
Percy Jackson After the End

After the prophecy has been fulfilled. Heroes are divided into different paths. But unfortunately solving a problem only attracts more problems. How does the story continue after the end?

abibia_berri · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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13 Chs

The end?

Paul's blue eyes were looking at the pegasus that had just left his garage carrying my one-eyed brother, who happened to be going to hatch his eggs.

Okay, maybe this scene was strange even for a normal demigod.

Unfortunately, we are not normal demigods.

Paul will have to accept this at one time or another.

Now how are we going to explain that he just became a grandfather of six harpies?

Our little "gang" silently enters the house to wait in the living room.

My mother and I are left alone with Paul who had just thawed.

- So, the world is not ending this again? - He asks us seriously but raising an eyebrow to reveal his playful side.

I pick up the shopping bags with one hand and put the other on Paul's shoulder.

- So, what do you think about little birds? - I say trying to hide my nervousness with sarcasm, it always works against monsters.

- Birds? - He still doesn't understand my joke.

- Let's go inside love, I'll explain everything to you. - I bet my mom wanted to look serious and trustworthy, but she still couldn't stop smiling while saying it.

I leave the shopping on the kitchen counter and run to introduce Paul to the rest of the class.

When I arrived in the room Annabeth and Nico were already greeting Paul, but the rest of the group still didn't seem to know how to act around my stepfather.

- Very good boys! This is the first and only Paul Blofis. English teacher at Goode High School. Paul these are Percy's friends, the one who just devoured your sunflower bouquet is Grover. Nico's boyfriend is Will. And the one who is always agitated there on the sofa is Leo. And Estela's new best friend is ... What's your name again?

- Alabaster, Alabaster C. Torrington, I'm new to the team. Hecate's son. - He smiled as he stood up to greet Paul, leaving little Estella in my mother's lap.

- Grover is the satyr that Percy talks about so much I assume, a pleasure to meet, I heard a lot from you from Percy. I wish luck to you Alabaster, Percy and Annabeth can be a combination from hell when angry together. And... Shouldn't Léo be dead?

-It is needed more than the imminent end of the world to kill me Sir.- Replied Léo with his big ego. Paul waited patiently for everyone to finish introducing himself and shake hands to speak.

— So, nobody has answered me till now. Are you trying to curl me up? I bet it's the Apocalypse again.— He said with an actor face in a ton that I can't tell if he was kidding or talking seriously.

—Certainly something that can lead to the destruction of the world —Nico said with a horrified face, I don't know if he meant me becoming a god or the possibility of the demigod Cyclops Harpies taking over the world.

—Please don't just scare him more than he already is. —My mother said in a scolding tone to Nico, she really treats him as if he were his own son. I also consider him my brother, although he is actually my cousin ... we will forget the divine side of the family.

—Ok, but do we start with the good news or the bad news? —Grover asks kindly to "not frighten Paul more than he already is".

—Always the good news first. — Paul answers with confidence. I've heard him say it so many times that I think it's his life sentence. "always the best dish first", "always the good people first", "always the best way first, then you can try the worst", "always aim for the best grades Percy". Okay, maybe the last one doesn't fit, but you get the idea.

—Well Paul ... you've just been promoted to grandfather of six eggs. — Leo said before anyone could make a joke before him.

Paul gives Leo a confused look as he tries to get on with the information. Leo obviously can't stop laughing on his own, which makes me almost laugh too. But come on, it's not that fun when the victim is my stepfather.

—Ella Tyson's girlfriend just laid six Harpy eggs. I called black jack to take Tyson to camp. And I'm sorry for the hull marks on the hood of your car again, I'll try to convince black jack not to do that anymore.— My gods, I haven't been so stoked with words since I asked Annabeth for a date.

Now Paul had a stupid smile on his face. He puts both hands on my work and looks deeply into my eyes.

—Forget the car Percy! You have no idea how happy I am for Tyson! It is wonderful! a mix of Cyclops and Harpy demigods! Simply a miracle! Be sure to take me to them as soon as they hatch! Speaking of which, what about you and Annabeth? Have you been dating for four years, not thinking about getting married or having children?— I look uncomfortably at annabeth as I say.

—Well, that's part of the bad news.

—What ? You are dying? Do I plan to sacrifice myself like a while ago? — he asks desperately and shaking me by the shoulders.

—HA! If he were dying it would still be better than what is really happening! —Alabaster replies sarcastically.

—hmm, this was not as funny as mine. — Lion replies, realizing that he has just won a competitor for bad jokes.

—And the real answer is ...? — Paul asks again, this time more relaxed.

—I'm becoming a god. — I try to speak as simply as possible before Leo can think of yet another joke.

—Oh? It doesn't look that bad. —He responds as if we had deceived him with all the drama. He just still doesn't understand the true extent of the drama.

—Yeah, I wouldn't see that too badly if Percy didn't drain the water from my body when he has an outbreak. The feeling unspeakably horrible. — Grover complains while shivering just remembering it. Dude, I'm the worst.

Paul looks at me with a new face, a little terrified, a little apprehensive. It just makes me feel worse. Oh, better to have positive thoughts, I don't know what I can do if I get emotional again. And that just makes you more nervous. Oh life! Why did it have to be me?

—Hey let's forget about the problems and focus on the solution. That's why we came here and every minute we spend is precious.— Annabeth takes my hand and proclaims self to others. This is my girl, always giving a way to my problems.

—I assume you already understood that point, Mrs. Jackson, we are looking for some answers. Could you give it to us? — These are the side effects. When annabeth goes into "I'll get it" mode, she can get a little rude or even cold.

My Mother knows Annabeth and simply responds in a comforting tone.

—Of course sweet, sit down, I have a story to tell. And don't worry, it's not that long.