
Percy jackson: into Tartarus

What happens if Percy dropped into Tartarus alone.... only chaos knows. (finished on 12/18/2020 @ 2:10 pm)

Scathach_ · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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28 Chs

joining the party

Falling was not as bad as he remembered it. Sure the last time he fell he had Annabeth with him, but now that she had taken the other side she was as good as dead to him. although it was not entirely her fault, it didn't help that she chose to believe them when I fought for them with my sweat and blood.

Percy continued looking down waiting for the ground to show up and kill him or to see a river so he could try and save himself.

'This is going to be a long fall' Percy thought.

(meanwhile with the fates)

Clotho looked at the string of Percy Jackson that she held in her hands. This never happened before, someone had messed with fate and that is never a good thing.

"Someone has tampered with fate," Clotho said.

"who could do something like this sister," Atropos asked.

"they must be incredibly powerful for them to mess with something that was set in stone," Lachesis said.

(meanwhile me writing this book, "hehe, I'm in danger")

"Could it be our mother?" Clotho asked.

"no, the mother does not get involved in mortal life," said Lachesis.

(meanwhile on Olympus)

nearly all of the people were standing there shocked. They just witnessed Percy just swear he was innocent and jump into Tartarus. The thing that shocked them the most was that he didn't give them any time to react after swearing, he just jumped right in.

"I told you guys he was innocent," said Hestia.

"can you get him back please, he proved he was innocent" annashit begged?

"you have a lot of courage to beg us when you were the one who appointed the evidence to us, Athena spawn," Artemis said.

"I didn't know, I saw the spy devices and I overreacted okay," annashit said with tears falling onto her face.

Poseidon was saddened because his son was currently in Tartarus and there wasn't anything he could do to help. Hermes also knew that he was innocent because he knows when people lied, after all, it was he who practically invented them.

Hestia was probably the most saddened because of the hero's sentence to Tartarus. He was her favorite hero, I mean who else would take time out of their day to talk to her.

"At least we got rid of a potential threat to Olympus, I'm sure he would only get more and more powerful as he grew," said Athena.

"except you are missing one key factor, Athena," Hestia said," this is Percy Jackson we are talking about. HE WILL get out of the pit, with how strong he is most monsters will not be able to kill him".

This was what got most of the gods scared, Percy Jackson was the most powerful demigod of all time.

(back to peter johnson)

Percy could finally see a river coming into the distance, he was preparing to control the water to cushion his fall. when he was almost twenty-five meter's from the surface when he made the water explode and I entered the water.

the first thing I felt I felt was pain all over my body, I only felt this pain once before and I knew which river I had fallen into. Before I could try and get out of the river the pain subside and in front of me stood a woman.

"you know you are only supposed to bathe in my river once Perseus," she said.

"yeah sorry, I kind of got thrown into Tartarus at the moment," I said.

"Should you try to bathe in my river again, I WILL reap your soul," she said.

"that seems fair," I said, "can you do me a favor before you leave."

"if it is within my power I shall," she said.

" Can you point me towards the Phlegethon river please?" I asked.

she pointed behind me and said, "if you go that direction then you shall arrive at the river in thirty minutes."

"thank you," I said and I was extremely grateful to her and made it a promise to make it up to her later if I can.

I swam to the edge and got out of the river. I was about to walk away but I bowed one last time at the Styx and left to where she pointed. I did travel for two minutes when a hellhound found me. I did not think twice and dodged when it lunged, I quickly decapitated it and continued walking to the Phlegethon.

I got attacked every two or three minutes, so I ended up fighting more than I wanted to. I finally arrived at the Phlegethon and scooped it up and drank. I felt instantly better than five minutes ago. I kept thinking about what to do when I remembered that Damasen had a hut.

Of course, he had no idea where he would go to find it but hey he didn't have many options. So that continued with his first day in Tartarus.

(23 years passed and 3 in mortal)

Percy had grown out his hair but other than that he looked just like he did when he was 17, but many good and bad things happened with Percy's little vacation to Tartarus.

(year 1)

Percy just sacrificed some of his food to lady Styx and Hestia, when he went to slept. He woke up to the battle of Manhattan. He looked up to see one of his old enemies Cronos (Kronos?) staring at him.

"You," I said angrily.

He just rolled his eyes and looked back at me, "I guess you learned your lesson, I did tell you the Olympians will betray you".

"hey, technically I jump into the pit myself. They were sentencing me though," I said.

"I forgot how sarcastic you were with your words," he said.

"Why are you here now, I'm pretty sure you should have scattered so much you wouldn't be able to form a conscious," I asked?

"I was scattered but most of my soul went into you how else do you think we are having this conversation" he responded, "Anyways because you and I will only have a few minutes before the fates try to intervene."

I was confused after all this wasn't the Cronos (Kronos) that I knew. The one I knew was trying to destroy anything or everyone.

"I'm still in your head so I can still hear your thoughts," he said.

I just shrugged my shoulders and asked, "what do you want? You want something from me."

"you got smarter from our last encounter," he said.

"yeah well after fighting you, I had to college and deal with a smart "girl" so I guess that I did get smarter" I responded.

"Yeah, I seen you deal with mother, she was always a bit of a(IDK if web novel bans us for cussing or not let me know, but the word is equivalent to a female dog)" he said.

"So what do you want, I'm not going to help you destroy the gods if that's what you want," I said.

*sigh* "yeah I'm over that already, I just want a favor and I'll help you escape Tartarus," Cronus (kronos) said.

"What's that favor, if it's to harm somebody that I consider close then I will not do it," I said as I shook my head.

"I'll give you my powers, but I want you to do something for me," he paused, "let me see Hestia one last time".

"If you swear on the River Styx that you will not try to take over my body unless I allow it then I will accept the deal," I said.

Cronos (Kronos) looked thoughtful for a second before turning towards me.

"I swear on the River Styx that I will not take control of your body until we meet Hestia, and I will leave afterwords" he swore.

Well, that's good at least I could have somebody that knew the layout of Tartarus. He could help me travel and I make it to Hestia.

(year 3 (Tartarus time) )

I was a force to be reckoned with. I would take out armies of monsters, or kill titans. With Cronos's (Kronos) chronokinesis and Hestia's pyrokinesis (and food and drink powers), Percy was practically invincible.

He also made a bow and some makeshift arrows from monster bones and tree wood from outside his hut.

(year seven and four months) (1-year mortals)

if monsters thought he was deadly earlier now he was even more deadly, he had almost perfect aim with the bow. when monsters see Percy they try their hardest to avoid him. Percy also found a new ability, although he was reluctant to use it. he believed that it would be too cruel for his taste.

the ability to control blood.

(year sixteen and eight months) (two years and 2 months)

Percy was now just the monster's nightmares. he kept spawn killing all the monsters. Hey on the bright side he had a new sword... Anaklusmos had turned blue, like ice.

He also made a map of Tartarus with almost all the places mapped out. He had his hut, the rivers, even to which monsters spawn were. Percy's hair grew out as well.

(year 23) (year 3)

Percy was taking his daily stroll in Tartarus when he felt someone watching him. He reacted just as quickly. He shot an arrow at the shoulder of who was watching him.

He was about to shoot another when he heard a familiar voice. A voice he thought that he would never hear again.

He ran forward and immediately picked up her body and brought her to his hut in the swamp. He did not waste much time before he cut both of the ends of the arrow.

She screamed when he pulled the arrow out. Luckily she was still unconscious or else he would get scolded for sure.

He made sure not to take off any of her clothes and used water from the swamp to heal her. When she looked in better shape he summoned a cup of the river Phlegethon to make her drink.

When he poured the drink into her mouth she immediately sat back up and her eyes darted around looking for danger. When I lit my hand on fire I couldn't contain my emotions and hugged her.

Sitting in front if he was a person he couldn't save. Sitting in front of him was none other than Zoe Nightshade.

"How did you get here I thought you were in Elysium," I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"I was," she said as she looked around, "where are we Percy I don't recognize this place."

"Don't worry now I have a reason to escape this hellhole. Hahaha don't worry Zoe, I'll return you to the hunt even if it's the last thing I do.

(meanwhile on Olympus)

Hestia had long since given Percy her blessing along with partial immortality, I mean she wasn't going to leave him in Tartarus without having a chance to survive.

She was poking at the almost dead flames that lay on the hearth. they were dimmed almost as much as the time father tried invading Olympus.

When she was thinking about that suddenly the fire exploded. (as in there was a lot of hope and it made a collum of fire.) Hestia was thrilled, After all, in the three years, Percy hope hasn't ever been as high as this.

Hestia knew that something happened to Percy that caused him to be extremely happy. Hestia tried to get a glimpse at Percy, but she only saw him crying while hugging someone. she couldn't see the face of the individual but she knew it was someone he cared for.

(pov back to percy)

Zoe began to ask many questions about where they were and how he got here and stuff. He answered the questions with honesty, after all, he wasn't the type to lie.

"How are we going to get out of this place percy," she asked.

"I don't know. I've been meaning to ask you but since when did you learn how to properly speak English" I asked.

She gave me a stank eye, "spend a couple of years dead and see the people you meet down there."

She had a point so I just shrug my shoulders and didn't say anything else. My only question was how she got here.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"you just did" she responded.

I glared at her before I continued to ask," how did you end up here in Tartarus" I asked.

She put on a confused face, "I don't remember, I was hanging out with some of the deceased hunters when a second later I ended up here and an arrow in my shoulder" she explained.

"If you want tomorrow we can leave Tartarus. Although the journey will be rough on you since you are not used to the environment" I said.

"It will be, but I need something to defend myself," she said looking at me

*sigh* "I crafted this bow myself so if it breaks your making me a new one," I said.

Just like that, I summoned some burgers and cherry coke and we began heading to the exit.

We arrived at the river Phlegethon and headed to the opposite side it was flowing.

"Why are we heading in this direction," she asked.

"The river Phlegethon is the only one that has an entrance to Tartarus. So if we find the cliff we can climb out of here," I explained.

"Then why didn't you leave before I showed up. You could have left at any time," she yelled.

"I was bored," I said with a shrug, "besides there was nothing for me to do up there. Now that I have you here I will just go with the hunt."

"you in a female-only camp, with lady Artemis" she laughed.

"I mean sure lady Artemis could try and kill me for showing up to her camp, but hey at least I brought you back," I said.

"Then where my sword. I thought I entrusted it to you," she said angrily.

"Hey hey, calm down it's right here," I said after pulling out my favorite ballpoint pen.

The snowy texture made the sword look badass though. It also help when he needed ice. Because the sword is near water it will create ice cubes.

"What happens to it," she asked.

"I don't know, but it happened somewhere around 6 years ago." I said, "we are nearing the place."

We walked for 20 seconds before the waterfall cliff of the river Phlegethon came from.

"wow that's a long climb," Zoe said.

"Hop on my back," I said before kneeling.

"I can do this by myself," she said crossing her arms.

"you probably could, but I know we're the spots to climb on and I can get us out in thirty minutes tops," I explained.

She didn't say anything but got on my back. I carried her to the wall before positioning myself like the last time I did this.

So began our hero's journey to get out of Tartarus. Percy started climbing like a professional cliff climber. He scaled this with a Zoe that was clinching him a little too hard.

What seemed like hours passed, until suddenly they reached their destination... The entrance to the underworld...

Unknown to them all Hades was breaking loose in the underworld. Nico (Hades' new lieutenant)

was gathering souls to fight whatever was strong enough to claw its way out of the pit.

However, when he got there all he saw were two people. One had long white hair and the other had dark brown hair, the dark brown-haired girl suddenly got off his back.

The white person stopped and suddenly looked straight at him. The guy's eyes were different one of them was golden and the other a strange brown.

Nico might not have recognized him at first but Percy could always recognize him without even looking.

"Nico.." I said.

Nico hearing a random person says his name couldn't help but feel something was off about this situation. After all, the only person to be sent to Tartarus was Percy...

"holy shit Percy," he said as he ran up to him and gave him a big brotherly hug. Percy hugged Nico back.

"dude what happened to your hair it's all white," Nico said breaking away from the hug.

"It is," said Percy before checking his hair color," holy shit it is. It was so dark in Tartarus that I stopped looking at my body."

"Percy your back, though, and that's great. We could tell everyone and they're going to be happy you returned," Nico said before he gave Percy another hug.

"About that Nico... I'm not letting everyone know that I'm back. I just want a quiet life until I feel ready to meet them," I said.

He then remembered what happened and the realization hit him. "I forgot about that,".

"Anyways it was good seeing you again but I have to go before Hades finds out about us, "I said.

I grabbed onto Zoe and I misted traveled out of the underworld and back into Manhatten. Percy could smell all the fresh air that the world had to give.

"Come on Zoe I have some unfinished business to attend to," I said before leading her to that building.

We now stood outside of my mom's old apartment. I was about to knock before I hesitated. I gathered my courage and knocked.

I heard footsteps approaching the doorway before the door opened. There stood my mother, she looked a little older but otherwise, she looked fine.

She looked at Zoe and then at me, hehe I guess I did change so much that even my mom couldn't recognize me.

"Hey mom, I'm home," I said as my voice cracked.


Hope you guys enjoyed part two.