
No masks are needed when talking to a corpse

[ A couple of months later ]

[ Random empousa pov ]

"You know, my sisters all enjoy the blood of men... in that sense I suppose I am different." I say, looking at the face of the pretty girl who is currently holding a dagger through my heart. "I always ended up running after the pretty women like yourself."

Her eyes remained cold while the dagger was pushed deeper through my ribcage, no doubt in an attempt to kill me faster.

"There is no need for you to worry, I will die already." I tell her while my feet start turning to ashes, making me drop to my knees. "I suppose neither one of my sisters is doing much better than myself against their prey, seeing as I came after you because I thought that besides the prettiest you were also the weakest, well the satire guiding your group should be the weakest but he wouldn't taste as good as a demigod so we kind of ignored him... ugh, truly annoying having my sisters dead at the hands of filthy demigods like yourself." I continue talking, my expression turning angry while hers remained unfazed.

"Have you no shame as a hero? Slaughtering an entire family that didn't even attack you?!" I continue, my voice turning louder. It is true that they attacked us before we attacked them, not that we weren't planning to devour them, they simply made their move before we made ours.

"Hero? Is that what the demigods you have met before called themselves?" replied the girl, speaking for the first time since we met.

"Of course! Don't you demigods go around claiming to be heroes? Receiving praises and gold while songs are written about you?!" I say while raising my voice further.

All demigods are the same, I have died countless times over the centuries and all demigods had the same expression when looking at me as their swords claimed my life, the expression a hunter has when catching an amazing prey and waiting to be praised for it, an expression filled with pride and contempt.

"Well I am not a hero." she said plainly. "Also, stop your little act, you won't guilt trip me into anything. In fact, after today I won't spare a second thought on you, the most attention you will receive from me will be right now, when I will surely spit on your ashes as I have done to countless monsters before you and will do to countless after." continued the girl, her expression turning angry while looking at me with slight disgust.

"I mean, did you really think I would care about any of your kind? You could have the saddest backstory ever and I still wouldn't give a sh*t." she continues saying, making my eyes widen a bit while hearing the cruelty in her words. "Honestly, what kind of idiot would I be if I cared about the monsters trying to kill me?"

"Besides, what is that family nonsense huh? Me and my family have been attacked countless times by your kind and the only time someone ever mentioned family while they held the advantage was when saying how great it would be for us to watch each other die. Though it is indeed strange hearing insults like this, I am pretty sure aI have heard them before... well you aren't the first one to get angry over the death of their kin and you won't be the last, so feel free to die while knowing that your killer doesn't give a sh*t about it. Also, it is not even like this is personal so stop trying to make it about you, I don't want my family to die so I am killing you, who wants us to die, there is nothing else besides that."

As she finishes speaking, her dagger moving deeper and deeper through my body, however I can't help but let a smile blossom on my face. "All those who have slayed me have always acted like they were right, boasting about how great heroes they were for saving the world from my existence, but you? You don't even try to hide the cruelty of your acts behind some fancy words..." I say while coughing some blood.

Looking directly into her cold eyes, I feel my cheeks flush a bit. "What a shame you were born as a demigod..." I say while slowly moving my vanishing hand to caress the scar on her cheek. "You would have made a wonderful monster."

While my body slowly turns to ashes, I take one last look at her beautiful face. "What is your name?" I ask.

"Christina." she replies dryly. Honestly I wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't answer me.

"I see... Christina, a pretty name for a pretty face I suppose." I say with my last strength while my face turns to ashes as well. "Well Christina, I am Keres."

As soon as my name left my mouth, I felt darkness overtake me while my body slowly began to reform in the pits of Tartarus, leaving me with the image of her deep and cold blue eyes.

'Ahhh what a shame that when I return you will already be dead my dear... I am sure we could have had so much fun together.'




Author note:

Okey just in case, it is not that Christina lies to the others, she simply doesn't show how much she actually hates monsters to the rest.

Also, I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot, like way more than I expected.