In the world of Percy Jackson, named after the Demigod son of Poseidon, a new player is involved in the game of gods. The Demigod son of Hecate and a Legacy of Ares, named after his grandfather the son of Ares Constatine Drake Jr. He gained the magic of his Mother and the Strength of the War God, along with his partner Vritra The Black Dragon King.
Once Constantine left his Mother's room and he entered his he found it was just as luxurious. For the bed, he could only call it an emperor-sized bed as it was larger than a King size and the entire room seemed to glow with a light purple glow.
Magic was everywhere and he just felt at home. He walked over and placed his hand on the wall causing two points to extend out of it. He placed Spine Splitter on it before he used magic to turn his Riot Gear into a regular t-shirt and sorts.
He also placed his Shotgun and Black Sword on the wall before he set his hunting knives on a desk by his bed. Vritra emerged from his soul as did Solomon, but they both made sure to stay small to not fill up the room. That could be changed by adding more Space Expansion spells in the room later on.
Vritra sighed as he got onto the bed limp. Seeing that made Constantine turn his head to see his friend.
"What is wrong Vritra?"
"All this time I thought I was sneaky and hidden only to know we were caught before we even came to this world. Glad your Mother, Hades, and Persephone are on our side."
That was the truth as he could have been killed at birth or beforehand if Zeus knew about him. He thanked Hades once more and he would make sure to keep Bianca and Nico far away from the Hunt and Artemis.
Speaking of Artemis, he remembered a funny hentai where a good dicking made a female supremacist meek and obedient. Having her bear him many children to fix her attitude up seemed like a good punishment for all the shit she has done. In the meantime, he waved his hand and created a portal directly to Medusa.
She was in the process of preparing to leave, but when the portal opened she didn't panic as she saw Constantine.
"Come through."
She did as he said and entered the Underworld through the portal before he closed it. When she looked around the room she turned to him still wearing her veil and blindfold.
"Where is this?"
"My Mother Hecate's Mansion in the Underworld. A place away from the spying eyes of Olympus and Athena. Here I can research how to cure you and others they have cursed. Those that they have cursed hate them the most after all.
Arachne, Lamia, Scylla, and my half-siblings from the camp. I can also lead the forces of Kronus by killing him and plundering his powers. I plan to go to Tartarus to devour Kronus while he is still sealed and to free the Titans."
Medusa sat down on a chair listening to him.
"You desire the end of Zeus don't you?"
"Anyone with a consciousness can tell you that Zeus deserves death. I will bring him that death."
"He is Immortal, he can't die."
Vritra slinked over to Medusa before wrapping around her neck.
"Dragons can kill anything. Especially for someone like Constantine."
When she looked at Constantine, he walked over to her.
"I know this is going to sound weird, but I need you to undress. I can understand you not wanting to after what you went through, but I need to check how to cure you."
Vritra removed himself from her and without hesitation, she removed her veil, and blindfold and began to strip her clothes down. At a time like this, Constantine was reminded that Medusa from Fate was one of the best female servants for a reason.
As each piece of clothes fell, more of her fair skin was revealed. Eventually, she had removed everything meaning she was naked at the moment. Even if she had to sell her body to Constantine for a chance to remove her curse she would accept.
"Lie down."
When she got on the bed, he walked over to her with Vritra. Solomon just lay down on the floor as he watched his Master and his Dragon Friend work. Constantine placed a hand on Medusa's naval and he began to transfer his Divine Dragon Mana into her body.
This caused Medusa to grit her teeth as it felt hot as Constantine was checking her soul, body, and magic circuits. Vritra was doing the same thing checking how the curse was applied to her by focusing on her soul.
He leaned in close and looked her in the eyes as he used magic to scan through them. A part of Medusa's mind felt terrible at this, but she was glad they were not focusing on her body.
Constantine could have couped a feel by now, but he was focused. Vritra explained about her eyes.
"There is a curse of Petrification on her eyes, so no one may behold her. This curse also granted you a form of immortality as you will reform in Tarturus. Monsters of a certain type are either bound to Tarturus as a form of immortality, but it is just a curse."
Constantine nodded as he ran his hand down the living purple snake for hair she had.
"Each one of these is not exactly sentient, their nerves are all connected to your brain, but you have developed a form of split personality disorder. Do you talk to these snakes or hear thoughts not your own?"
"Sometimes when I am lonely."
"That explains it, I am sorry about this, but I must touch."
He put his hand over her plump left breast. As he did that, he began to use magic to scan her heart and the rest of her circulatory system. He didn't grope her on purpose, but even still Medusa shivered at the touch.
"Your blood is odd, you look human but you have reptilian features in your blood. The curse of Athena as a Divine Curse has also given you a tiny amount of that Divinity, in the form of a curse."
Vritra flicked his tongue as he continued to learn more.
"So, we are dealing with an eternal curse of Athena, that has bound itself to her soul and turned her from a mortal woman, into a Gorgon. A mix of Monster, and Human and cursed to turn any who see her face to stone."
Constantine and Vritra pulled away from her as the Evil Dragon coiled around Constatine's neck. They sat on the bed and through their soul bond began to mentally discuss what they could do.
"Can I get dressed?"
Constantine nodded.
"Go ahead, we learned what we need. I may have a way to have this curse turn into a blessing. You would be able to take a humanoid form while possessing a monstrous Divine Form if I can get it right."
"You haven't done this before?"
Constantine shook his head.
"No, I am barely 11 and you are the first cursed 'monster' I am trying to cure. Speaking of cure, I should make a trip to the Bermuda Triangle to get the Golden Fleece. I might learn something from it."
"Careful in the Triangle as your sister Circe turns men into Guinnue Pigs."
"Right, I can free Black Beard the son of Ares to serve me in the future."
Medusa walked over to her clothes and began to get dressed. In the meantime, Constantine and Vritra walked over to their desk where they started to tinker with magic rituals.
Constantine opened up the Grimoires he had written with Vritra as they began to use Medusa's Soul Signature and the data they had gathered to make a custom ritual. It would involve a Dragon Heart, but rather than use Constantine's blood, it would just be Vritra's and her own.
Vritra as a Dragon and Asura in his prime had defeated Indra in their first fight. It was only after the Varja was constructed that he lost so she would also gain the Asura's power.
Through that, he hoped to get her her Deity Gorgon form from Fate/Grand Order Final Singularity. Once she was dressed she sat in a chair watching them work. They kept talking about rituals, runes, glyphs, and other modifications they would need to make.
She could barely comprehend half of it as most of the time they spoke in the Dragon's Tounge. Medusa turned to look at Solomon who didn't seem to care about all that.
Eventually, Medusa closed her eyes and fell asleep for an undetermined amount of time. She was awoken as Constantine began to tap her shoulder.
"Medusa, wake up. We are finished."
She hadn't put her blindfold back on as there was no need. When she opened her eyes, she saw Constantine and Vritra looking at her.
"How long was I asleep?"
"About 45 minutes. Good speed for us, right mom."
Medusa turned her head and saw Hecate sitting on Constatine's bed. After she reviewed the ritual that he and Vritra cooked up she was impressed. Even though she hadn't been able to remove Hera's curse on her daughter Lamia, a part of that was fear.
Hera as Queen of Olympus would have taken offence at that, but Constantine was not bound by those rules.
"Exactly. This will work, Medusa."
Medusa looked around the room and she saw a large ritual circle carved into the floor of Constantine's room. Hecate bit down on her finger before she let a single drop of her Ichor fall in the middle of the ritual.
As that happened, a golden glow began to flow through the lines, glyphs, and runes carved into the ritual.
"Undress once more and lie down in the middle."
She did as she was told and lied down in the middle of the circle. Constantine with Vritra around his neck walked over before placing his hand on the glowing circle. He took control of it and he began to flood it with his own Divine Dragon Mana causing a fusion of the Titanic Energy in Hecate's Titan blood and his Divine Dragon magic.
The ritual started glowing a golden purple, but Vritra added two ingredients. Two vials they had gathered while she was asleep. One was of his blood, and the second was his venom.
Once the vials were in place Constantine started the ritual which slammed into Medusa's soul leaving her dazed. Hecate held her hands up as she warded this place completely to not give Athena a chance to track them down.
The core of the curse that Athena placed was dragged out of Medusa's body which caused her to start dying. She gasped as her true death was approaching, but Constantine was not finished.
He took the curse of Athena who would be flipping out about now, and he began to purify it using the ritual circle. At the same time, the blood and venom of Vritra began to flow toward Medusa entering her body through her chest.
They both began to fuse with her heart preventing her death, but before forming her Dragon Heart he gathered the purified Curse of Athena. Now, it was pure Divine Energy that made Medusa into the Gorgan.
"Here we go."
He added that core into her heart before he fully activated the ritual in its full power starting to form her unique Divine Gorgan Heart which was an offshoot of a Divine Dragon Heart.
When he finished his ritual, Medusa didn't just stop dying, she gasped with power as power flowed through her body. Her eyes glowed a bright pink as the room started to turn to stone.
She began to shake as she stood up naked. Her snake hair began to return to regular hair, she gained control of her Petrification Ability and she gained more abillities she could need to gain under control.
She fell to her knees as she was back to normal just as he promised.
"See, not so bad right?"
Medusa rather than answer passed out which was expected as he did just change her fate and remove a curse that had been hers for thousands of years. Hecate sighed in relief as she had managed to protect them from Athena who would no doubt be telling Zeus.
Hades had also been preparing for War when he learned of the Prophecy of The Black King as he still harbored hate for the murder of his beloved Maria Di Angelo.
"We are safe."
Constantine smiled as he waved his hand and placed Medusa's clothes back on.
"There we are, aren't I a genius Mom?"
"You sure are, no one has been able to revert a curse placed on a mortal by a god, but you did. You even turned it into a blessing. I wonder what abillities she will gain?"
Constantine imagined Gorgon Medusa and he smiled.
"As do I. I will repeat this for Lamia, Arachne, and Scylla and make powerful 'monsters' who will get their vengeance. Might as well call me the god of Revenge and Justice."
Hecate smiled as she leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"Yes, you are, my King. Now, how about we take a bath together?"
He deadpanned at that.
"Mom, too soon."
"I promise to not try anything. Yet."
He sighed as he still remembered his parents from his last life. Hecate was a hottie so yolo.
"Sure, what the hell."
"Yay, I will get it ready."
When she walked out of his room to get the bath ready Vritra chuckled.
"You are Greek in the end now. Incest is in your blood."
"Soon, something more than just blood will be in her. Just not as a damn 11-year-old. I don't want people to call me a victim or something."
Vritra snorted.
"Whatever you say."
With that, he waited for his Mother to finish setting up before she invited him.