you? Then why won't you buy some of my moss? I need your souls! Vee hee hee" the woman said.

surprisingly she was way better than the other merchant. and the poison arrows looked good, too bad Percy's bow skills suck.

however Percy went further into the sewer and found a metal door, and Percy opened it. that lead to {firelink shrine}.

Percy decided to rest at the firelink bonfire, before going back to the fog wall.

this...was where Percy met hell. the boss was called a Capra demon. the boss had 2 dogs that would attack simultaneously and that was the problem.

the arena was too small to fight that many things. there were many things restricting percys movements.

the walls were too small and the dogs were hell, and the boss was hell.

the bleed that the dogs gave plus the onslaught that the boss put me throw was absolute hell.

the reason Percy was able to beat it was due to luck. the boss didn't jump at him immediately, and that gave him enough time to kill the dog and roll away.

it also gave Percy enough time to kill the other dog. From there Percy dealt with the boss, which became way easier.

[key to the depths]