
Argen Vs. Abbadon

(Before Argen let Hope out)

"Do you think you're my mother?" Argen said as he began to unscrew the lid.

"Don't do this Argen," Selene suddenly said, grabbing his hand and reaching for the jar.

"What?" Argen said, shocked as he saw her grab him, twisting the cap just as her fingers closed around his wrist.

"Damn it..." Selene said, looking down at the jar.

Argen pulled his hand away from the titaness, staring down at the small blue light that crawled out of

Argen dodged strikes and sliced down demons, blood splashing all over him as his arms were a blur.

"I must say… Your father sired quite the bastard, it's getting me all riled up!" Abbadon said as he slammed a fist into Argen's side.

"Is that so?" Argen replied as he twisted in the air and landed on his feet, killing several more demons.

"Every single time you're always the first one to attack me…" Argen said, raising his daggers in defense as Abbadon struck once again.

"Even if I believed your story of fighting for three millenia… There's simply no chance you ever beat me." Abbadon said as he elbowed Argen across the face, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him into the ground as more demons began to swarm the injured boy.

"You've said that almost 3,000 times, how predictable," Argen said as he spun on the ground and pushed himself up, snapping his fingers and kicking Abbadon in the face all in one motion.

"Asfalis," Argen said as the silver wolf emerged from his body and attacked Abbadon, biting into his arm and dispelling red energy.

"The battle might as well be over now, you're done," Argen said as he twisted in the air and landed on a demon's face, pushing off and decapitating him at the same time.

"Why do you say that?" Abbadon said, an inch away from Argen's face.

Abbadon slammed his knee into Argen's face, throwing him into a small mob of lower devils who stabbed at him with pitchforks.

"You seem to think fighting against me 3,000 times gives you an edge… All it means is that I won 3,000 times!"

Abbadon grabbed Argen by the wrist and threw him in the air, flying through the air with him until eventually kicking him back to the ground.

"Yeah… Haha, that's exactly what I think," Argen said as he slammed into the ground.


Abbadon slammed down on Argen with his feet, hearing the crunch of his bones.

"That… didn't feel right," Abbadon muttered as Argen smirked.

"Now Yortsed…"

"What did you just-"

Abbadon widened his eyes as the very fabric of his being was destroyed. He could feel his consciousness remain but he didn't exist.

"Abbadon the Destroyer, what a useless name for one so weak… You're nothing to me now. 3,000 matches and I'm the strongest."

"All that talk, yet you don't even know anything about me… I'm starting to think you never actually beat me…"

Argen widened his eyes as Abbadon grabbed him by his face, his body reforming in a glowing black dust.

"That's…" Argen started as he struggled against the god devil's grip. "About right haha," Argen finished as Abbadon's body reformed completely, a huge sword on his hand now.

Abbadon threw Argen into the air, teleporting next to him halfway and spin kicking him back into the burning hot soil of hell.

'Not how I wanted this to go,' Argen thought as he turned to dodge the next attack from Abbadon.

It was all in vain though as Abbadon dropped to his knees and slammed into his ribs, another small crack reaching his ears as a stinging pain erupted in his side.

"Asfalis," Argen muttered as he rolled away and jumped up, dodging and blocking Abbadon's strike with Asfalis's energy.

"Let me know..." Abbadon muttered as his flesh began to flake away, "When you are ready to get serious," Abbadon raised his hand, fire bursting up all around them, forming a semi circle that blocked off any retreat Argen could have gone for.

"What an annoying ability," Argen said as he was mid air. Silver energy bursting from his palm and swirling around him. Extending his hands the energy burst forward, flowing over the fire and cooling the area down.

"We've gone through every scenario, every fight, and every possibility. I can physically bend your time, you have no chance of winning this time." Argen said dully, dodging once more as he pulled out his glock, shooting three times before turning it into a spear and swinging in a wide arc toward Abbadon.

"You've most likely said that every single time mate, this makes no difference," Abbadon said with a huge grin.

"I may have died each time, but it's inevitable that I'll beat you eventually, with each fight I get stronger, preform better, get more control, this will go on until I win and that's final."

Argen smirked to himself as he raised his hand, silver and red energy swirling around his arm. Twisting and tightening as it formed a shell.

Abbadon attacked again with the hellfire, burning off the shell quickly, but that had been Argen's purpose.

"I learned to do that in our last couple of fights, got burnt too much, still hurts you know?"

"What is this?!" An angry voice said off to the side as Argen and Abbadon continued.

"Abbadon why is he not dead yet?" Mephisto yelled out, standing next to The Beast as Argen worriedly glanced between the three.

"This is new," He muttered, shocked that there were still other possibilities after all the fights he'd had in the time loop.

Abbadon rolled his eyes, not bothering to look at mephisto, locking eyes with Argen he smirked, raising his hands in a gesture. "Look at this, all these beings that want you stopped, do you understand what that means boy? You will never destroy hell."


"That's funny, I wasn't planning on destroying anything..." Argentine said as he stood behind Abbadon, his silver aura whipping around his body as the sky opened up.

"I'm afraid I've been untruthful with my intentions, please forgive me... I have no plans to kill any of you, so long as you agree to let me rule of course," Argen said calmly, the rift in the sky like a crack in glass, stretching wider and wider.

"You rule?!" Mephisto yelled, outraged at the thought.

"Havoc," Argen said. Instantly a beam of red energy struck Mephisto. Piercing through his heart and causing his skin to decay in a flash, he didn't even have the time to scream.

"The fuck?" The Beast said as he watched Mephisto's body decay and turn into dust in only a few seconds.

"I've already gained approval from all of Beelzebub's supporters, whether you allow me to or not, I am already in place for the throne... Will you join me or stand in my way?" Argen said, finally cracking a smile as Asfalis appeared at his side.

"You aren't even a pureblood devil, your father is a forgotten name in the book of the damned, and yet you want to rule? I don't care if you're supposed to be some second coming of Astorath, I could never allow you to rule."

Argen sighed as he flashed away, narrowly avoiding Abbadon's fists.

"I thought you might say that, so here, if it's war you want... I'll go ahead and deliver," Raising his hand Argen disappeared again.

To the side a silver line of energy split through the air, opening up and revealing another sector of hell, showing the prepared demons. "For Argentum!" Some yelled. "Lord Beezlebub" Others screamed as they all streamed through the portal toward Abbadon, The Beast, and their army.

"I know you just want to return to your pantheon, just go, I can takeover hell quite easily... But I'd rather do it with as little blood shed as possible," Argen said as he stood next to Abbadon.

Abbadon stood there for a moment. "I made a promise... But... I suppose there's no need to keep a promise to a dead devil."

Abbadon sighed and turned, opening a portal and stepping through it, only looking back at Argen once he was all the way through.

"I understand what you mean to do, beware, rewriting the fabric of the world is dangerous, the abyssal god is worse than any devil, and the key is nearly drained... I wish you luck I guess, and next time I think I'll win again," With this the portal closed, leaving Argen watching the bloodshed of all the demons attacking each other.

"You may have killed Mephisto, and convinced Abbadon, but there's a reason I'm still here boy." The beast said, standing behind Argen as the half-blood felt the tension thicken.

"Yeah, I need a catalyst anyway, you finally gonna go all out with all that devoured power you have?" Argen said, his eyes shining silver as The beast lunged at him. The final fight to reach the abyss would be this one.

Father Vs. Son, Devil Vs. God, only one would survive.

No one is probably reading this anymore, but I am glad I'm finishing this finally.